Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1938: Weird palace

In the boundless chaos and void, Lin Fei slowly fumbled forward based on feelings.

The Great Flame Stone Stele had already returned to the Dantian.

Because Lin Fei has no life worry for now.

In this void, chaos and chaos, everything is unstable, and time and space are constantly dislocated and distorted.

All sorts of weird scenes are happening constantly.

Based on the feeling, Lin Fei tried his best to advance in the direction of Xianling Realm.

However, Lin Fei naturally knew that this feeling was very ridiculous.

In the chaos and void, if there is no predetermined coordinates, who has such great ability to find the right direction.

Therefore, Lin Fei can only rely on the vague feeling now, hitting luck!

In this way, chaos and confusion, Lin Fei didn't know how far he had gone and how long he had been walking.

Whenever the space power was exhausted, Lin Fei teleported into the city on her body to recover, and then teleported out again to move on.


As he moved forward, Lin Fei's face suddenly moved and looked into the distance.

In the distance, at a certain location, a huge black crack appeared in the void, like a grand canyon.

Originally, in the chaos and void, all kinds of scenes, bizarre, everything, there was a spatial crack, nothing special.

However, Lin Fei keenly felt that in the **** crack, there was a kind of transmitted energy faintly radiating.

Although very weak, Lin Fei had a certain level of space power, and he sensed those weak transmission powers.

"It's weird, isn't there a transmission channel hidden in there?"

Lin Fei was puzzled, so he walked to the location of the **** crack.

Before coming to the **** crack, Lin Fei found that the structure of this crack was very stable, and it did not seem to be dislocated and moved at any time like the chaotic void in other places.

"Well, it seems that there is something weird in it."

Lin Fei said to himself.

In this very chaotic space of time and space, there is a large and stable crack, which is extraordinary.

"Go in and see!"

Lin Fei gritted his teeth and walked in the dark crack in front of him.

In the big crack, the light is dim.

Lin Fei moved forward cautiously.

The big crack is deep and extends inward, as if it has no end.

Lin Fei estimated that he had been away for almost a full day.

"this is……"

Lin Fei's face turned pale, staring at the front, her heart shaking.

I saw a black palace suspended in the air in the space ahead!

What is even more frightening is that this palace is stained with blood, and there are shocking red blood stains all over the black palace.

Red, and black, alternately together, are very conspicuous.

That blood-stained palace, just like this, was suspended in the void, as if it was drifting, and it seemed to be still.

This is a kind of spectacle, and there is such a palace in the void.

The palace is very large, it seems to stand upright, the walls look a little old, with the bright blood stains, there is a strange and desolate atmosphere.

I don't know how long it has existed.

Lin Fei looked at the palace for a moment, and determined that the weak teleportation power he had sensed before was emanating from this palace.

Lin Fei had hesitated for a long time before this blood-stained strange palace, and finally walked in with his scalp.

Inside the palace, there is nothingness and emptiness, vastness and boundlessness.

It seems to last forever, there is no sound, no ray of life fluctuations, and some are just dead, and there are mottled marks of time.


Inside the empty palace, only Lin Fei's footsteps sounded clearly, very harsh.

Lin Fei looked around carefully, and suddenly found that there was a blast of blood in the far front, and a violent energy of qi and blood rushed toward his face.

It was a patch of blood. On the ground of the black hall, although it was still far from Lin Fei's position, the blood was so clear that the bright red blood seemed to contain ancient and mysterious runes.

Lin Fei gave birth to a chill, what kind of creature's blood can emit such a strong fluctuation of blood, containing vitality and runes.

After a few hours, Lin Fei finally approached the **** light.

In the sky of blood, there was a skinny old man in mysterious clothes sitting cross-legged, his eyes closed, his skin and flesh shriveled, without any life fluctuations.

Obviously, this old man in Xuanyi has already been dead for a long time.

Around the body of the old man Xuanyi, a lot of blood was spilled, and it seemed that it was still very fresh, and even conveyed a warm feeling.

It's as if it was just spilled.

There was also temperature, and, among the blood and light, there were mysterious runes flying around, surrounded by a layer of mysterious power.

"The strength of this senior must be amazing before his death.

I don't know how long he has been dead, but there is still temperature and mysterious power in those scattered blood. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

Lin Fei moved on, very cautious.

After a while, Lin Fei encountered more corpses, including humans, beasts, and demons. Each corpse emitted powerful energy fluctuations, which made people afraid to approach.

At a glance, I knew that each of these corpses was an earth-shattering generation before his death.

However, they all fell into this hall.

Passing around a terrifying corpse, Lin Fei's heart couldn't help but feel chills.

What is this palace, and why are so many powerful bodies buried?

Soon, Lin Fei saw the pits and pits on the ground of the main hall and on the surrounding walls, as if they had been hit hard, with axe marks and sword holes on them, and there was a big battle.

In just an instant, Lin Fei was terrified. Through those holes and traces, it seemed that there was a terrifying murderous force coming, making him feel a kind of domineering and fighting spirit.

It must have been left by the Gedai masters. The traces of their battles are still there, and they still convey an unimaginable aura, appearing across time and space.

In the faint, Lin Fei also heard the smashing sound of the sky shaking, there was also the horn of the peak, the metal sound of weapons hitting, the screams of creatures before they died...

Lin Fei continued to walk forward, completely freed up, it depends on what happened.

Because I was so curious inside.

In the endless chaos and void, such a strange palace actually floats.

In the palace, there have been great battles, and so many once powerful men have fallen.

This was like a huge mystery, tempting Lin Fei to solve it.

After walking for a long time, Lin Fei saw a huge iron cylinder appeared in front of him, it was as black as ink.

It stands there, as tall as a mountain, with amazing fluctuations.

"What is this?"

Lin Fei was a little surprised, looking at the huge water tank like a mountain in front of him.

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