Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3605: Regain territory

"Thank you, leader!"

Ten gods, all grateful.

Being able to obtain the secret method of cultivating the true **** means that in the future, they can go further on the path of the true god.

Especially those nine middle-level gods, true gods, after they consumed the true **** fruit, failed to become the upper-level gods true gods.

However, now that you get the secret method of true **** cultivation, you have the opportunity to break through to the upper **** true **** in the future.

Lin Fei waved his hand, ten jade slips flew out and fell into the hands of ten gods.

"Senior Ice Master, your talent is the best. After taking the True God Fruit, you actually broke through directly to become the Upper God True God.

In the future, there may be a chance to become a half-step main god, or even a main god. "

Lin Fei praised.

"Leader, I will definitely work hard!"

The Ice Master jumped from an ordinary high-level **** to become a high-level **** true god. In the middle, he crossed three great realms in a row.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this month, her strength has increased by at least ten thousand times!

"Well, Ice Master, from now on, you will have to worry a lot about the affairs of the Alliance Army.

The nine of you, all must earnestly assist the ice masters, and strive to make the Alliance army grow stronger. "

Lin Fei said.

These words of Lin Fei are equivalent to announcing that the main power of the Alliance army has been handed over to the Ice Master.

"Leader, you should be in charge of the affairs of the alliance army, and we will assist you together."

The Ice Master was stunned for a moment, did not understand what Lin Fei meant, and asked cautiously.

"Just do as I say.

From now on, in the alliance army, if there is a major issue that cannot be resolved, I will come forward to resolve it.

Otherwise, all matters are up to you to discuss and decide together.

Do you understand it? "

Lin Fei said, slowly scanning the ten gods in front of him.


The ice master waited for ten gods, but didn't dare to ask any more, they all answered in unison.

Lin Fei is planning to delegate power.

Lin Fei knew that it was impossible for him. He had been guarding the Alliance army. Sooner or later, he would be the shopkeeper.


The Alliance Army sent several people to set out to regain the former territory of the Alliance Army.

The main force of each army is the true **** slave under Lin Fei.

At the same time, Lin Fei and the twelve zodiac signs are also separated from the soul clone, quietly following the army.

In this way, once you encounter those half-step main gods among the six superpowers, Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac, you can immediately know and rush to support them.

Those true **** slaves under Lin Fei don't have to be afraid even if they meet the upper **** true god.

However, if you encounter the half-step main god, you will be vulnerable.


In the boundless chaotic sea, it began to lively.

Teams of allied troops are walking openly in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"Another super power has begun to rise!"

Countless creatures sigh secretly.

"It's hard to tell, the addition of a super power is a blessing or a curse for our ordinary creatures."

Some creatures are very worried.

"In my opinion, the Alliance Army is just a flash in the pan.

Offending the six superpowers at the same time, it will certainly not exist for long.

I am not optimistic about the Alliance Army. "

There are also creatures who sneer, disapproving.

"Huh, a group of mobs dare to claim to be superpowers and want to fight for the hegemony of the Boundless Chaos Sea. Do you really think our Boundless Chaos Sea is no one!"

"Not bad!

It is said that Lin Fei, a cruel and innocent man, used sorcery to enslaved a large number of gods and did all bad things.

Such a brutal element is terrible to think about.

If this alliance force continues to develop, sooner or later it will be a huge disaster for our boundless sea of ​​chaos! "


There are also many world groups and ethnic groups that openly satirize the alliance army.

The vast majority of these world groups and ethnic groups are affiliated forces of the six superpowers, and naturally they don't have a good impression of the alliance army.

this day.

Outside the sea world group.

A team of Alliance troops came here.

"Finally back again!"

A tall and stout god, looking at the sea world group, said excitedly.

This **** is Cao Wu.

He is now in the realm of the middle **** true god, and is also one of the ten core high-level leaders of the alliance army.

He and Clan Chief Wu, personally brought a large army back to regain the Canghai world group.

"It seems that the Canghai world group is still in the hands of Yaodu."

Patriarch Wu and Cao Wu stood side by side and said.

The patriarch of the Wu clan is now the realm of the middle **** true god.

"Don't hesitate, let's just go in.

Yaodu, there is nothing to be afraid of. "

Cao Wu said.

"We'd better find out the enemy's strength first."

Chief Wu said.

Just now.


What do you mean by the menacing coming!

This is the territory of our Demon Capital, you are not quickly retreating! "

In the Canghai world group, the dense crowds of monsters rushed out, leading a master of the monster race, coldly shouting, with an unspeakable majesty.

This is a true **** of the upper gods.

He is in charge of the world group of seas.

In the icy chaotic void, the two vast armies were confronting each other. On both sides, there were many people and horses, like mountains and seas, lined up on both sides of the chaotic river, with iron armor gleaming and long swords dazzling with cold light.


When did the Canghai World Group become the territory of your group of monsters?

You monsters, get out of the sea world group immediately, otherwise, you will all die! "

Cao Wu was furious.

"Hey..., just you mobs, what qualifications do you have to let us go."

The Yaozu master sneered.

"Our leader has issued an order to reclaim all sites belonging to the Alliance Army.

So you should leave. "

Chief Wu said.

"Hey, what a mighty prestige, it's a pity that your leader can't control our demon capital yet."

The Yaozu master said with disdain.

"Dare to be disrespectful to the master, a capital crime.

Die! "

As soon as the Yaozu master's voice fell, a few high-ranking gods and true gods rushed out from among the troops of the alliance, and they directly killed them.

"You are looking for death!"

The Yaozu master was taken aback.

He didn't dare to fight against several high-level gods at the same time.

"Dare to violate the territory of my demon capital, no matter how you kill it!"

A few high-ranking gods and true gods came out from the crowd of Yaodu.

During this time, the six superpowers have all strengthened their defenses against their own territory.

Therefore, in the Canghai world group, there are actually several upper gods sitting at the same time.

"Go in and kill all these monsters, leaving none!"

Cao Wu waved his hand, commanded the army, and launched a charge.


The battle officially started.

This battle was very fierce and lasted for a whole day.

The top combat power of both sides is the upper **** true god.

The upper **** true **** on the side of the alliance army is one more in number.

Therefore, it has a great advantage.

One day later.

The war finally ended.

The several upper gods of the Yao Race were all injured and fled in embarrassment.

The men and horses of the demon city suffered heavy casualties, leaving countless corpses and hurriedly evacuated. The Canghai world group is completely controlled by the alliance army.

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