Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3352: Break out

"Ice Master, don't worry, our five sisters will never let Tianyu go.

One day, we will go to her to settle the accounts. "

Sanxuan Ice Girl said.

"Yes, that **** Tianyu betrayed us, causing us to be caught by the monster clan and almost sold out by auction.

This hatred must be reported! "

Speaking of Tianyu, her few ice goddesses, as well as tens of thousands of ordinary ice girls, are also gritted teeth.

"Okay, it's up to you to find Tianyu for revenge.

However, Tianyu took refuge in the Yaozu.

With Yaozu as a backer, it is not easy for you to seek revenge from her.

Therefore, from now on, you must work hard to cultivate, and first strive to improve your realm cultivation level. "

The ice master took the opportunity to encourage him.

"Ice Lord, we understand!"

Five ice goddesses, and tens of thousands of ice ladies, answered in unison.

"Ice Master, I want to go out to find my Jade Sister."

Suddenly, Wang Chan walked to the ice master and whispered.

Wang Chan's heart always remembers the whereabouts of Wang Yu.

The two sisters have a very deep relationship.

During this period of time, after losing contact, Wang Chan was always worried for Wang Yu.

She had previously agreed with Lin Fei that after practicing for a period of time in this ice and snow goddess temple, she would go out together to find Wang Yu's whereabouts.


You are going out!

Too dangerous.

Outside, there are a large number of masters of the monster race surrounding them. "

The ice master was shocked when he heard this.

Even she didn't have the confidence to break through.

Outside, there are hundreds of monsters masters.

Especially among them, there are eight lower gods, which makes her feel very mysterious and dangerous.

The ice master has an intuition, although he is the strength of the upper god, but, not necessarily, is the opponent of the eight lower gods!

In the ice master's heart, he had already faintly guessed that the eight lower gods were most likely the true gods in the legend!

After all, the Ice Palace is also a very ancient organization.

As the ice master, there are some secrets, and she also knows a thing or two.

She has also heard about the true god.

"Wang Chan, with your current strength, you simply don't have the ability to break through.

This is tantamount to suicide! "

The ice master shook his head, disagreeing.

"Ice Master, you also know that Sister Yu is very important to me.

If something happened to Sister Yu, I..., I can't live alone. "

Having said that, Wang Chan's eye circles are also red.

"Ice Master, I will go out with her, nothing will happen."

At this time, Lin Fei walked over.

Lin Fei also planned to look for Wang Yu.

After all, Wang Yu also belongs to the plane of falling immortal.

Lin Fei can't ignore it.

"Lin Shaoxia, the situation outside, as you know, is too dangerous."

The ice master hesitated.

"Ice Master, believe me, if I take her out, she will be complete and bring her back."

Lin Fei said, appearing very confident.

Lin Fei believes that with his own strength and various trump cards, even the eight true gods of the monster race can retreat.

Especially, after mastering the original law of the ice and snow chaos, Lin Fei even, a little impulsively, wanted to find a true **** of the monster race to practice his hands.

Lin Fei believes that a complete law of the origin of chaos can exert its power against a true **** in the realm of lower gods, not necessarily, it will lose!

"Lin Shaoxia..."

The Ice Master, and those high-level officials in the Ice Palace, don't know how to talk.

Wang Chan has accepted the inheritance of the ice and snow goddess, which is too precious for the ice palace.

In case something happened, it would be a huge loss for Ice Palace.

However, the Ice Master also knew that the two sisters Wang Chan had a deep relationship.

If she insisted on stopping Wang Chan, maybe Wang Chan would do something stupid.

The Ice Master understands Wang Chan's character very well. In his bones, he is a very stubborn woman.

Moreover, Lin Fei is the great benefactor of Ice Palace.

The five ice goddesses and tens of thousands of ice ladies were all rescued by Lin Fei.

Five ice goddesses, and tens of thousands of ice girls, are the core and most important disciples in the ice palace.

If something happened, it would be equivalent to letting Bing Palace go directly to the fault, starting from the beginning and recruiting and training disciples again.

