Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2012: Break the line

Chapter 2012 Breaking the Array

Lin Fei was taken aback after hearing the words of the third ancestor of the Wang family, and a bad feeling did not arise.

Sure enough, when Lin Fei took the demon body clone and wanted to step into the space beside him, he found that this space was already frozen.

It is impossible to pass through.

This space has already been passively moved, cutting off the connection with the chaotic void.


Lin Fei, since I'm waiting for you here, I'm already prepared.

This space is already surrounded by formations, even if you understand the power of space, you can't go through it. "

The third ancestor of the Wang family laughed triumphantly.

I saw him stretch out his hand.

A small black flag constantly appeared in the nearby void.

Every black flag exudes a weird atmosphere.

A large number of pitch-black flags formed a huge formation with a wide range.

This formation can cut off the connection between real space and chaos and void, making it impossible for people to travel through space.

"Wang San, unexpectedly, your side-by-side formation really works."

The old man in black also said.

"Huh, Lin Fei, die!"

The third ancestor of the Wang family shouted violently.

Two great powers of the fairyland, once again shot, attacked.

Demon Body Fenfeng also held a pitch black iron rod and rushed up to resist them.

The fierce battle broke out again.

"I can only retreat.

Only after leaving this space sealed by the formation, can there be a chance to pass into the chaotic void. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Lin Fei knew that in the face of the two great powers of the fairyland, only by crossing into the chaotic void can he have some chance to get rid of.

Otherwise, even if it is all right now.

However, it is estimated that these two fairyland will always chase after themselves.

It is difficult to get out.

As a result, Lin Fei's mind moved, and the devil's body fought and retreated.

The two great powers of the fairyland followed closely, unwilling to relax.

Lin Fei also retreated.

"Huh, I want to go, it's not that easy!"

The third ancestor of the Wang family gave a sneer, and suddenly squeezed the magic formula and beat it out.


The sky began to shake violently.

In the nearby void, more pitch-black array flags appeared, moving continuously, and in an instant, they formed an array, confining this space!

In this case, Lin Fei wanted to leave, and had to break this formation.


The devil body clone raised the iron rod and smashed it towards the big formation.

The big formation only trembled slightly, and was not affected at all.

It seems that this big formation is very strong, and it is very difficult to do it in one moment or three.

The two great powers of the fairyland rushed in, and burst out a series of terrifying attacks, and the power of the law overwhelmingly suppressed them.

The demon body clone can only continue to resist the attacks of the two transforming fairyland powers.

There is no chance to break the formation.


Lin Fei, I said, you must die here today! "

The three ancestors of the Wang family laughed wildly.

"Oh, is it so.

Don't be optimistic too early. "

Lin Fei replied.

There is another magic weapon that Lin Fei didn't use.

That is, the Great Flame Stele!

Lin Fei thought.


The great flame stone stele moved in response, rushing out directly from the pubic area.

The eruption of ten thousand golden lights, like a dazzling sun, hung above Lin Fei's head.


The Great Flame Stone Stele was constantly shaking, billowing heat waves, and scouring the sky. The temperature of this space immediately rose sharply, turning into a big steamer.

The amount of suppressing pressure that has dominated the world continuously rushed out of the great flame stone stele.

"The magic weapon of immortality!"

Suddenly, the eyes of the third ancestor of the Wang family and the black-clothed old man were all staring at the big flame stone stele above Lin Fei's head, and they cried out at the same time.

"This breath...,

Could it be the most powerful of the magic weapons of the Immortal Dao, the magic weapon of the Immortal King level that was refined by the Immortal King? "

The black-clothed old man felt the aura from the great flame stone stele, the expression on his face became more and more shocked, and said almost dreamily.

The expression of the third ancestor of the Wang family was the same.

He suddenly felt that everything that this kid possessed was so valuable.

"I want this magic weapon!"

The face of the black-clothed old man suddenly showed a strong color of greed.

The charm of the magic weapon of immortality is irresistible even if it is the power of the fairyland!

"Hurry up and kill him."

Said the third ancestor of the Wang family.

I saw him blast out with a punch, and his whole body was full of vitality to the fist, the whole fist burst out with a strong purple light, like a purple sun, blasting over.

The black-clothed old man, the blood-colored long knife in his hand, was also slashed with a single knife, driving a piece of blood-colored ocean, whizzing out.

The avatar of the demon body directly used the forbidden method of the coming demon, and the sky was washed out by the magical runes.

The dark iron rod was also directly smashed out.

And while the demon body clone resisted the powerful attack of the two fairyland.

The big dazzling flame stone stele above Lin Fei's head suddenly rushed out, shaking the sky, and directly hitting the formation.


The great flame stone stele broke out with endless amounts of suppressive pressure, constantly causing a sensation.

Suddenly, the big formation began to shake violently.


Lin Fei was overjoyed.

But also, the Great Flame Stone Tablet is a magic weapon of the Immortal King level after all.

It is not very difficult to deal with a large formation that can be deployed in the fairyland.


Under Lin Fei's control, the Great Flame Stele kept smashing on the great formation.

The large array shook more violently.

"Stop him!"

The three ancestors of the Wang family, and the black-clothed old man, wanted to bypass the demon body clone and rush towards Lin Fei.

However, the speed of the demon body clone is also very terrifying.

Where are you willing to let them come.

However, under this situation, Lin Fei also knew that the better he went, the better.

As a result, the body's vitality is lucky.

A long river of pale golden vitality rushed out and passed it to the big flame stone stele.


Suddenly, the great flame stone stele became even more powerful, shook suddenly, and slammed heavily on the formation.


With a loud noise, all the pitch-black flags exploded in the nearby void at the same time.

The entire formation suddenly disappeared.

This is the first time that Lin Fei has used his vitality to activate the Great Flame Stele.

In the past, the Great Flame Stone Stele used only the remaining coercion stored in the stele to confront the enemy.

After truly refining the Great Flame Stone Tablet, Lin Fei naturally understood it very thoroughly.

In the past, within the Great Flame Stone Stele, there was still some energy left by the True Lord Yan Yang.

However, after repeated use, the vitality energy remaining in the stele by True Monarch Yan Yang will become less and less.

In the future, Lin Fei, the new owner, will need to rely on his own strength to urge the stele.

After the formation was broken, Lin Fei moved his body, carrying the golden flames on his head, showing his body skills, and blasted away.

The demon body clone also retreated while fighting, following Lin Fei.

At this time, the two great powers of the fairyland could not help but roar again and again, like crazy.

The two of them can work together to transform the fairyland, and they can't keep a kid.

Especially the third ancestor of the Wang family, he arranged a large formation in this place in advance to ambush Lin Fei.

I thought this time, Lin Fei would definitely be beheaded.

Who knows, Lin Fei suddenly took out a magic weapon of immortality, which instantly changed the situation of the battle.


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