Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3419: Is everything an illusion

Lin Fei walked to the side of the rockery and looked at the three tokens on the rockery.

"Very good, three more dollars."

Lin Fei felt very satisfied, nodded and smiled.

"Lin Fei, let's go!"

The shark girl's tense body, almost clinging to Lin Fei's back, said to Lin Fei tremblingly.

Around, there were fierce and terrifying eyes staring at her and Lin Fei.

Those eyes were full of scrutiny, playfulness, and a strong killing intent.

Waves of terrifying aura pressure, like a deep sea, crushed over.

This kind of situation, this kind of atmosphere, is too scary for the shark girl.

"Well, yes, I took these three tokens and left immediately."

Lin Fei nodded, and was about to reach out for the three tokens.

Just now.

"Hahaha...It's so funny, these two idiots, their brains are absolutely abnormal!"

"Two ants, garbage, swaggered in in front of us, asking for tokens.

Really when we don't exist yet. "

"This couple, I really convinced you.

Are your brains broken?

In front of us, there are two poor ants, who are actually serious, walk in and get tokens! "


The two teams finally couldn't hold back and laughed wildly one by one.

They all looked at Lin Fei with ridiculous eyes, and couldn't help but laugh, blushing with laughter, and winking at each other.

Yes, they all felt that they had indeed met two fools.

This feeling and this shadow, they thought, was very funny, and they laughed wildly.

"Lin Fei... we... let's find a way to get out... here, it's dangerous!"

At this time, the mackerel girl was a little lost, and under tension, she dragged Lin Fei's clothes.

"Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with me."

Lin Fei smiled.

"A bunch of idiots, don't bother to care about you."

Lin Fei looked around slowly, and the two teams who were laughing wildly shook their heads.

Then, Lin Fei waved his sleeves, like lightning, and took the three tokens from the rockery.


In this way, the two teams were completely dumbfounded.

From the very beginning, they all regarded Lin Fei and Yu Nui as a joke.

Lin Fei's strength is too weak.

No one can be wary.

They never thought that Lin Fei actually dared to get those three tokens!


You ant, dare to get tokens!

dead! "

The people of the Yao race and the people of the Western Holy See finally came back to their senses.

One by one furious.

Such a weak ant actually dared to take away those three tokens in front of them.

This is a serious provocation, and insult!


Take down these two idiots!

Break them into pieces! "

"Attention, that woman, it is possible that she is a shark girl, save her life, then everyone can have fun!"


Both teams, with true gods, rushed towards Lin Fei and Yu Nu.

However, all are the lower gods and true gods.

Those middle gods are true gods.

Disdain to shoot.

With their realm and status, it is impossible to take action personally to deal with the two weak ants.


The shark girl gritted her teeth and prepared to take action.

Lin Fei was very calm, even with a smile on his face, calmly looking at the true gods who rushed over.

"Boy, when death is approaching, you can still laugh.

It seems that he is indeed an idiot with a problematic brain!

go to hell! "

A lower **** from the Western Holy See rushed in front of Lin Fei and shouted.

"It should be you to die."

Lin Fei shook his head slightly, looked at the true **** of the Western Holy See with a smile, and said.



boom! boom! ...

Numerous hallucinations and illusions are surging crazily, from all directions, continuously, converging, and directly surrounding Lin Fei, forming a huge funnel-shaped vortex!

These vortexes are composed of massive hallucinations and illusions.

One by one terrible vortex, slowly turning, the void seemed to be collapsed!

Countless illusions come and go! Auditory hallucinations!


It was too late to say, then soon, Lin Fei said softly.


A huge vortex composed of illusions, like a series of tornadoes, centered on Lin Fei, moving quickly in all directions.

In an instant, tens of thousands of illusory worlds, illusory and disillusioned, continued to play and change, and crazily invaded the sea of ​​consciousness of the true gods who rushed towards Lin Fei.


Those true gods were shocked instantly.

next moment.


Endless hallucinations and illusions completely drowned them.

Their facial features are suddenly distorted!

Moreover, the eyes are protruding!

At this moment, they are already trapped in a bizarre fantasy world, and they can't call them out.

Immediately after.

Roar! ...

Heartbreaking screams, screams, and howls, one after another, constantly sounded!

In the depths of the pupils of these true gods, various terrifying images flashed out. These images were the illusion world they were experiencing.

Among them, there are crazy killings, desperate escape, cruel torture, horrible torture, helpless despair...

Possessed like an endless nightmare!

Their nerves collapsed instantly!


All kinds of blood, from their eyes, ears, mouth and nose, constantly sprayed out, the scene, bloody, terrible.

"Yes, Not Bad.

The law of illusion, in this maze, is simply invincible! "

Lin Fei looked at the true gods who were cruelly tortured, and was very satisfied with the effect.

It can be said that in this maze, mastering the illusion law of the original level of chaos, to crush these lower gods and true gods, it is easy to turn the palms, like cutting melons and vegetables!

"All die."

Lin Fei said lightly.

boom! boom! ...

The heads of the true gods who were surrounded by illusions began to explode one after another.

It was like a broken watermelon, dripping with juice and very bloody.

Then, their bodies cracked and exploded like porcelain, and the blood rained and splashed in all directions.



This scene made all the creatures completely dumbfounded.

It was shocking, it was amazing.

It's too much to accept!

The Yaozu and the Western Holy See, the remaining people, were all dumbfounded, wondering if they were mistaken.

"Impossible, is this all, is it an illusion!"

It is possible that here is a maze in itself, yes, what I just saw must be an illusion! "

The Western Holy See, a true god, roared.

"Unfortunately, all of this is true. It's up to you."

Lin Fei looked at him.

Mind moved.

One by one illusion vortex, rotating and moving past, directly surrounded the true god.

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