Therefore, Lin Fei's kindness to Bing Palace was too great.

Now, Lin Fei spoke in person and wanted to go out with Wang Chan to look for Wang Yu. Although the Ice Master was unwilling, it was not good either. He disobeyed Lin Fei's will.

"Ice Master, trust me.

When I speak, I always count. "

Lin Fei looked at the ice master and said.

In the tone, he appeared calm and confident.

"Ice Master, please fulfill me, I must go out and look for Sister Yu."

Wang Chan also burst into tears, pear blossoms with rain, begging to the ice lord.

"This..., well, Lin Shaoxia, I believe you.

Wang Chan, it is too important to Bing Palace, Lin Shaoxia, I will trouble you and take care of her. "

The Ice Master finally gritted his teeth and agreed after fierce thoughts.

"Thank you Ice Master!"

Wang Chan was overjoyed and quickly thanked him.

"Ice master rest assured, I will definitely bring her back intact."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Elder Wu, Elder Ruan, Elder Jiang, Elder Chen, Elder Zhu, you five, go with Wang Chan.

Remember, we must do our best to protect her. "

The Ice Lord looked at the five elders in the Ice Palace.

These five elders are all upper gods!


The five elders called by the ice master simultaneously replied.


Lin Fei was a bit speechless.

It seemed that this ice master obviously had not enough confidence in him.

Therefore, five elders were specially sent to go together.

"Ice Master, actually, it's just me and Wang Chan.

Don't bother these five elders. "

Lin Fei said.

"Lin Shaoxia, Wang Chan is too important to our Ice Palace. I must do everything possible to protect her."

The Ice Master said solemnly, there was no room for negotiation.

"OK then……"

Lin Fei was helpless.

"Okay, let's go now."

Lin Fei said to Wang Chan.

Wang Chan nodded.

"Attention everyone, go out together.

Remember, our purpose is to cover them to break through. "

The Ice Lord looked at the senior figures in the Ice Palace and said loudly.

More than a thousand gods in the Ice Palace, all of them are ready to fight.

The ice lord and the senior officials of these ice palaces felt that Lin Fei and a few people would inevitably go through a fierce battle if they want to successfully break through.

"no need.

Ice Lord, I have a way to leave directly, and I don't need to fight against the monsters. "

Lin Fei smiled bitterly and said.

"Do you have a way?"

The ice master was taken aback.

"You enter into my space magic weapon."

Lin Fei said to Wang Chan and the five elders of the Ice Palace.

The five Ice Palace elders were taken aback and looked at the Ice Master.

"Just listen to Lin Shaoxia."

The Ice Master thought for a while and nodded.

So Lin Fei sent Wang Chan and the five elders of the Ice Palace into the continent he created.

Then, Lin Fei moved out, came to the gate of the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple, opened the gate, and walked out quickly.

Lin Fei mastered the original law of ice and snow chaos and could easily open the door.

And those monster masters outside, even true gods, couldn't open the door.

Because this temple was protected by the original law of ice and snow.

"Let's go out too!"

The ice master was not relieved, and with more than a thousand gods from the ice palace, he quickly rushed out of the gate.

"Ice Master, I'm going.

You go back. "

Outside the gate of the temple, Lin Fei directly activated the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation Card, teleported away instantly, and disappeared.

"Huh? Gone?

It seems, really broke out? "

The Ice Lord and the high-level members of the Ice Palace were all stunned. Unexpectedly, Lin Fei broke through the siege so easily.

"It seems to be a very clever teleportation magic weapon. Could it be the legendary reincarnation card?"

The ice master thought for a while, and suddenly showed a shocked expression.

Regarding the reincarnation card, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there are scattered records among many powerful forces.

Therefore, there are not many creatures who know the reincarnation card.

"what happened?!"

At this time, the monster masters who were besieged around the temple also discovered the situation. A series of terrifying monsters blasted towards the temple gate and shot over.

"No, those monster masters found us.

Go back now! "

The Ice Master was taken aback, and brought more than a thousand gods from the Ice Palace, rushed back into the temple at the fastest speed and closed the door.

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