Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3418: Believe it or not

"Okay, let's go."

Lin Fei stepped forward.

"Let's find Qianyu before talking."

Lin Fei's heart secretly said.

Qian Yu, but a true **** of middle rank.

Lin Fei didn't want to lose such a powerful slave.

The shark girl followed closely behind Lin Fei, her heart calmed a lot.

After all, she had already seen Lin Fei's strength.

In addition to looking for Qian Yu, Lin Fei also wanted to try to see if he could find more psychedelic tokens.

Lin Fei's current law of illusion, is the realm of the beginning.

This is far from enough.

Lin Fei is still not satisfied.

If you can find more psychedelic tokens, it is possible to take your own magical principles to the next level.

At the very least, reach the realm of spiritual, even, great achievement.

Lin Fei's pursuit of martial arts is endless.

It can be said that entering this maze unintentionally is a huge crisis for other creatures, full of dangers everywhere.

However, for Lin Fei, it is a huge opportunity.

Mastered a complete illusion law!

Therefore, Lin Fei is in a good mood.

Lin Fei was in front, and the shark girl was behind.

The two walked forward one after another.

The surrounding space is full of hallucinations and illusions.

However, these hallucinations and illusions became docile as soon as they met Lin Fei.

There is no offensiveness!

On the contrary, very intimately, get close to Lin Fei.

Even Lin Fei could make these hallucinations and illusions obey orders!

At this moment.

Lin Fei is like a king, walking on his own territory.

Take charge of everything, order everything!

The mackerel girl followed Lin Fei closely.

At the beginning, she was a little nervous.

At all times, prepare to deal with the illusions and illusions that invade all around.

As a true god, these hallucinations and illusions, although not a fatal threat to her.

However, it is also impossible to guard against. If you are not careful, the sea of ​​consciousness will be invaded and plunged into an endless fantasy world.

However, soon, her face was filled with surprise.

She found that there were no more hallucinations and illusions, and attacked.

Everything is calm.

Before, she walked in this maze, always in fear.

"This young human race is too surprising and too mysterious."

Yu Nu looked at Lin Fei who was walking in front, her beautiful eyes were full of surprise.


Suddenly, the mackerel spoke to Lin Fei in a loud voice.

"what's up."

Lin Fei replied.

"what's your name.

I can't ask you to feed it. "

Said the Maiden.

"My name is Lin Fei."

Lin Fei answered directly.

"Lin Fei... By the way, which force do you come from?

The dozens of forces that entered the land outside the law, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, their strength is at the forefront.

Your power should be very powerful. "

The shark girl broke the posture of asking the bottom of the casserole a bit.

Yes, she had a strong interest in Lin Fei.

She wanted to know everything about Lin Fei.

"The power I'm in is very weak, it's a remote, remote, and not famous place."

Lin Fei replied casually.

What Lin Fei said is the truth.

The current three thousand worlds, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, is a very weak world group.

"how is this possible!

I don't believe it, hum, you are not honest.

Why lie to me!

I won't do anything to you. "

The Maiden didn't believe it at all.

How could it be possible that a young man who was so enchanting came from a remote and weak place.

"What I said is true, believe it or not, it's up to you."

Lin Fei replied lightly.

Don't bother to explain at all.

Everyone is just meeting together, maybe, after leaving the maze, there will be no intersection again.

Therefore, Lin Fei didn't have much thought to pay attention to this shark girl.


Since you are from a small and remote place, how did you get into this place outside the law?

This time, it was more than a dozen powerful forces who entered the place outside the law. "

The Maiden asked, as if she didn't stop asking clearly.

"It's very simple.

I am a slave to a true **** of the Yaozu, so just follow in. "

Lin Fei walked in front, replied casually.


You must be lying!

With your strength, how is it possible to be a slave! "

At this moment, the mackerel girl, completely disbelieving, shouted.

"Why are you lying to me!

Do you hate me like that? "

Seeing Lin Fei's inattentive and unloving attitude, the mackerel felt a bit wronged.

"Believe it or not."

Lin Fei quickened his pace and ignored it.

"You, why are you doing this!

