Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3606: The enemy's counterattack

Similar scenes continue to happen in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

The Alliance Army sent out the Seventh and Eighth Route Army to regain territory everywhere.

The true **** slaves under Lin Fei are naturally the main combat power.

Almost all of the upper gods and true **** slaves were sent out.

The upper **** true god, as long as he doesn't encounter the half-step main **** and the main god, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, he is almost rampant.

In addition, most of the middle gods, true gods, were also sent out.

Therefore, the operation of the Alliance army to regain the territory went very fast and very smoothly.

After all, the six superpowers have divided up the vast majority of areas in the boundless chaotic sea, and the territories occupied by each superpower are boundless.

And every super power has countless branches.

Impossible, every branch has strong masters.

There are even some sub-bases where there are no true gods, only some ordinary gods guarding them.

Given the number of gods in the alliance army, it is naturally not difficult to regain these strongholds.

this day.

"Report to the leader, most of the territory of our alliance army has been recovered."

A **** came back to report to Lin Fei.

During this time, Lin Fei stayed in the ice palace.

"It's a good job, but in the future, the six superpowers will definitely organize troops and counterattack.

So, let the order go on and let everyone be prepared. "

Lin Fei said.


The **** agreed and hurriedly arranged according to Lin Fei's instructions.

"Seniors, what you said, the chaotic space-time array that can teleport long distances in the chaotic void, can it really be set up successfully?"

Lin Fei transmitted sound to the Chinese zodiac.

"Of course it can succeed.

This is the teleportation array passed down by the master, so there is no doubt about it. "

The zodiac signs answered one after another.

"It's just that if you want to set up a long-distance chaotic space-time array, you need an amazing number of space crystals and time crystals.

If you can raise enough **** crystals, we can help you set up immediately. "

Tianguo said.

"Okay, I'll give an order right away to collect time and space crystals."

Lin Fei said happily.

Therefore, Lin Feima sent an order to send a large number of gods and go out to buy two kinds of **** crystals at all costs.

These gods all carry huge amounts of wealth, conceal their identity, and go to various areas of the boundless Chaos Sea to buy **** crystals.

During this time, the alliance army fought everywhere and harvested a lot of money.

In addition, Lin Fei has amazing wealth.

What's more, just falling in the Valley of God, there are endless, almost inexhaustible possessions.

It can be said that the wealth that Lin Fei can mobilize now is simply unimaginable.

It's easy to get rich.

Soon, a large number of Time God Crystals and Space God Crystals were secretly sent to Lin Fei's hands continuously.

After half a month.

"Seniors, are these **** crystals enough."

Lin Fei brought an astonishing number of time crystals and space crystals to the zodiac.

"It's barely enough.

Well, we will take action and help you arrange some chaotic space-time arrays. "

Tuntengou nodded.

"Then you will have trouble, seniors."

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

Lin Fei selected a dozen of the most important and largest strongholds as locations for the arrangement of the chaotic space-time array.

These dozens of strongholds have since become the main foothold of the Alliance army.

The Chinese zodiac set out to set up a formation with a crystal.

at the same time.

The counterattack of the six superpowers against the alliance forces has also begun.

Of course they were not reconciled, and just watched the Alliance army continue to grow and rob them of their territory.

Some time ago, the alliance forces acted too quickly and their offensives were too fierce. They regained so much territory at once, making the six superpowers a little overwhelmed.

Now, the six superpowers have completely come back to their senses, organized their troops and started counterattacking.

First of all, the affiliated forces of the six superpowers were agitated and attacked first.

this day.

A stronghold of the Alliance Army.

Suddenly, an overwhelming army appeared around the stronghold.

Teams of murderous people, densely packed, like a vast ocean, surrounded this stronghold of the Alliance army.

Most of these people are affiliated forces of the six superpowers.

From different world groups, races, sects.

The number is very large.

However, there are some true **** masters of the six superpowers who are responsible for leading the team.

"Trash from the Alliance Army, get out and die!"

"Kill a piece of armor without leaving it, everyone in the Alliance army will all die!"


Rows of violent roars continued to sound.

"No, there are strong enemies coming!"

In the stronghold of the alliance army, the dozens of gods who were in charge were all shocked.

Because this stronghold is just a very ordinary world group, the location is relatively remote, it is just a small stronghold, the strength of the Alliance army guarding here is relatively weak.

The most powerful are the two middle-level true gods, five lower-level true gods, and dozens of ordinary gods.

This kind of power is pretty good for an ordinary world group.

Now, there are too many people coming from outside.

There are hundreds of gods alone!

The enemy is few and the situation is very bad.

"Send the sound transmission back immediately and ask for assistance!"

The two middle gods, true gods, quickly ordered.

However, it is already a bit late.

"Haha, do you think you can just avoid it!

Kill me in, kill them all! "

The middle **** of a monster race, the true god, waved his hand and said with a big smile.


The mighty men and horses, like the vast ocean, slew in from all directions, into the stronghold.

The offensive was too fierce. There were hundreds of gods, including ordinary gods and true gods, all with murderous aura, and they had the momentum to pull out the stronghold of the alliance army in one fell swoop.

"Fight with them, we can't lose the face of the Alliance army!"

In the stronghold, dozens of gods from the alliance army gritted their teeth and brought their troops to greet them.

"Brothers, kill!

Kill one is enough, kill two to make money! "

"Dare to invade the territory of our alliance army, prepare to pay the price of blood!"


All the troops of the Alliance regarded death as home.

Everyone knows that the chance of survival today is very small.

As a result, they completely let go one by one, and tried their best to kill the enemy desperately.


The troops of the Alliance, after all, were alone and lonely, and soon suffered heavy losses.

The casualties are very heavy!

There are a total of four true middle gods, and two true gods who besieged the alliance army. It seemed that before they came, they had already figured out the strength of this stronghold of the Alliance army to ensure that the army they sent could prevail.

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