Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2157: Adventure outside Dongfu

I saw endless white holy fog pervading the cave house, the fairy clouds were bright, and the divine light was superb.

Lin Fei looked closely and found that the cave was too huge, and the continuous courtyard walls exuded strong fluctuations.

"That's the cave house, shit, unexpectedly, the old bastard's cave house is actually hidden here.

This old **** who has suffered a thousand swords, has been here forever?

This is not his style..."

As soon as he discovered the cave, the emotions of the Zunbao Sacred Tree immediately became excited, and the sound transmission yelled in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

He seemed to be afraid and hate the old bastard.

"Go, Senior Yi, let's go over and take a look."

Lin Fei said.

Although I have seen it, the distance is still very far away.

It's just because the cave mansion is too huge, standing between the chaotic world, so you can see it from a very long distance.

The two continued to fly towards the cave.

"Be careful, the closer you get to the cave, the denser these snowflakes will be, and the greater the threat to the soul body."

Yi Xutian reminded Lin Fei.

He felt that after all, Lin Fei's vitality level was still very low, and no matter how strong his divine consciousness was, he would be caught in such an environment if he didn't pay attention.

"Understand, seniors don't worry."

Lin Fei nodded.

In fact, Lin Fei doesn't know how refreshing it is now.

The closer you get to the cave, the more white snowflakes roaring into the sea of ​​knowledge, and the refining speed of the soul tree is getting faster and faster.

The intensity of divine consciousness rises straight up!


With the rapid refining of the soul tree, the dense white snowflakes in the space around Lin Fei seemed to have been induced and found a vent. At a certain moment, they violently violently turned into white snow dragons with their teeth and claws. , Rushed into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge one after another.

Suddenly, this icy world boiled.

Countless snowflake dragons rushed over, and in a moment, they completely submerged Lin Fei.

"Little friend Lin Fei...!"

Yi Xutian was shocked.


The tide of divine consciousness constantly rushed out of his head with a roar, shrouded Lin Fei, wrapped Lin Fei, and resisted those snowflake dragons.

"Little friend Lin Fei, hold on, we will retreat immediately!"

Seeing Lin Fei, Yi Xutian didn't react. He rushed over to pull Lin Fei away.

"Senior Yi, don't worry, I'm fine.

Leave me alone, I'm fine.

These snowflakes are good for me, so don't interfere. "

Lin Fei's voice sounded and reached Yi Xutian's ears.


Yi Xutian was taken aback, looked at Lin Fei, and found that his face was calm, without the slightest anxiety, and even seemed to enjoy a little bit of enjoyment.

"This kid..."

Yi Xutian had to smile wryly and stepped aside.

He didn't know that Lin Fei had a soul tree, so he couldn't understand why there were so many Snow Dragons suddenly attacking Lin Fei, and why Lin Fei had nothing to do.

However, it seemed that Lin Fei should be safe, so he had to wait aside.


The endless snow dragon roared and tossed in this chaotic world, pounced at Lin Fei and rushed into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

Within the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the soul tree seemed to have launched a fierce attack. The branches and leaves roared, the tree body trembled, and the huge refining energy swept out, refining the snowflake dragons that broke in.


At this time, Lin Fei only felt refreshed, like a gluttonous food, a drunkard drunk, and his divine consciousness soared!

"Damn, you kid, luck is really not covered, so you got a soul tree!"

The voice of the Zunbao Sacred Tree rang in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"This soul tree, isn't it also one of your twelve brothers?"

Lin Fei asked curiously.

"Cut, although this soul tree is very rare, it seems to have a lot of magical uses, and it's a little bit against the sky, but it looks so ugly, it doesn't deserve to be my brother..."

The tone of the treasure holy tree was disdainful.

"The soul tree is better than you, so you can avoid it..."

Lin Fei sarcastically knew the virtues of this precious tree.

"Human race boy, what are you talking about..."

The Zunbao Sacred Tree was furious.

at this time.

In the cave mansion ahead.

Divine light is endless, fairy fog is permeated, and all kinds of free birds and beasts are cruising everywhere...

Looking around, the complex of mansions is very magnificent, with majestic shapes, made of immersed green glaze, and decorated with precious jade.

If the world breaks into this place, the first reaction is that this place must be the abode of gods.

In the cave, where the fairy mist is filled, there is faintly a pavilion. On a stone table in the pavilion, there are chess boards and chess pieces.

Two plain-looking old men are sitting opposite each other, playing against each other.

The only strange thing is the two old men, one in white and one in black.

Like the chess pieces on the chessboard, they are black and white.

"Huh! Can you hurry up? This game of chess has been played for tens of thousands of years.

You, a dead old man, often think about a move for thousands of years, often sitting still with your eyes closed.

If it wasn't for this cave mansion, only you and me, I would never play chess with you, a dead old man, it would be too torturous! "

The old man in white suddenly gritted his teeth and shouted, his face flushed, and he reached out and grabbed his scalp like a chicken coop.

"Oh, chess is like life, you can see the true temperament on the chessboard, you old guy, your temper is still so anxious, and it hasn't changed at all...

Let me think about this move first..."

The old man in black was unhurried, sighed slowly, shook his head gently, and then closed his eyes.

"What! You still want to...

Roar! I can't stand it anymore! Damn old man!"

The old man in the white clothes suddenly became anxious, and seemed crazy, with an urge to beat someone.


Suddenly, the two old men's expressions moved at the same time, and they looked out of the gate of the cave.

"It seems that a funny little guy has arrived...

[3Q中文] He was able to refine and absorb the mental energy left by the old **** without exploding and dying, tusk..., it's very interesting. "

The old man in white said.

"It's been a long time since there were no outsiders here, and someone broke in..."

The old man in black said lightly.

"The two weak ants have not been killed for a long time, so let's use these two ants to get an operation."

The old man in white was a little excited.

"The murderous aura in your heart is still so heavy. After such a long time, it's rare for two creatures to come here to help us relieve our boredom.

Why are you so bored to kill you. "

The old man in black sighed.

Outside the cave, the giant snowflake dragons submerged Lin Fei's body.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the entire soul tree rioted, moving almost with all its strength, frantically refining the giant snowflake dragons.

"Nourishing, refreshing..."

Lin Fei only felt that his divine consciousness was soaring!

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