Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2178: Mysterious master


Lin Fei smashed out with a punch, his fist was overwhelming, with an aura that could push the heavens and the world.


The evil demon's hair was terrified, and he roared and blasted towards him.


The demon's arms exploded first, and then the body was directly exploded into a cloud of blood.

A master of evil spirits with the strength of the Six Source Demon Realm, equivalent to the junior master of the fairy king realm of the human race.

Lin Fei naturally killed him with a punch.

Qing Luo was aside, and she could see brilliance in her beautiful eyes.

"My man, has grown to this point..."

Qing Luo looked at Lin Fei's profile with tenderness in his heart.

She remembered the situation when she had just met Lin Fei in the small world of Yuanwu Realm.

At that time, her realm of strength was much stronger than Lin Fei.

However, now, Lin Fei is far ahead of her.

At this moment, the demon body clone appeared, and with the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle, all the flesh and blood essence of the evil demon master was absorbed.

call out!

A group of magic clouds in the distance was teleporting towards Lin Fei's position.

He is an evil master with the strength of the Seven Origin Demon Realm.

This time, the demons masters sent by the third layer of the Demon Realm had five Seven Origin Demon Realms, eight Six Origin Demon Realms, and two Eight Origin Demon Realms.

There are fifteen masters in total.

It is very grand.

The main reason is that this time there are many noble young demons and nobles who come to practice in the ancient world of immortality.

In particular, five of them are descendants of the high lord.

There is a son Luo Tian, ​​who is the grandson of Nether Demon Ancestor!

The fifteen masters of evil spirits were ordered to protect these young evil nobles.

"Ha ha……"

Lin Fei looked up and looked at the dark magic cloud that was rushing in the distance, with a sneer.

Then, with Qing Luo, stepped into the space next to him, his figure disappeared.

"Huh? I obviously found something moving here?"

In an instant, a master evil demon came to the court with a look of doubt.


Two tall and murderous figures suddenly appeared beside this evil demon master.

It is the killing **** puppet, and the demon body clone.


Fierce fighting broke out.

However, within less than three moves, this master of the Seven Source Demon Realm's strength was beheaded, and his body was completely absorbed by the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle.

Next, Lin Fei and Qingluo continued to traverse the space, wandering through this vast area at a terrifying speed.

When encountering those weak demons, the clones of the demon body directly used the magic forbidden method, all sealed, and then all killed by one stick.

Regardless of whether it is a hundred, a thousand, or a few thousand evil demon teams, for the demon body clone, it is an instant kill.

Ten Thousand Demons Zhutian Evil Needle, but one of the three most powerful holy artifacts in the entire abyss domain.

The real power is earth-shattering.

Since the demon body clone has refined this Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle, its strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and even if it goes to the abyss domain, it must be one of the famous evil demon masters.

How can these weak demons be able to resist?

After a while, as Lin Fei continued to hunt down, the number of demons in this area became less and less.

Moreover, the number of young demons and nobles who fell into Lin Fei's hands reached twenty.

Among them, four of the five descendants of the high lord fell into the hands of Lin Fei!

As for those masters of evil spirits, there are already five Six Source Devil Realms and three Seven Source Devil Realms dead in Lin Fei's hands.

Half dead!

"What's going on! Our men and horses are being killed quickly!"

The remaining master demons finally realized that something was wrong.

However, because of Lin Fei's body speed is too fast, and at the same time displaying the Dao breath method, and constantly traversing the space, it is invisible and invisible.

Therefore, these evil demons masters have not been able to perceive Lin Fei's existence.

They just constantly felt that teams of demons and horses were constantly beheaded in a short period of time.

Including those noble young nobles, they also disappeared.


what the **** is it!

Could it be that the warship of the Thai King Realm is a ghost! "

The evil demon masters roared sternly, casting their body skills to the fastest extent, in this area, they were constantly sprinting and teleporting, searching everywhere.

They were all frightened and angry, and even a faint chill rose in their hearts.

Things are very strange, as if there is an invisible and terrifying ghost in this area, constantly harvesting the lives of demons.

"Master Luo Tian, ​​things are not good.

In a short period of time, almost half of our people died. "

An elderly demon said beside Lord Luo Tian.

"What?! Who did it?

Could it be those lowly creatures in Xianling Realm that did it? "

Lord Luo Tian had always been calm and free, so he could take care of his spare time. Hearing the words of the old demon, he couldn't help being stunned on the spot.

"Impossible. Although that warship is powerful, it can't do it, silently kill so many of us.

Master, the old slave went to check it out. "

An old evil demon master said to Lord Luo Tian.

"Well, find the murderer and break him into pieces!

Let him know that the majesty of our third demon world cannot be provoked! "

Luo Tiangong gritted his teeth.

call out!

This old demon moved his body and teleported away.

"Well, a master with the strength of the Eight Source Demon Realm has been dispatched."

A few tens of miles away, Lin Fei punched a master of the Six Source Devil Realm into scum, then, looking into the distance, muttered to himself.

"Qing Luo, you enter the slave tower first.

It seemed that the two masters with the strength of the Eight Source Demon Realm were ready to dispatch.

These two masters are a bit difficult.

I am ready to play with them. "

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei is not afraid of demons masters with the strength of the Seven Source Devil Realm and below.

However, Lin Fei, the master of evil spirits in the Eight Source Demon Realm, was a little cautious.

Because the Eight Source Demon Realm is equivalent to the advanced fairy king realm of the human race.

Moreover, following the two Eight Source Devil Realms beside Luo Tian Gongzi, they obviously lived a long time, and belonged to the kind of old antique demons with extremely rich experience.

Such a master has terrible combat power.

"OK, all right.

Be careful yourself, if you can't beat it, forget it. "

Qingluo knew the importance of the matter, so the first one was gentle, and told Lin Fei.

Lin Fei nodded, teleporting Qingluo into the slave tower.

Then, Lin Fei passed through the space, and his figure disappeared.

call out!

At the moment when Lin Fei disappeared, an old demon appeared in the field, staring at the location where Lin Fei disappeared, revealing a look of doubt.

"It looks like a human smell, and killed a master in our world...

But why is there no trace all of a sudden?

Could it be my illusion. "

I have to say that the perception ability of this old demon is terrible.

Actually faintly sensed Lin Fei's trail.

At this time, it was dozens of miles away.

Lin Fei's figure came out of the chaotic void, and together with the demon body clone, killed a group of hundreds of demons in a flash.

Moreover, another young demon noble was caught.

"There is movement!"

This old demon immediately sensed it, and teleported to him as he moved.

However, when he arrived.

Lin Fei crossed into the space again, without a trace.

"Back in time!"

This evil demon master waved his hand, and the endless black magic power poured out from his body and condensed into a transparent screen in front of him.

In the transparent screen, there are pictures moving.

A group of hundreds of demons suddenly seemed to be sealed, and then a black iron rod as thick as a mountain fell from the sky and smashed all the demons to pieces.

The activity screen disappeared here.

There is no trace of Lin Fei and the demon body clone.

Because Lin Fei used the Dao breath method to cover up the figure of himself and the demon body clone.

"Sure enough, there is a mysterious master who is hunting down people in our world!"

This old master evil demon blurted out.

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