Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1994: Funeral ground

The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-four chapters burial place

"Senior, are you all right now."

Lin Fei asked.

"It's all right for now.

However, these extraterritorial demons will never give up.

Next time, I don't know when they will come to break the seal here again. "

The middle-aged man shook his head and sighed.

Obviously, he is not optimistic and a little worried.


Liu Qingyang, **** you!

You suppressed me for such a long time, one day, my extraterritorial army will return to Xianling Realm.

Immortal Ling Realm will be unstoppable!

At that time, I will kill you myself!

Damn Liu Qingyang! "

At this moment, suddenly, in the distance, in the depths of the earth, there was a roar, and that terrible sound shook the whole land to a halt.


let me out! "

"I will kill all these nasty creatures in the Immortal Ling Realm!"

As that roar sounded, and then, there were many other roars that continued to sound in the depths of the earth.

In that direction, the sky was roaring and the earth shook.

At the same time, there is a powerful evil energy that faintly diffuses from that direction, turning into a billowing black mist, sealing the world.

"Senior, that is!"

Lin Fei was shocked.

"That is the burial place.

Buried inside are all powerful creatures from outside the territory that invaded our fairy tombs in ancient times.

These powerful creatures from outside the territories all died in that great battle in ancient times.

Some powerful creatures, even if they are dead, can hardly destroy them completely.

Because even if they were beheaded, they were not really dead, their souls would not die, or they would leave behind some mysterious origins as the continuation of life will.

Under such circumstances, they can only be suppressed.

Therefore, there is a burial place here. "

Said the middle-aged man.

"I don't know why. Recently, the suppressed extraterritorial creatures in that burial ground were suddenly stimulated and became riots.

Moreover, their strength is gradually increasing.

During this time, I spent a lot of energy to suppress them.

Therefore, I didn't notice it for a while and let the hand of the demon ancestor take the opportunity to break through the sealed door. "

The middle-aged man continued.

Because Lin Fei had a big flame stone stele on his body, this middle-aged man didn't treat Lin Fei as an outsider, so he could talk about it.

"Liu Qingyang, you **** it!"

Deep in the earth, the loudest roar sounded repeatedly.

Waves of evil energy rushed from the burial ground, turned into a monstrous black mist, and rushed towards Lin Fei and the middle-aged man.

"Senior, your name is Liu Qingyang?"

Lin Fei asked curiously.

"Not bad.

Here, I personally sit in town.

Therefore, those extraterritorial creatures in the burial ground hate me to the bone. "

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded.

"Senior Liu, do you mean that it took a lot of your energy to suppress the extraterritorial creatures in the burial ground?"

Lin Fei asked.

"Not bad."

The middle-aged man nodded and looked at Lin Fei with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"Senior, it should be a good thing if I eliminate all the extraterritorial demons in the burial ground."

Lin Fei asked.

At this moment, Lin Fei thought of an idea.


Eliminate them all?

Oh, my little friend, thank you for your kindness.

It's just that the demons that were suppressed in the burial ground belonged to some relatively powerful beings. They could only be suppressed, and it was difficult to truly eliminate them. "

The middle-aged man shook his head and smiled.

"Senior Liu, don't worry, I have a way."

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei's idea was naturally to use Ten Thousand Demons to punish the sky and evil needles to absorb the energy source of those demons.

No matter how powerful the demons in the burial ground were, once the energy source was absorbed, they would definitely not be able to overcome any big waves.

As one of the most powerful sacred artifacts in the abyss domain, the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle was able to absorb the remnants of the evil spirits. Lin Fei believed that it should be possible to do it.

"Oh, you have a way."

The middle-aged man was taken aback.

"Yes, please allow me to try it."

Lin Fei said, appearing confident.

For the demon body clone, this is also a huge opportunity.

Maybe, the strength of the demon body clone can skyrocket again!

Therefore, Lin Fei naturally seemed very enthusiastic.


Well, it's a young hero.

In that case, you can give it a try. "

The middle-aged man laughed and looked at Lin Fei's gaze with a bit of appreciation.

Then, the middle-aged man flicked his sleeve.

I saw a white road instantly appearing at his feet, shining brightly, extending into the direction of the burial place deep in the earth.

The middle-aged man took Lin Fei and stepped onto this white road.

Suddenly, this white road, carrying two people, rushed in the direction of the burial site.

at this time.

Xianling realm is all heaven.

Juntian Realm is one of the eight heavens, with a very vast area, at least dozens of times the size of the Holy Land!

Juntian Realm has a large number of creatures, and there are countless sectarian forces. It is a very prosperous cultivation interface.

In the eastern part of Juntian Realm, there is a very large mountain range.

This mountain range is like a giant dragon crawling on the ground, winding and twisting.

The aura of heaven and earth in the mountains is very rich, turning into patches of fairy mist.

In the mountains, there is a huge peak that rises to the sky.

The abdomen of this giant peak was completely hollowed out.

Inside the hollowed out mountainside, there is a huge pitch-black altar.

The scale of this pitch-black altar was so huge that it took up almost half of the hollowed out mountain.

At this time, above the altar, there were several old men.

These old men sat cross-legged in each corner of the altar, chanting strange and eerie spells in their mouths.

While chanting the mantras, these elders all turned into a giant hand of vitality, grabbed a handful of living creatures from a black cloth bag beside them, and threw them into the center of the altar, a strange black shape. In a large earthen jar.

The creatures caught from the black cloth bag included humans, beasts, and other species.

These living creatures were thrown into the **** earthen jar with screams, and then countless pieces of flesh, bones and **** splashed out from the mouth of the earthen jar.

There seemed to be some horrible existence hidden in the **** earthen jar, killing all the creatures thrown in.

Then, a thick black mist rose from the **** crock.

The black mist that accumulated more and more began to hover over the altar, gradually forming a huge vortex.

At the center of the vortex, a space-time passage suddenly appeared.

Then, a hideous figure with a height of tens of meters suddenly stepped out from the empty passage at that time.

It looked like it was an extraterritorial evil demon, exuding a terrifying evil spirit.

"Welcome to the envoy."

Immediately, the elders on the altar all stood up and saluted.

"Report to the holy envoy, we have made arrangements in the entire immortal tomb realm according to your last order from the holy envoy.

Up to now, at least six or seven small worlds have been opened in the entire Xianling Realm.

In every small world, we have sent people to go. "

One of the old men stepped forward and said to the demon.


Did you really do what I ordered!

Didn't I ask you to find out the small world where the burial site is located as soon as possible, make preparations, and then cooperate with the actions of the demon ancestor?

You clearly did not find the burial site!

Just now, the Demon Ancestor tried to break into the small world where the funeral was located, but suffered a big loss.

It's all because of your poor work! "

The demon snorted coldly.

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