Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2079: Heaven and Earth

In the vast star field of Xianling Realm, 34 continents are moving faster and faster, and the roaring sound shakes the entire interface.

At this moment, the 34 guardians, including Lin Fei, were desperate.

Because the invasion of the foreign army is imminent, the life and death of Xianling Realm is about to come.

At this time, if 34 continents can be merged into one complete continent, it is of great significance.

At least it can make the laws of heaven and earth in Xianling Realm begin to recover in an instant.

Xianling realm has been a fairyland interface since ancient times, full of fairyland laws.

It has a powerful suppressive effect on aliens, especially those demonic races.

"Speed ​​up the merger!"

Thirty-four guardians roared sharply, the power of qi and blood, vitality, and consciousness of the whole body, blending into the blood, sprayed towards the origin of the mainland.

The guardians even stood up on the altar, their clothes bulging, their heads scattered, and bloodstained, looking terrible.

At the same time, on the various continents of the Xianling Realm, battleships continued to fly, galloping towards the depths of the sky.

A certain position in the depths of the star field in the fairy ling world.

Zhen Cang Lao Dao and Tian Chanzi are standing in the sky, their faces solemnly looking at the space crack that is rapidly widening in the distance.

Once this space crack is completely blasted, then it means that the foreign army will drive straight into the immortal tomb realm.

Warships, like locusts crossing the border, came to this star field one after another.

Groups of people and horses rushed out of these warships, standing in line in the star field.

With the passage of time, the number of people gathered in this star field has increased.

After a long time.

The battleship was in the sky, like a wave.

The number of people gathered in this star field is already over hundreds of millions, densely packed, spread out far away.

These men and horses are from different continents and different sect forces in the immortal ling realm.

"Look, that space rift, the army of foreign enemies, came from there!"

All the people and horses found the huge space crack in the depths of the star field ahead, and their eyes focused on the past.

At this moment, this vast star field, which was normally deadly silent, was completely boiling.

The wind was surging, and an extremely depressing atmosphere enveloped the entire space.

Under the arrangement of the real old way, the people of each continent are divided into two parts.

Some people came to this dazed star field, as the vanguard, attacking the foreign army that just came in from here.

The rest is to stay in their own continent, as the force of the final battle.

Therefore, at this time, in every continent, the creatures of all races, the forces of all sects, and the casual cultivators who usually have no sect, are all ready to fight.

The tense atmosphere filled the entire Xianling Realm.

"Everyone, our homeland, and our relatives, teachers, colleagues, friends are about to fall into an eternal war!

We must come on! "

Qixia Mountain, in the underground cave.

Lin Fei stood in the altar, hunting and dancing all over, with black hair, almost curled up.

The secret method for summoning continents must dedicate the essence and blood of the mainland owner to provide the summoning energy to that group of mainland origin.

"Not bad!

For our homeland, fight it! "

All the defenders, at this moment, are in a state of madness.

Because too much blood was dedicated to that group of mainland origin, Lin Fei at the moment seemed to have only a skinny and terrifying body.

The strong smell of blood filled the altar.

The situation of the other 33 guardians was similar to that of Lin Fei.

The loss of each is extremely great.

Fortunately, each of these protectors is a young man with a very enchanting talent.

Can barely support.

If it were for young people with mediocre aptitudes and ordinary strength to perform this kind of summoning ceremony, it would have been unsustainable for a long time and would die.

This is also the reason why the really old Taoist specially selected a group of young people with enchanting qualities to be the protectors.

In the depths of the star field.

The densely packed, hundreds of millions of people from the Immortal Ling Realm were all staring nervously at the space crack that lay in the depths of the star field.


Kaka Kaka...

A huge noise continuously came out from the crack in that space.

At this moment, the space gap is getting wider and wider.

Suddenly, at a certain moment.


There was a huge explosion that could be heard in the entire Xianling Realm at that space crack.

Cracks in the entire space suddenly exploded.

Endless space debris, turned into a terrible space storm, washed out far away in this star field.

A long strip of huge black space passage appeared in front of everyone.

A suffocating and terrifying aura swept out from this spatial passage.



The terrifying laughter of monsters and ghosts came from the other end of the space channel.

"The foreign enemy is coming!"

At this moment, every creature in the Immortal Ling Realm gathered in this star field suddenly tightened their nerves and shouted loudly.

The war had not yet begun, and the tragic atmosphere had already spread.

"Unexpectedly, the enemy from the foreign land actually attacked!"

There are also many creatures in the Immortal Ling Realm, whispering in a low voice, as if they can't believe the facts in front of them.

The news that the foreign demons were about to attack the Xianling Realm had actually spread throughout the entire Xianling Realm in the past few years.

Almost all the creatures of all races and sects know it.

But that is just news after all.

Now it's different. Now, the foreign enemy is coming!

However, everyone knows that this war is inevitable. For the safety of their homeland, they can only fight and cannot retreat.

Once retired, he became a sinner.

At this moment, while the hearts of the creatures in the Xianling Realm were tightening, their eyes were all red with blood.

"Fighting forever!"

I don't know who yelled first.

"Fighting forever!"

"Fighting forever!"

The roar sounded one after another, and in the end everyone roared in unison. The sound of the roaring of hundreds of millions of creatures almost tore the star field and even shook the entire fairy cemetery.

All of a sudden, the entire Xianling Realm rioted.

Hurricane ice and snow, lightning and thunder, pouring blood, all kinds of visions appeared in the fairy tomb realm, as if the heavens were angry.

All the creatures in the Xianling realm were surprised to find that the sky, the earth, the ocean, and even the space in the Xianling realm all made a low and rumbling roar.

These roars gathered together, and the fighting spirit was amazing.

"Look, the world is alive!"

"Yes, the world is alive!"

"Xianling Realm will win!"

At this moment, every creature in the fairy ling realm was shocked by these visions between heaven and earth.

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