Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3353: The real **** is here

"It seems that someone has left!"

At this time, a true demon **** who was staying near the temple had already sensed Lin Fei the moment Lin Fei walked out of the temple door.

So, he stretched his figure, based on his feelings, chased in one direction quietly.

At this time, Lin Fei was already far away from the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple and appeared in a piece of ice.

Lin Fei sent Wang Chan out with a thought.

Wang Chan can move freely in the ice field.

Moreover, the environment of the ice field is good for her cultivation.

"Lin Fei, the men and horses of the Demon City have already controlled the Ice Palace.

Everywhere is heavily guarded.

How should we act. "

Wang Chan looked at Lin Fei and asked, she looked worried.

"It's okay, we are in disguise.

Although the Bing Palace was controlled by the demon capital's men and horses, it still allowed outside creatures to enter and leave freely.

We pretend to be creatures coming in from the outside world, and as long as we keep a low profile, nothing will happen.

What's more, even if I was discovered, I would be confident and retreat all over, so you don't need to worry. "

Lin Fei said comfortingly.

"Well, let's leave the ice sheet first."

Lin Fei said.

Wang Chan nodded.

Just now.


Not far away, strong winds began to blow, and ice and snow rolled back, like landslides and ocean vents, coming turbulently.

"Ice storm! Ice ghost!"

Lin Fei and Wang Chan looked at each other.

"Hey, good job."

Lin Fei smiled.


In other directions, huge snow storms also blew up at the same time.

A rough calculation, there are at least hundreds of tornadoes!

In all directions, ice and snow tornadoes were spinning frantically, roaring, and scouring, like an indomitable monster above their heads, crushing them towards Lin Fei and Wang Chan.

This scene is like a large group of huge dragons besieging two little ants!

"Lin Fei, it seems that there are hundreds of ice ghosts, let's run away."

Wang Chan's small face was a little pale.

She knew that Lin Fei had the strength to kill ice ghosts.

However, facing hundreds of ice ghosts at the same time, this is no joke.

She didn't think that Lin Fei could fight hundreds of ice ghosts at the same time.

"Lin Fei, don't hesitate, let's go!"

Wang Chan urged.

"No hurry, some treasures are brought to the door.

If not, isn't it a waste? "

Lin Fei smiled.


Wang Chan was taken aback.

"Yes, these hundreds of ice ghosts are a great tonic, you can't miss them in vain."

Lin Fei nodded.


Wang Chan hesitated.

"It's okay."

Lin Fei comforted.


In the blink of an eye, hundreds of tornadoes have surrounded them.

The overwhelming ice and snow crackled and came over.

"Be careful!"

Wang Chan shouted.


Lin Fei shouted.

Immediately, a vast ice and snow law spread out like a deep sea, centered on Lin Fei.

All of a sudden, the temperature in this area dropped by hundreds of degrees!

As a result, everything, including space, time, air, and all matter, freezes.

Everything turned into ice.

Layers on all sides, with Lin Fei and Wang Chan standing as the center, diffuse out.

Those huge ice and snow tornadoes had no resistance at all when they encountered the laws of ice and snow released by Lin Fei.

Directly, they turned into huge, upright ice statues!

These ice sculptures keep the original appearance of the tornado. From bottom to top, from small to large, they spin up in circles, towering between the sky and the earth, which is very strange.


Visible to the naked eye, the white ice ghosts were enclosed in the ice sculpture and roared.

These ice ghosts shot out a bit of bitter gaze, staring at Lin Fei and Wang Chan.

It's just that Lin Fei has cultivated a complete ice and snow chaos origin law, and the chaos ice and snow origin law released is too powerful, it is not at all, these ice ghosts can withstand it.


Suddenly, the ice ghosts enclosed in the ice sculptures released a billowing blood mist among their heads.

Pieces of blood mist continued to converge, turning into a blood-colored ocean, overwhelming the sky, rolling and roaring, and flooded towards Lin Fei and Wang Chan.

"Good job!"

Lin Fei laughed.

These blood-colored oceans are condensed by a strong divine consciousness, and they also carry ice and snow attributes, which are very powerful.

If it were other lower gods, it is estimated that in an instant, the body and the soul body would be frozen.


The soul tree and soul dragon jumped out at the same time, suspended above Lin Fei's head, and began to absorb the **** mist that washed over.

At the same time, in Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, the Chaos Ice Lotus protected the soul body.

Under the protection of the Chaos Ice Lotus, the divine consciousness released by those ice ghosts is simply not worth mentioning to Lin Fei.


The soul tree and soul dragon began to frantically absorb the **** ocean.

And those ice ghosts who had absorbed their divine consciousness were killed directly.


At this time, there was another angry roar in the distance.

Then, hundreds of thousands of tornadoes, from far to near, moved in mighty speed at an astonishing speed.

"No, another batch of ice ghosts are coming!"

Wang Chan's delicate white face was slightly discolored.

"Haha..., good come! Good come!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed when he saw this.

With Lin Fei's thoughts moving, the powerful ice and snow chaos origin law diffused into the distance.

Frozen the tornadoes moving quickly into statues.

At this time, the strength of Lin Fei's divine consciousness soared sharply.

"Achieve a lot!"

Lin Fei was extremely surprised.

Unexpectedly, encountered so many ice ghosts.

This is an unexpected gain.


Suddenly, Lin Fei's heart moved.

As the **** mist absorbed more and more, Lin Fei suddenly realized that there was an additional message in the sea of ​​knowledge.

This message seemed to be drawn from the head of a certain ice ghost!

This message is about the race inheritance of the ice ghost!

The ice ghost, the most good at, is the divine consciousness attack.

Race inheritance is also a secret method about how to use the power of divine consciousness to attack the enemy.

Moreover, the race inheritance of the ice ghosts has obvious ice and snow attributes.

"Yes, I didn't expect that I actually obtained the racial heritage of the ice ghost."

Lin Fei's heart was extremely pleasantly surprised.

Just now.

In the distance, a demon light shot out.

"Hehe, I finally found it.

Interesting, this kid, a little trick. "

A monster clan, showing his figure, stood in the void, staring at Lin Fei, and said with a sneer.

This is a true god!

At this time, Lin Fei had absorbed most of the ice ghost divine consciousness. Suddenly, Lin Fei felt a very dangerous aura and locked himself.

"A true demon god!"

How powerful was Lin Fei's divine consciousness at this time, and immediately discovered the arrival of the true demon god.

The eyes of the two sides collided.

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