Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1995: A blessing or a curse


The Demon Ancestor has broken into the small world where the funeral is located! "

On the altar, the old men were all taken aback. ()

Because, according to the arrangement, it was their troops sent into the small world to find the legendary burial site first, make the arrangement first, and then cooperate with the actions of the demon ancestor to forcefully break the seal and descend into this world.

Once the real body of a demon ancestor enters the realm of Xianling, the whole realm of Xianling must be destroyed!

"Huh, see you guys do a good job!"

The evil demon known as the holy messenger snorted, obviously very dissatisfied.

"Master Mozu has been in that small world, secretly leaving behind a ray of magic knowledge. This ray of magic knowledge can help you locate the position of that small world. Now you immediately mobilize all your manpower to move into that small world Small world control.

Waiting for the next arrival of Lord Mozu! "

The holy envoy waved his hand, and black lights flickered from his hand, floating on the altar.

"With this magic sense, can we find the small world where the burial site is?!"

Those old men were overjoyed.

During this period of time, they have sent a large number of people to find the small world, but they have thoroughly investigated two or three small worlds, but they have not found it.

Originally, they were trying to gather the people and thoroughly investigate the remaining small worlds one by one.

"Hmph, of course, the demon ancestor's methods are astonishing, and the spells you can use are beyond your imagination."

Said the sage envoy, and glanced at the old man coldly, as if dissatisfied with their method of doubting the Demon Ancestor.


Several old men were shocked.

"Okay, hurry up and do it.

Once the Xianling Realm is breached in the future, you will become the sole master of the entire Xianling Realm.

Moreover, you no longer need to stay in this completely enclosed small world forever.

In the future, you will be free to travel to a wider world, and at that time, this closed small interface will no longer be able to restrict your cultivation.

You can break into the fairyland at will.

At the same time, our Demon Abyss Realm will support you in the future, and there will be no creatures in the entire big star region, dare to provoke you casually. "

Before leaving, the envoy turned around and said.

"Master Saint, we understand!"

Several old men couldn't help getting excited after hearing the words of the envoy, and even their bodies trembled slightly.

Yes, they chose to betray Xianling Realm because of this day.

At this moment, the tall body of the envoy had already walked into the passage above the altar, and disappeared in an instant.

The vortex formed by the black mist above the altar also disappeared.

"This demon sense belongs to Lord Demon Ancestor, and it will definitely help us find that small world quickly!"

An old man waved his hand and took the black light floating on the altar into his palm, which was left by the holy envoy just now.

The gazes of several elders were all staring at this group of demonic consciousness, feeling the terrible pressure faintly emanating from it, and they were secretly shocked.

"Go, we personally dispatched to find that little world.

Then, mobilize people and horses to completely control the small world.

Hmph, as long as you find the burial site in the legend, and then cooperate with Lord Mozu to break the seal hidden in the burial site, the immortal cemetery will be broken just around the corner! "

The old man with the group of demon sense in his hand said, and then, with a move, he flew out of the mountain.

The rest of the old men also followed behind one by one.

Yuanwu circles.

In the triangle.

"Little friend, here is the burial ground."

The middle-aged man brought Lin Fei to a deadly area and said.

At a glance, the entire area is densely covered with tall tombs, with overwhelming black fog, blocking the world.

In the faint, there are a series of ghosts crying and howling from the tombs, extremely stern and terrifying.

"Here, every tomb is buried with a strong man from outside the territory.

Although they have gone through a long period of time, these extraterritorial powerhouses are still lingering, eager for one day, to be able to climb out of the grave again, relive the world, and become the evil immortal tomb. "

The middle-aged man pointed to the tombs and said.

"How do you plan to eliminate them completely?"

With a smile on his face, the middle-aged man looked at Lin Fei, and his gaze was also a little curious.

Lin Fei thought, and the demon clone appeared directly beside him.

Then, the demon body clone took out the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle.

In an instant, the middle-aged man's gaze stared at that ten thousand demons punishing the evil needle.

His gaze was confused at first, and then began to become unbelievable, as if he saw something incredible.

"Could it be it!

Is it really that evil needle? !

Impossible, wasn't this evil needle lost by those extraterritorial evil spirits..."

The middle-aged man took a deep breath and said in a shocked tone.

"Senior, do you recognize it?"

Lin Fei's heart moved, and it seemed that the middle-aged man seemed to recognize the evil needle.

"Ten thousand demons punish the evil needle!

One of the three most evil holy artifacts in the Demon Abyss!

In the first battle in the ancient times, this evil needle took the lives of many beings in our Xianling Realm.

Among them, many fairy kings died under this evil needle.

It used to be the most unknown thing for us in Xianling Realm! "

The middle-aged man looked at the evil needle, and his eyes showed deep fear.

It is probably because of the terrible power of this evil needle.

"Senior is right.

It is exactly the needle of Wanmo Zhutianxie.

However, seniors don't worry, now it belongs to me.

In the future, this magic weapon will no longer harm our creatures in the Xianling Realm.

I will turn it around and use it to kill those outside demons. "

Lin Fei said.

After hearing Lin Fei's words, the middle-aged man suddenly looked Lin Fei up and down with his eyes, and the majestic consciousness instantly enveloped Lin Fei.

This divine sense was so terrifying that it felt Lin Fei from the inside out.

Then, this divine sense directly broke into Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, and felt it towards Lin Fei's divine soul body.

at this moment.

Lin Fei was pleasantly surprised to find that the soul tree shook slightly, transformed into invisible, and disappeared.

Of course, the soul tree is only invisible, making that divine sense invisible. In fact, the soul tree is still in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

When did the soul tree begin to have this means of evading perception? !

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

After a while.

"Well, that's weird.

You brought this evil needle by your side, the evil spirit's aura did not invade your soul body, nor demonize you.

It seems that you have used a demon body clone to control this evil needle, and you really used the right method.

However, you must always be careful in the future. This evil needle is very fierce. If you are not careful, it will be backlashed. Its evil spirit will invade and contaminate your soul body, demonizing you. "

The middle-aged man said, his tone was very serious.

"OK, I see.

Thank you for your concern. "

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei knew in his heart that in the sea of ​​knowledge, it must be because of the soul tree that was sitting there, so he was not afraid of the evil needle's backlash.


My little friend, your ability to control this evil needle is a blessing but not a curse for us in the fairy ling world.

All the demons in this burial ground were very powerful in their lifetime. I tried my best to eliminate them completely.

It's all right now, with this evil needle, this big problem can finally be solved!

You do it! "

The middle-aged man laughed.

Then, I saw him wave his sleeves.


The closest large tomb was suddenly exploded, and a tattered demonic body rushed out.


The remnant body of the evil demon screamed and rushed towards Lin Fei and the middle-aged man.


The middle-aged man let out a cold snort and stretched out his hand to hold the demon's remnant in the air. Suddenly, the demon's remnant was locked in the air.

Lin Fei didn't slow down. With a movement of thought, the evil needle in the hands of the demon body clone instantly turned into a pitch-black iron rod and swept across.

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