Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1939: The strength of the magic body clone has skyrocketed

There are many words engraved on the iron cylinder.

Lin Fei stepped forward and read it carefully.

Then, Lin Fei was completely in shock.

According to these written records, this big iron cylinder is a merit cylinder.

The soldiers set off on the expedition, and every time they killed an enemy strong, they brought their heads back and sealed them in this merit cylinder.

This merit cylinder can preserve the enemy's head forever and remember the great merits of soldiers who went to the field to kill the enemy and defend the country!

In addition, the words on the iron cylinder also recorded many brilliant achievements.

For example, in the battle of XX, how many enemies were killed in total, how many heads were cut back, which general, which soldier, in this battle, performed the most prominently and obtained the most combat achievements.

And what shocked Lin Fei the most was that according to these written records, the so-called warriors actually referred to the warriors of the Immortal Ling Realm!

Because, there is a sentence in it that says: This great battle was very successful, killing countless enemies, and successfully defeating another attacking conspiracy of the foreign demons. The situation is gratifying, and I hope that the immortal cemetery will always be as infallible!

May the world of Xianling be as solid forever!

This sentence made Lin Fei extremely shocked.

Could it be that this palace used to be a stronghold for the creatures of the Xianling Realm who stayed here to resist the evil demons in the foreign land?

Lin Fei was surprised and happy.

"Could it be that the skulls of foreign demons are contained in this iron cylinder?"

Lin Fei said to himself.

Lin Fei walked around it for a while, and then began to rise from the ground, toward the iron cylinder mouth.

However, after the distance was too close, a terrible and evil aura came from the mouth of the iron cylinder, making Lin Fei feel painful in his body, like being cut by a knife.

Lin Fei endured the severe pain, climbed to the top of the mountain-like water tank, looked in, and was shocked!

The full tank of blood is black with runes inside. If the lake is undulating, it is amazing.


Lin Fei couldn't help but exclaimed, are these all the blood of the evil demon outside the territory? Such a big water tank is too amazing.

Lin Fei's spiritual consciousness stretched into the cylinder of black blood.

The black blood is too terrifying. As soon as the divine consciousness approaches, it will be burnt clean, and it cannot really penetrate into it.

The black blood contains tyrannical power, too tyrannical, too terrifying.

"Sure enough, a lot of heads!"

Lin Fei saw a shocking scene.

Within Tie Que, a dense cylinder of black blood floated with dense heads.

These heads, as expected, belonged to the evil demons outside the territory, each with a hideous face, strange shapes, and very terrifying.

The monstrous and evil energy turned into terrifying energy hurricanes, rushing out in all directions.

"Evil energy!"

Lin Fei was surprised and happy.

Other warriors may be afraid of these fierce and evil energies, but for Lin Fei, it is hard to find.

Because it is these evil energies that the demon body clone is now practicing!

"Well, I don't know, can that evil needle absorb these evil energy?"

Lin Fei was very excited.

Therefore, Lin Fei [] thought to release the demon clone directly.

The demon body clone took out the evil needle, turned it into an iron rod, stretched it into the iron cylinder, and immersed it in a cylinder of dark blood.


next moment.

The Ten Thousand Devil Zhutian Evil Needle seemed to have turned into a black hole, emitting terrible swallowing power, swallowing the pitch black blood in the iron cylinder and the densely packed evil demon head soaked in the blood.

Suddenly, the entire big iron cylinder began to stir frantically.

All the blood, and the heads of the demons, were continuously absorbed by the evil needles.

Then, Lin Fei discovered that the fierce energy contained in this Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle was soaring at a terrifying speed!

"Oh no!

It is actually a sacred object of our world! "

"No, even though I am dead, the remaining consciousness is still there, and I can still exist for endless years, so I will be swallowed by the holy things of my realm, not reconciled!"

Faintly, in the big iron cylinder, there were bursts of miserable hissing and howling, very harsh.

There seemed to be endless demons and giants, crying, screaming, and wailing.

This big iron cylinder is too big.

There are too many blood and demons' heads in it.

Ten Thousand Demons Zhutian Evil Needle, although the devouring power it sent out was very powerful.

However, it lasted for almost a whole day before finally absorbing everything in the iron tank.

"What a powerful feeling!"

Lin Fei felt the Evil Needle of Ten Thousand Demons, and couldn't help being surprised and happy.

With Lin Fei's current strength cultivation base, it is impossible to predict how terrifying the evil energy contained in this evil needle is.

In short, even if the Heavenly Cave Realm master comes, it is estimated that he can easily beheaded!

And with the strengthening of the Ten Thousand Devil Zhutian Evil Needle, the strength of the demon body clone naturally also advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching an incredible height.

After all, the demon body clone is actually another body of Lin Fei, and every move is completely controlled by Lin Fei's consciousness.

So this also means.

Lin Fei will encounter a master of the cave world in the future, as long as he releases the demon body clone, he can fight generously, even crushingly!

"Thank you, seniors, for making the younger boys!"

Lin Fei stood on the ground and bowed deeply toward the huge iron cylinder like a mountain.

Because, in this big iron cylinder, the terrifying number of demonic heads and the full tank of dark demon blood are the achievements of the senior sages of the Xianling Realm who fought on the battlefield and fought bravely to kill the enemy.

Unexpectedly, after such a long period of time, it was cheaper for a junior.

Therefore, Lin Fei is very grateful.

These former sages, who sprinkled blood on the battlefield in order to resist the evil spirits of the foreign land, set up a magnificent record, are the great heroes of the fairy cemetery!

It is always worthy of the admiration and miss of future generations!

Then, Lin Fei continued on.

Because this hall seems to have not yet reached the end of its exploration, and there is still a very vast space ahead.


After advancing again for a long time, Lin Fei suddenly discovered that there was an altar in front of it, exuding a sense of endless years of mulberry, the whole body was black, and many ancient patterns were carved.

Those patterns are very mysterious, and are full of sword marks and sword holes, obviously fighting has taken place.

Driven by curiosity, Lin Fei continued to climb along the huge stone steps to reach the black altar that was many times taller than the mountain.

At the top of the huge black altar, there is a sunken pool. The inside is a five-color liquid, like jade slurry, crystal clear and bright, and it emits a bright glow.

"This is also... blood?"

Lin Fei stunned, and after careful identification, he confirmed that it was such a thing. Is this a sacrifice?

This kind of blood must be very strange, just watching, there is a kind of unpredictable power, Lin Fei feels, with a bitter murderous intent!

"These things are fierce and murderous, as if they were brought back from the battlefield?"

Lin Fei said to himself.

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