Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2156: A cave

Chapter 2156: A Cave Mansion


Soon after, a white tiger stepped on the full sky to kill Lin Fei and Yi Xutian.

Yi Xutian shot, his sleeves flicked, and rose in the wind, like a sleeve that covered the sky, the sleeves contained the universe, and went to the white tiger.


The white tiger was so shocked that he flew out and disappeared.

Lin Fei could tell that Yi Xutian was also a master of the fairy king realm.

Gradually, Lin Fei suddenly discovered that a strange continent appeared in front of him.

Towering ancient trees, huge mountains, a primitive and savage scene, there are all kinds of birds and beasts on the earth, all of them are full of blood.

Moreover, across the entire continent, the fragrance of medicine is tangy, and there are all kinds of Dao medicine, semi-immortal medicine, and even immortal medicine. They are extremely bright, shining, and fragrant, making people salivate.

"Good place, there are so many fairy medicines!"

Lin Fei was so shocked that he couldn't believe it, his figure moved, ready to rush to **** it.

"Little friend Lin Fei, if you feel it carefully, you will know that all of this is actually just a fantasy. It is not real."

Yi Xutian stopped Lin Fei and said.


Lin Fei was taken aback.

Under the divine consciousness carefully perceived it, as expected, everything on the continent in front of him seemed extremely unstable, constantly rippling like water waves.

Puff puff

Just as Lin Fei felt it carefully, suddenly, the entire continent in front of him suddenly disintegrated and shattered, like blisters. In a moment, all of them exploded and vanished.

"It turned out to be made of intertwined light. What a clever illusion!"

Lin Fei was shocked.

The chaotic space in the cauldron was very weird and the situation was weird, which made Lin Fei feel very wrong.

"Let's go, let's continue.

Soon, you will be surprised. "

Yi Xutian said, rushing out.

So the two continued to move forward.

Along the way, the two encountered many monsters. Fortunately, these monsters are the strongest, and they are only in the fairy king realm, and there are many of the fairy realm and below.

Lin Fei and Yi Xutian are naturally able to deal with them.

Moreover, on the way, I encountered various extremely real illusions many times.

However, most of the space is endless chaos and void, confused.

"Huh? A familiar breath, could it be that old bastard?!"

After flying for two or three days, Lin Fei suddenly received a sound transmission in the sea of ​​consciousness.

It was the voice of the Zunbao Holy Tree.

"Human kid, you fly in that direction!"

Zunbao Sacred Tree said to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei was taken aback and asked.

"Boy, if you let you go, just go, there are so many whys, hurry up!"

The treasure holy tree said angrily.

Lin Fei couldn't help but the corner of his mouth twitched, and this tree was put on airs.

However, Lin Fei thought that anyway, he and Yi Xutian had no clear purpose and direction. They came into this space inside the cauldron to explore.

Listening to the tone of this precious tree, it seems that it has discovered something, so just let it go.

"Senior, let's go here."

Lin Fei said to Yi Xutian.

"Huh? Little friend Lin Fei, have you discovered something."

Yi Xutian was taken aback.

"It seems to sense something.

Let's try this direction. "

Lin Fei answered vaguely.

So the two flew away in the direction guided by the Zunbao Holy Tree.

After flying for more than ten days.

The endless chaos ahead suddenly dissipated completely, revealing a white world of ice and snow.

In this world, there are white snowflakes everywhere, overwhelming, filling every void.

"These Snowflakes"

Looking at the white snowflakes, Lin Fei couldn't help feeling a strong sense of threat.

These white snowflakes give people a kind of tremor and fear from the soul.

"Be careful, these snowflakes seem to attack the sea of ​​knowledge!"

Yi Xutian reminded.

"Go in."

Lin Fei received a transmission from the Zunbao Sacred Tree.

Lin Fei gritted his teeth and walked in towards the icy and snowy world ahead.

Yi Xutian also followed Lin Fei.


Just stepping into the world of ice and snow, endless white snowflakes are swept away.

These densely packed snowflakes, as if nothingness, easily penetrated the body, entered Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, and floated towards Lin Fei's soul body.

"Sure enough, he will directly attack the soul body!"

Lin Fei was secretly jealous.

However, with Lin Fei's current strength of divine consciousness, coupled with the protection of the soul tree, these snowflakes could not harm Lin Fei's divine soul body.

"It really is the breath of that old bastard.

Damn, old bastard, we caused our twelve brothers to leave their homes and come into this backward universe where birds don’t shit.

Die old bastard, don't die! "

Suddenly, Lin Fei heard the curse of the precious tree in the Hongmeng Ding.

"Who is the old bastard?"

Lin Fei sent a voice transmission and asked.

"Human kid, be careful.

This icy world was constructed from the mental power of that old bastard.

With the strength of that old bastard, if you fall into his mental illusion, I am afraid that you will never want to get out of this life and will always be a part of this world. "

Zunbao Sacred Tree did not answer Lin Fei's question head-on, but reminded Lin Feidao.

"This world is actually transformed by spiritual power?"

Lin Fei was shocked and couldn't believe it.

With the strength of both himself and Yi Xutian, he couldn't find out that this world was actually constructed from spiritual power. It can be seen how terrifying the old **** that Zunbao Sacred Tree said was.


More and more white snowflakes floated into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, one after another.

"Mental Power

Well, give it a try, can the soul tree be refined! "

Lin Fei suddenly moved and thought of this.

Therefore, in the sea of ​​knowledge, the soul tree immediately sent out a wave of refining power, shrouded in those snowflakes.


Lin Fei was overjoyed.

The snowflakes were constantly being refined and turned into strands of divine consciousness, which were absorbed by Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

A nourishing and refreshing feeling oozes out of Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, making Lin Fei's soul body warm and comfortable.

God's consciousness increased rapidly!

It can be seen that these snowflakes contain a lot of divine consciousness.

"Lin Fei, are you all right."

Seeing that Lin Fei was silent, Yi Xutian asked with concern.

"I'm fine."

Lin Fei replied.

Therefore, the two continued to go deep into this icy and snowy world.

Lin Fei was flying, knowing the soul tree in the sea while refining those snowflakes.

With the refining of the soul tree, more and more snowflakes rushed into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

During this process, Lin Fei could clearly feel that his divine consciousness was constantly improving.

at last.


Yi Xutian suddenly whispered.

The figures of the two stopped at the same time and looked ahead.

In the depths of this icy world, under the cover of those blooming snowflakes, it is vaguely visible that there is a majestic cave in the far front!

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