Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2177: Kill the enemy together

"It's me, the real old man received Elder Qiao's distress signal, so I rushed."

Lin Fei said to Qing Luo.

Qing Luo was surprised and delighted. If not so many people were present, he would have stepped forward and hugged Lin Fei.

"Boy, who are you?!"

High in the sky, the evil demon master reacted first, and noticed that a young human race suddenly appeared in the field.

The heart of this evil demon master could not help but secretly shocked.

With his strength, he couldn't actually notice when and how this Human Race young man arrived.

So, his heart became a little wary.

This young human race is not simple!

"I'm here to kill you."

Lin Fei stretched out and took up one of Qingluo's jade hands, raised his head, looked at the demon master in the sky, and said lightly.

next moment.


Two tall figures appeared in the space beside that evil demon at the same time.

One is the killing **** puppet, and the other is Lin Fei's demon clone.

The black giant sword in the hands of the killing **** puppet was cut out, murderous, and the sword light was vast and terrible.

The avatar of the demon body immediately used the forbidden method of the coming demon, and at the same time, holding the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle, smashed it madly.


The evil demon master was horrified, his face suddenly changed.

The combat power of the god-killing puppet belongs to the intermediate fairy king realm, and in this level, it is almost invincible at the same level.

It's more than enough to deal with this evil master with the strength of the Seven Source Demon Realm.

The magic forbidden method of the demon body clone is now a master that can affect the fairy king realm in an instant.

Both shot at the same time, and it was a sneak attack. This evil demon master didn't have any ability to fight back.


His tall demon body was instantly shattered and turned into a cloud of blood.

Wan Mo Zhu Tian Xie Needle produces a powerful suction force that absorbs all the blood mist and bone residue.

A terrible evil master, just died like this?

The other people in the Xianling Realm were a little startled looking at this change in front of them.

"Hehe, guys, I'm here to meet you."

Lin Fei looked at the other people in Xianling Realm and smiled.

"Lin Fei, it's you!"

Elder Qiao reacted first, staring at Lin Fei, with ecstasy on his face.

He knew that Lin Fei in front of him, although young and capable, was amazing.

The rest of the people in Xianling Realm also recognized Lin Fei.

"Great, Lin Fei is here to save us!"

One by one shouted in surprise.

Lin Fei comforted everyone and sent them all into the slave tower.

Because, for Lin Fei, this group of people from the Immortal Ling Realm was still a little weak and could not help him.

However, Lin Fei stayed Qingluo.

"Go, next, I will take you with you to hunt these demons!"

Lin Fei took Qing Luo's jade hand.

Lin Fei was in a good mood after successfully rescuing the people from the Xianling Realm.


As long as you don't think I get in the way. "

Qingluo smiled and nodded.

To be able to fight the enemy together with the person he loves, Qingluo naturally cannot ask for it.

Lin Fei took Qingluo's hand and walked directly into the space, disappearing.

From appearing just now to leaving now, Lin Fei has been using the Dao breath technique to cover up his body tightly.

It can be seen with the naked eye, but it is impossible to perceive it with divine consciousness.

Although Lin Fei is only an Intermediate Immortal Realm, his perception of the various laws of order that exist between the heavens and the earth is a master that far exceeds the strength of many Immortal Kings.

In addition, he is good at space power. Therefore, the Dao breath method that Lin Fei has displayed now truly has a taste of being integrated into the nature of the Dao, even if it is a high-level fairy king master, it may not be felt.

Hundreds of miles away.

Teams of demons are chasing after them.

"Huh? Not good!

The Demon King of Heavenly Pardon was actually killed! "

At this moment, the masters of evil spirits also felt one after another that the Demon Lord Tianshen, who had just caught up, was killed in an instant and disappeared.

"Go, catch up and see what's going on!"

One by one, the masters of evil spirits with the strength of six sources and seven sources stretched out and teleported forward.

After just one breath, these evil demons masters came to the position where the Heavenly Pardon Demon King was beheaded.

However, the Heavenly Pardon Demon King was completely absorbed by the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle.

Lin Fei has also been using the Dao breath method to cover up his breath tightly, leaving no trace.

"Things are a little weird..."

A master evil spirit guessed.

"I guess it must be the warship that caused the ghost.

That battleship, no matter how I look at it, feels like those top battleships in the Kingdom of Thailand. "

Said another demon.

The top battleship in the kingdom of Thailand!

The rest of the evil masters were a little shocked when they heard this.

Because, in this cosmic starry sky, the battleships of the King of Thailand are famous.

"No wonder, this battleship is so powerful, let us chase and kill for two or three days!"

"It can't be wrong, it must be the battleship of the Thai King Realm!"

"Unexpectedly, Xianling Realm actually owns a battleship from the Thai King Realm!"

These evil demons masters in the field suddenly realized one by one.

At this time, the other teams of demons also chased up.


The battleship has run out of energy, it must not be far away, it must be nearby.

Find it out! "

A demon master with the strength of the Seven Origin Demon Realm gave orders loudly.

Suddenly, groups of demons and horses rushed out in all directions, searching the nearby area.

Those young demons and nobles also joined the search team.

This time, tens of thousands of evil spirits were sent from the third layer of the Devil Realm, and they were scattered. Each team had hundreds of thousands of evil spirits, and the scene was vast.

After a while, dozens of miles away.

A team of five or six hundred demons was flying at low speed.

Among them, there are also two young demons and nobles, flying at the forefront of the team, majestic.

Suddenly, a tall Demon Race appeared in front, waved his hand, and overwhelming black snowflakes filled the space.

It was Lin Fei's demon clone.

Suddenly, all the demons were unable to move.

Then, a pair of human young men and women appeared, holding hands, very close, naturally it was Lin Fei and Qing Luo.

With a wave of his hand, Lin Fei teleported the two young demons at the front of the team into the slave tower and imprisoned them.

The rest of the demons were cloned by the demon body, and all of them were smashed into meat sauce, and then absorbed.

Lin Fei's consciousness sensed it out, and soon locked onto a nearby evil master in the Six Source Devil Realm.

Lin Fei dragged Qing Luo, stepped into the space next to him, and disappeared.

After two breaths.

A dozen miles away, a master of the Six Source Demon Realm was flying.

Suddenly, Lin Fei and Qing Luo both came out of the space, just standing beside this evil demon master.

"who are you!"

The evil demon master was taken aback, looked at the human men and women who appeared suddenly, and shouted sharply.

"The one who killed you."

Lin Fei had a playful smile on his face.

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