Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2013: get rid of

Chapter 2013 Get rid of


The third ancestor of the Wang family was distorted with anger.

Lin Fei was chased by the two magical wonderland powers.

All kinds of terrifying secret art attacks, overwhelming legal power, and tsunami-like divine consciousness attacks, continuously bombarded Lin Fei's back.

The demon body clone stood behind Lin Fei and moved the Ten Thousand Demon to punish the sky with evil needles. The evil energy erupted to the sky, blocking most of the attacks.

In particular, the demon body clone continuously used the magic forbidden method, which made the two magical wonderland powers the most jealous.

Because the magic forbidden law has the power of sealing the wonderland.

Lin Fei used his speed to the extreme, and after a while, he left the space where he was fighting.

"Finally can travel through space!"

After arriving hundreds of thousands of miles away, Lin Fei let out a long sigh and said inwardly.

It is not a good thing to be entangled with the two great powers of the fairyland like this.

Although not yet life-threatening.

However, every fairyland has been practiced for a very long time.

All kinds of secret techniques, all kinds of methods, countless.

Who knows if the fierce battle lasts for a long time, will these two Transformation Wonderland display any secret techniques at the bottom of the box?

Therefore, Lin Fei felt that he had better escape quickly.

After rushing hundreds of thousands of miles away, Lin Fei didn't hesitate to take a avatar with a demon body, and he went straight into the chaotic void.

Although the latter two Transformation Wonderland could use all means to interfere with the space where Lin Fei was, making Lin Fei unable to pass through.

However, under the resistance of the demon body clone and the Great Flame Stone Tablet, all the attacks were blocked.

In the end, Lin Fei successfully passed through the space.

With Lin Fei's current spatial strength cultivation base, staying in the chaotic void for an hour or two is no longer a problem.

The martial artist cultivates space power, and once they get started, with the increase of the vitality realm and divine consciousness, the space power will also continue to increase.

Because, the most important thing to display spatial power is to rely on the coordination of vitality and divine consciousness.

Two hours later, Lin Fei appeared in another place, paused for a while, and immediately passed through the chaotic void.

The two great powers of the fairyland relied on their terrifying divine consciousness perception to release divine consciousness, bringing a large area around them into their perception range.

Once he found Lin Fei's trail, he rushed over immediately.

Lin Fei is at large, and the two fairyland are chasing.

Lin Fei headed all the way to the second continent.

A few days later, Lin Fei finally returned to the Second Continent, near the location of the hidden cross-border teleportation array.

After going around in the vicinity, after several days, Lin Fei took advantage of the two Immortal Realm great powers to not notice, and directly rushed into the underground palace where the teleportation array was located, stimulated the teleportation array at the fastest speed, and left Juntian Realm.

After leaving Juntian realm and reaching another realm, Lin Fei sighed, finally getting rid of the two fairyland.

Lin Fei thought for a while, and decided to go back to the Holy Venerable Continent first.

In the ancient city outside the boundaries, Elder Nie and the three are practicing, rushing into the fairyland.

If they can break into the fairyland, they will be able to cross freely among the various circles in the immortal ling realm.

If they fail to break through, it is estimated that the soldier will also show them the way back.

Therefore, Lin Fei returned to the Saint Venerable Continent.

All in the heavens.

"That kid, actually disappeared under our noses!"

The three ancestors of the Wang family, and the black-clothed old man, could no longer perceive Lin Fei's trail, and could not help but roar again and again.

"That kid, it seems that you can cross different interfaces.

This is strange. "

After a long time, the third ancestor of the Wang family calmed down, and said thoughtfully.

"Yes, it stands to reason that only by getting the cultivation base of the fairyland can it be possible to cross different interfaces within the fairyland.

This kid, how can he do it? "

The old man in black was also puzzled.

"Could it be the reason for his demon clone?"

The old man in black guessed.


To cross different interfaces, the most important thing is to use the power of law.

Although his demon body clone is good.

However, without independent consciousness, there is no way to perceive the laws of heaven and earth.

It's impossible to cross different interfaces just by relying on that kid's law and strength cultivation. "

Said the third ancestor of the Wang family.


This is strange. "

The old man in black frowned.

There are two great powers in the fairyland, but they want to break their heads, and they don't know how Lin Fei can cross different interfaces.

Two or three days later, Lin Fei returned to the Eastern Region of the Holy Venerable Continent.

What surprised Lin Fei was that Senior Ximen, Dean Xiao of Qinglong College, and two other great powers of the fairyland came to the Eastern Region.

Their main purpose in coming to the Eastern Region was, of course, to protect the spatial passage leading to the Yuanwu Realm.

A total of five transforming fairyland powers, sitting in the black wind beast realm.

Senior Ximen, his name is Ximen Dao.

Dean Xiao’s name is Xiao Yunchang.

Both of them knew the importance of the gap in the boundary wall in the Yuan Wu world.

Therefore, they went to find some trustworthy powers of the fairyland.

After discussion, it was decided that everyone would take turns to the Eastern Region to protect the Yuanwu Realm from being tainted by other forces.

In this way, the safety of the Yuan Wu Realm is no longer just a matter of Cangyan Holy Land.

This result is also the opinion of Lin Feile.

After all, there are more fairyland, willing to voluntarily protect the safety of Yuanwu world, this is a good thing.

after one day.

In the entire Xianling realm, many of the great powers of the fairyland have received a sound transmission.

The battle of the Taoists officially begins.

The location is in the Zhutian realm of Eighth Heaven.

Suddenly, the entire fairyland of Xianling Realm became a sensation.

The battle of the defenders has been planned for many years.

Now it is finally going to be officially held.

According to the real old Taoist theory, the battle of the Taoist guards is related to the future luck of the entire Xianling Realm and is of great significance.

However, most of the great powers of the fairyland do not know the specific content of the battle of the Taoist guards and why it will be related to the future luck of the entire fairyland world.

The real reason, only the real old man, and a small number of people who participated in the planning of this matter know.

However, the real old way is a remnant immortal left over from ancient times.

It is said that he is a famous fairy king master in ancient times.

In that battle with the foreign army, he beheaded many foreign powerhouses and made great achievements.

In the end, he was also very seriously injured, almost fell, and his cultivation base plummeted.

As Canxian, he has lived till now.

Therefore, the status of True Clan Dao in the Yuan Wu world is terrifyingly high.

No one would doubt what he said.

The real old Tao once said that if the battle of the Taoist protectors can go smoothly, then the law of heaven and earth in the future of Xianling Realm will be greatly changed.

It is even possible that the fairy will be born again!

It is precisely this point that makes the great power of the fairyland in the entire fairy cemetery world are fighting against the Taoist protectors, full of expectations.

"Lin Fei, let's go, I will go to Zhu Tianjie with you."

Ximen Road said to Lin Fei.

"Then thank you Senior Ximen."

Lin Fei said.

So Ximen Road took Lin Fei and set off for Zhu Tianjie.

The other several fairyland are staying in the Eastern Region to guard the Yuanwu Realm.

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