Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1898: Dilemma

Chapter 1898 Dilemma

Lin Fei's figure appeared directly in the inn room.

Just when Lin Fei teleported out of the slave tower, the little barren beast actually entangled Lin Fei and asked to follow him out of the outside world.

Lin Fei naturally had to let it go.

So the wild beast stood on Lin Fei's shoulders and followed Lin Fei out.

After Lin Fei appeared in the room, he left the inn directly, preparing to head out of the city.

Just as Lin Fei left the inn, in the void outside the city.

"The breath of those two **** seems to be moving.

Their location, there! "

The head of the Nanhai School immediately spread the message to the other masters.

The secret treasure on her body can accurately perceive the Buddha-like aura of Rong'er and Wan'er.

Because that secret treasure was left by an immortal monk, it was too high in level and too powerful.

Even if Rong'er and Wan'er were in the slave tower, they couldn't escape the perception of the secret treasure, especially when the location moved, the perception of the secret treasure became clearer.

The slave tower was on Lin Fei's body.

As soon as Lin Fei moved, Rong'er and Wan'er moved.

Therefore, the head of the Nanhai School found out immediately.

Suddenly, a group of powerful divine consciousness swept towards Lin Fei's position.

Although, Lin Fei had already used the Dao breath method to change his appearance and become a stranger.

But, immediately, all the power of divine consciousness was locked in Lin Fei.

Because, in this direction and this position, only Lin Fei is the most suspicious.

"No, there is a master in the cave world perceiving me."

Lin Fei was taken aback and realized that he must be from the Zhao family or the Nanhai school.

Then, Lin Fei's divine consciousness also sensed it.

In an instant, it was found that something was wrong.

In this bluestone city, there are actually a large number of people in ambush.

At this moment, Lin Fei didn't know where, his trace had already been leaked.

"rush out!"

Lin Fei gritted his teeth.

The other party must have some special means to perceive his own existence.


In all directions, a dozen sharp figures appeared at the same time, rushing out to Lin Fei's position.

Turned out to be fifteen masters of the cave world.

Moreover, they are all masters of the Cave Heaven Realm with very powerful combat power, among them are Patriarch Zhao and the head of the Nanhai School.

A total of fifteen masters of the Cave and Heaven Realm formed an encircling net from fifteen angles and charged towards Lin Fei.

"Enclosed, we must never let this little thief escape!"

Patriarch Zhao shouted sharply.

There were as many as tens of thousands of people and horses in and out of Bluestone City. They all acted simultaneously, overlapping and overlapping, like a tide, forming a huge encirclement, enclosing Lin Fei in the center, and then the encirclement quickly shrank.

Lin Fei realized that in order to deal with himself, this bluestone city was about to be emptied.

The rest of the unrelated people, I am afraid they have been driven away long ago.

In the entire huge city, only these people in ambush were left.

"A big handwriting."

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile.

It seems that in order to deal with themselves, the Zhao family and the Nanhai school really spent a lot of time.

"Little thief, this time, you can't escape with your wings!"

The Patriarch of the Zhao family was getting closer and closer to Lin Fei. His eyes were red, and his gaze looking at Lin Fei seemed to be cannibalistic and extremely bitter.

Lin Fei killed his only son in front of him, then broke into the plateau mining area, robbing Zhao's family of mines.

In this Patriarch Zhao's heart, he had long wanted to kill Lin Fei thousands of times.

Now that the enemy meets, I am extremely jealous.

"Little thief, you hijacked our female disciple, then broke into our mining area, killed our disciple, and robbed our mine. You are guilty of [笔趣阁].

You better confess your guilt! "

The head of the Nanhai School also sternly shouted at Lin Fei.

"This little thief does a lot of evil, kill this little thief, and do a great harm to our Nanling!"

The rest of those who were invited to help fist also shouted one by one, rushing over to kill Lin Fei.

Because both the Zhao Family and the Nanhai School have already released huge rewards.

If you kill the little thief in front of you, you will get a huge bounty.

Therefore, the other masters who have been invited are naturally very hardworking.

"Master, find a way to escape, don't love to fight."

At this time, Lu Qi also appeared next to Lin Fei, looking at the fifteen caves and heavens around him, his expression was a little serious.

"Yes, among these fifteen Heavenly Cave Realm masters, there are actually four of them armed with Extreme Immortal Soldiers. This battle really cannot be fought."

Lin Fei also said.

So, Lin Fei waved his hand and immediately displayed the power of space, and the space next to him began to rippling slightly.

"That little thief wants to travel through space!

Stop him! "

Patriarch Zhao had already paid close attention to Lin Fei's every move.

Because he knew that Lin Fei could travel through space.

At this moment, when he saw Lin Fei's change, he shouted.

Suddenly, fifteen masters of the cave-sky realm simultaneously displayed their legal powers.

The surging power of various laws seemed to fall from the sky through the void, exerting on the space where Lin Fei's body was.

At the same time, the four extreme immortal soldiers were instantly activated, four terrifying energies that seemed to destroy the heavens and the earth, tear the void and rush towards Lin Fei.

At this moment, Lin Fei felt that this space seemed to stagnate.

All kinds of legal forces form a space cage, which seems to restrict this space.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult to travel through space.

Because the stability of the space has been disturbed.

Lin Fei immediately released his powers, his whole body was like a burning furnace, and illusory flames rose into the sky. Long dragons of blood and qi rushed out of the body, roaring and rushing out to the surrounding space, against those terrible laws and forces.

The avatar of the demon body also appeared instantaneously, displaying the forbidden magic of the coming demon, and the overwhelming magical runes, like black snowflakes in the sky, sealed off to those laws.

Of course, Lu Qi was also the first time to display his law power against the law power exerted by the fifteen cave-sky masters in this space.

However, Lin Fei and the demon body clone and the three Lu Qi, after all, are a little bit smaller, and at the same time fighting against the law of fifteen masters of the cave world, it is impossible to win immediately.

Therefore, within this short moment, Lin Fei was unable to use the power of space at all, successfully traversing into the chaotic void.

Moreover, the attack energy emitted by the four activated extreme immortal soldiers is about to hit.

The situation is critical!

For Lin Fei, life is hanging by a thread even between life and death!

Once the attack energy from the four extreme immortal soldiers really hit Lin Fei, it is estimated that Lin Fei would be wiped out immediately.

At this time, Lin Fei even began to communicate with the big flame stone stele in his dantian to see if it could come out to help.

"No, master, let's go back to the slave tower first, and then slowly figure out a solution."

Lu Qi said.

The opponent has fifteen masters of the Heavenly Caverns. The most important thing is that the opponent also has four Extreme Immortal soldiers, which is impossible to fight.

Lin Fei nodded.

However, at this moment.

The little barren beast that had been standing on Lin Fei's shoulders suddenly moved.

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