Okay, I won't ask, wait for me! "

The maiden stomped her feet with anger, and quickly followed.

Just now.

Suddenly, in front, there was arguing and shouting.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness immediately felt the past forward.

There are two teams of people facing each other.

The first team is the men and horses of the Yao race.

The other team is from the Western Holy See.

The atmosphere is very tense and the swords are drawn.

The location is a very wide courtyard.

In the courtyard, flowers and trees are planted everywhere, there are rockery, there are ponds.

On one of the rockeries, there are three tokens.

Psychedelic token!

It can be seen that the purpose of the confrontation between the two teams is the three tokens.

"You Yaozu, don't you plan to make sense!

In everything, we must pay attention to a first come, first served.

Obviously, we entered this courtyard first and saw the three tokens first.

As a result, your demons insisted on slamming their legs and snatching them! "

A true **** of the Western Holy See exclaimed.

"Who said that you people from the Western Holy See saw the three tokens first.

In fact, it was us who saw the three tokens first.

You people from the Western Holy See are too overbearing, and you turn things upside down. Are you deceiving our demons? "

A true **** of the monster race roared.

"We saw the token first!"

"Clearly we saw it first!"


The two factions are facing each other tit-for-tat.

Seeing, the fight is on the verge.

at this time.

Lin Fei stared at the three tokens on the rockery, very happy.

"Good luck, I met three more tokens."

Lin Fei muttered to himself and walked towards the courtyard.

Compared with Lin Fei, the shark girl's ability to perceive consciousness is much worse.

Especially in this maze, there are those hallucinations and illusion interference, and the range she can perceive is very limited.

So, for a while, she hadn't noticed that there were two teams facing each other in front of her.

After a while.

Lin Fei took the shark girl and walked outside the gate of the courtyard.

"not good!

In this courtyard, there are two teams of men and horses belonging to the Yaozu and the Western Holy See.

Lin Fei, don't go in, they are so crowded, we are not opponents. "

The shark girl stopped abruptly, and she sensed the two teams facing each other nervously in the courtyard.

His face was a little alarmed.

"With me, don't be afraid.

If you are really scared, you can go first, or, find a place nearby and hide first.

whatever. "

However, Lin Fei stepped up and walked in.


When the mackerel saw this, she was anxious and angry.


Whether you go up to the sword mountain or down the sea of ​​fire, I will be with you! "

Finally, the mackerel girl gritted her teeth and walked in the courtyard following Lin Fei with a willing mind.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness clearly perceives the shark girl's every move.

Seeing her following in, he could not help but nodded secretly.

It seems that this shark girl is a man of temperament.

Inside the courtyard.

Lin Fei put his hands on his back and walked in slowly.

The mackerel girl was on guard, as if facing a big enemy, she followed Lin Fei nervously.


In an instant, all the gazes of the demons and horses, and those of the Western Holy See, were on Lin Fei and the Maiden.

All kinds of terrifying coercion, instantly rolled over in the air.

Soon, the two teams discovered the realm of strength of Lin Fei and Yu Nv.

An ordinary lower god.

A true **** of the next god.

Both are very weak.

Not enough.

As a result, the eyes of the two teams became interesting and dangerous.

Two weak ants actually dared to swagger in under this situation.

They are just two idiots.

It can be said that it is dead!

咚... 咚...

In the courtyard, Lin Fei stepped on the pavement, making a crisp sound, not hurriedly, not hurriedly, and step by step to the side of the rockery.

Lin Fei's expression was very calm and leisurely.

It's so peaceful.

It's like taking a walk after dinner in the back garden of my home.

After all, I didn't look at the two teams, the people who were facing each other.

At this time, the shark girl was already scared to death. She followed Lin Fei step by step, trotting all the way, almost limp all over.

The maiden found that no matter whether it is in the demons or the horses of the Western Holy See, there are middle gods and true gods!

Moreover, there are a lot of them, and together, there are seven or eight middle gods!

What's more, there are even more true gods, dozens of them!

"It's over, it's over!"

The shark girl was very nervous.

She knew that Lin Fei's combat power was very strong.

However, it is okay to face so many true gods at the same time, especially the middle **** true gods?

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