Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1899: Little Wild Beast is injured

The first thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine chapters are injured

The little wild beast suddenly glowed all over his body, blazing white light, extremely dazzling.

A burst of power instantly burst from its small body, like a vast ocean, rushing out in all directions.

This force is huge and very strange.

Wherever the turbulent white light went, time stagnated. Suddenly, everything in the surrounding space became still.

This is a very strange feeling. Time seems to have been emptied. Everything, including air, and even all the power and energy of the law, stopped at that moment.

However, Lin Fei was pleasantly surprised that he was not affected at all.

However, when Lin Fei looked at the little wild beast, he was shocked.

Because the corners of Xiaohuangmon's mouth were bleeding, and his face turned pale.

It glows all over, blazing white light, very dazzling.

Lin Fei immediately understood that this little barren beast was burning its essence and blood to help him get out of trouble.


Xiao Huang Beast passed a sound transmission to Lin Fei.

It was in a bad condition, with more and more blood at the corners of its mouth, and its breath was very sluggish, almost unable to hold it.

Because the attack energy emitted by the four extremely immortal soldiers entered its time domain and caused huge damage to it.

It has control over the surrounding time and is about to collapse.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fei couldn't help but feel very heartbroken.

This little guy was injured just to save himself.

At the same time, Lin Feidang didn't hesitate anymore. At this moment, at the fastest speed, he displayed the space power, brought the small wild beast, and Lu Qi, and instantly passed through the chaotic void.

Then, the small time domain created by the little wild beast just now fell apart.

The power of the law exerted by the surrounding fifteen hole-sky realm masters took effect again.


This space completely boiled, terrifying energy raged, and the sky fell apart.

The space completely collapsed, and countless space fragments shattered all over the sky and splashed everywhere.

It seems to be the end of the world.

Then, a series of black and faint space cracks, this space appeared, very wide.

It looks like a giant mouth of monsters, very scary.

In the chaos and void.


Lin Fei had just passed through the chaotic void, and felt the huge energy fluctuations coming from behind him.

Four extreme immortal soldiers, fifteen masters of the cave and heaven realm, work together to strike.

How terrible and powerful is the power produced.

It seems to have penetrated the void directly.

A burst of energy fluctuations chased Lin Fei's back into the chaotic void, acting on Lin Fei's body.

Lin Fei was injured immediately.

Moreover, the injury was still very serious.

Lin Fei kept coughing up blood, and even vomited several mouthfuls of blood, and his face turned pale all of a sudden.

The breath has also languished a lot.

"Master, are you all right."

Upon seeing this, Lu Qi asked with concern.

"It's okay, I can't die."

Lin Fei replied.

Lin Fei practiced the Immortal Refining Artifacts Golden Body Jue. He had a very strong personality. Although he was seriously injured, his recovery ability was very strong.

Moreover, Lin Fei was carrying a lot of Dao medicine and healing Dao Pill, so it was not difficult for Lin Fei to recover from such an injury.

Lin Fei immediately took a large number of Dao medicines and Dao Dan that were effective in healing injuries.

Then, the injuries in the body began to slowly recover.

Then, Lin Fei's attention fell on the little barren beast on his shoulders.

The aura of the little wild beast at this time was very wilting, and the blood on the corner of his mouth was a bit shocking.

"Are you OK."

Lin Fei sent a voice transmission and asked.

"I may be sleeping for a while."

Little Wild Beast teleported a voice transmission vaguely.

At this moment, the little wild beast seemed to be in a state of a little faint, low energy, as if it would fall asleep at any time.

"Well, you take a good rest first."

Lin Fei looked at the desolate little barren beast, very heartbroken, and at the same time he blamed himself.

This little barren beast had just hatched, which was equivalent to a newly born baby, and he hadn't taken care of it properly.

Instead, it was so badly injured because it protected itself.

In the past, in the nine desert islands of the Yuan Wu world, Lin Fei was asked by the remnant soul of the wild beast to help it take care of the wild egg.

This is quite a taste of dying loneliness.

Now, Lin Fei's heart now has a strong self-blame.

Then, Lin Fei thought, teleported the little barren beast back to the ninth secret room of the slave tower, allowing it to rest quietly.

In the bluestone city.


Patriarch Zhao's raging roar turned into terrifying sound waves, forming sound waves visible to the naked eye, layered on top of each other, and transmitted far away.

At this time, Patriarch Zhao was in a state of rampage.

Seeing, Tuantuan surrounded the little thief and was about to kill him.

However, the little thief finally managed to pass through the void.

"How is this going?!

We fifteen masters of the Cave and Heaven Realm shot at the same time, plus four extremely immortal soldiers, it was still impossible to stop the little thief from passing through the space.

How could that kid be so against the sky! "

The head of the Nanhai School looked at the space where Lin Fei stood just now, unable to believe it.

"What exactly is going on?"

The dozens of other masters in the cave world were also very shocked.

Under this situation, the little thief actually left calmly.

It is simply unbelievable.


There is a distance limit for that kid to travel through space!

Everyone, go after them separately. Once you find that kid's trail, immediately warn! "

Patriarch Zhao shouted Li.

Among all the people, he hated Lin Fei the most.

Because his beloved only son died in the hands of Lin Fei.

As a result, the men and horses in Bluestone City immediately chased them out in all directions.

Last time, near Nanhai City, the Patriarch of the Zhao family had chased and killed Lin Fei once, so he knew the approximate distance Lin Fei could travel through space.

Under his command, all the horses dispersed in a moment, waiting for any place Lin Fei might appear.

In the chaos and void.

Lin Fei was sitting cross-legged, meditating to heal his injuries.

With Lin Fei's current space power, not only can he travel a distance of more than 10,000 meters in the chaotic void, but he can also stay in the chaotic void for a long time.

About an hour later.

Lin Fei, who was healing his knees cross-legged, slowly opened his eyes.

"Fortunately, the injury is almost healed."

Lin Fei let out a sigh of relief.

After taking a large amount of Dao Medicine and Dao Pill, plus an hour's movement to heal his injuries, Lin Fei's injury was already 70 to 80% better.

Of course, the main reason that the injury can recover so quickly is because of the Immortal Refining Artifact that Lin Fei cultivated.


Zhao Family, Nanhai School..."

Lin Fei sneered, gritted his teeth.

Then, Lin Fei stood up, advanced a certain distance, went straight out, and returned to the outer space.

"There, I saw that little thief!"

Lin Fei's figure just came out of the chaotic void. Several people nearby noticed Lin Fei's figure and immediately shouted with joy.

When Lin Fei moved, he rushed into the ground, disappeared, and escaped from below the ground.

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