Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2080: War broke out

Finally, there was movement in that huge space channel.


Suddenly, a group of dark magic clouds, vast and boundless, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, rolled out from the space passage.

Click! Click! ...

In the process of these monster clouds drifting, inches of space began to disintegrate and collapse.

Groups of monster clouds rushed out from the space channel, trembling non-stop, making a sound of destruction.

The energy that destroys the sky and the earth is brewing and radiating in the cloud of demons, the sun is blocked, the sky and the earth are dark, and the traces of the last day's natural disasters appear.


The torrential battleship, the huge human bones of Bai Sensen, and groups of strange shadow creatures poured out from that space channel.

"Qua..., this is the Xianling Realm.

We finally came in! "

A series of terrible monsters and ghosts laughed wildly.

The aliens have officially come to the fairyland world!

Whoosh whoosh...

The warships of alien centaur, huge human skulls, hatch doors opened one after another, and figures flew out.

The shortest of these figures are two to three meters tall, ten to twenty meters tall, and even giants over a hundred meters tall.

There are many shadows that are constantly distorting and changing shapes, and they also appear in everyone's eyes.

Endless, densely packed, exotic people and horses like locusts are displayed in front of everyone.

Among them were some terrifying demons and ghosts, which just appeared, and the breath that radiated from them made this star field unbearable and trembled violently.

When these terrifying foreign powerhouses stepped into the space of Xianling Realm.

Throughout the Xianling Realm, the laws of the Immortal Dao began to glow and shine.

The infinite law of immortality, like a sea tide, is suppressed towards these foreign powerhouses.

Suddenly, these terrifying foreign powerhouses all roared, and their bodies came out with the sound of clicking, their flesh, their cultivation, and everything they had, at this moment, was forcibly suppressed, and their realm fell. , The strength is greatly reduced.

This is the horror of the Law of the Great World.

Almost every big realm has such a self-protection law, which can suppress and weaken the power of those who forcibly break into another world.

Of course, those aliens who are relatively weak in the realm of strength are nothing.

Because the laws of every great world only suppress those who are strong, not the weak.

"Seven Source Demon Realm!


The power of the laws of the Immortal Ling Realm was far too weak compared to the ancient times.

I was originally the strength of the Eight Source Demon Realm, but after being suppressed, I can still have the strength of the Seven Source Demon Realm. I only lowered my realm by one level, great! "

"Me too, my weakened realm is only one level.

Cool! "

Suddenly, those foreign powerhouses who had been suppressed in the realm suddenly burst out with revelry.

It turned out that the laws of the Immortal Ling Realm were not as powerful as they thought.

"not good!"

At this time, Zhen Cang Dao, as well as Tian Chanzi and other experts in the immortal tomb world, secretly cried out in their hearts.

It seems that the current immortal law of the fairy ling world is weaker than imagined.


Really old guy, unexpectedly, we met again! "

In the army of the third layer of the Demon Realm, a tall evil demon with a hideous face, jokingly stared at the really old Dao in the distance, and laughed wildly.

"Black Nightmare King, you almost lost your life in the immortal tomb realm back then. Unexpectedly, you dare to come!

Well, in that case, this time, if you come, you can save your life. "

Really old said coldly.

It turned out that the real old Dao and the Dark Nightmare King had fought for hundreds of rounds in that battle in the ancient times.

True Clan Dao almost killed the Black Nightmare King. At the last moment, the Black Nightmare King used a weird magical secret technique and escaped.

Therefore, the two sides are old rivals.

"Quack..., really old way, you open your eyes and see, today's Xianling Realm is very weak, what can you use to resist our army?

Xianling Realm is about to die, and you are still talking about it here. "

The Dark Nightmare King laughed wildly.

"Hmph, that great battle in the ancient times, you evil demon clowns outside the territory, did not defeat the fairy cemetery, and this time it will be no exception.

Now is the last chance. I advise you clowns outside the realm to get out of the Immortal Ling Realm now, otherwise, you will never die. "

This sentence is very nonsense, but the real old way has to say, one is to show the other party the determination of the Xianling Realm, and the second is to boost the morale of the many creatures in the Xianling Realm.

"Don't die?


Really old, these years, our third-layer Demon Realm has long been able to understand your situation in the Immortal Ling Realm.

In your Xianling Realm, there is not even a true Immortal King now.

Let me ask, what do you use in the immortal tomb realm to stay with us?

This time, our three clans entered the Xianling Realm, and the consequence must be to slaughter the Xianling Realm!

Really old, you still speak big words here, is it useful?


The Dark Nightmare King couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"I am the leader of the third-tier demon world, Lord Blood Demon.

I have only one sentence right now, which I want to say to these lowly creatures in the Xianling Realm.

If you don't want to die without a corpse, and your soul is scattered, surrender!

Immediately swear to be a slave to our third demon world forever.

Those who surrender will not kill. "

"The surrender will not kill!"

In the last sentence, the Lord Blood Demon roared out with strong magic power, and the sound of majestic like a landslide and tsunami instantly spread throughout the entire fairy cemetery, with a terrifying aura of killing in the gloom.

"In the Xianling Realm, there are only creatures who died in battle, not creatures who surrendered.

Really Old Tao took a step forward and shouted angrily.

Under the blessing of the Law of Immortal Dao, following the words of the real old Dao roared, the entire immortal tomb realm was faintly bursting with immortal light.


The mere collision of the sound caused a great disillusionment between the two armies, the space was like a spider web, with thin cracks cracking open, and chucking and scratching.

"Very good, then slaughter this world, all the creatures, all die!"

The blood monster laughed, raised his right arm, and then slammed it down.

"Kill all these intruders!"

At the same time, the real old Dao was also full of immortal light and roared violently.


The sky broke and the strong from both sides rushed out first, like two dark clouds colliding, the aura is terrifying, beyond words, it can be called the doomsday.

A great war finally began.

"The lowly creatures of the Xianling Realm, die for me!"

The Dark Nightmare King who talked to the real old man before, took the lead.

Because, he almost lost his life in the Xianling Realm that year, and had a huge hatred of the Xianling Realm.


The Dark Nightmare King's body swelled violently, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a hundred feet, a thousand feet, and soon... it reached a thousand feet!

Like the same demon **** of war, his body covered with scales, his tail and the horns on top of his head, made his whole body shocking.


His huge tail swept out, and in an instant, there were thousands of people from the Immortal Tomb realm, crushed into flesh and blood.

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