Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3642: Control the soul world

With Lin Fei's strength, it is not difficult to refine this soul heart.

However, it will take some time.

Lin Fei stretched out his hand and used his magical powers to seal off the space he was in from the outside world.

This is a small application of the Secret Art of Reincarnation, very simple.

Then, Lin Feipan sat in the void and began to refine.

That soul heart was dragged into the sea of ​​consciousness by the combination of the soul tree and the soul dragon. At this moment, it was suppressed in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness, unable to move.

Driven by Lin Fei's mind, strands of divine consciousness entangled the soul heart.

Time passed slowly.

At the same time, in the Soul Mountain.

"See the patriarch!"

Countless soul races knelt down around the third prince, shouting in unison.

At this time, Lin Fei's slaves had completely controlled the scene.

The eldest prince was seriously injured and wanted to escape. The third prince gave an order, and many soul clan masters swarmed up and captured the prince alive.

Although the three soul clan masters of Soul Mountain, Soul Sword and Soul Book were not reconciled, they were frightened by Lin Fei's terrifying strength, only to accept reality and follow the other soul race masters to pay respect to the third prince.

The soul race's battle for the patriarch, at this point, is considered the result.

For most of the day, the entire soul world knew that the third prince seized the position of patriarch and became the new ruler of the soul world.

Therefore, in the soul world, all the big families and the big sects came to visit the new patriarch, which was naturally a lively event.

At this moment, the void where Lin Fei was.


Hundreds of thousands of soul lights are continuously gushing out from Lin Fei's pores.

This is the purest soul source, and every strand contains amazing soul power.

The soul light rolled, setting off Lin Fei extremely holy.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the soul heart evaporates densely packed mysterious runes. Each rune seems to explain the law of the soul, the civilization of the soul, and the history of the soul.

Gradually, Lin Fei's divine consciousness entered the soul heart.

Lin Fei had long forcibly erased the imprint of the soul left by the prince.

In the process of refining this soul heart, Lin Fei's divine consciousness and divine soul energy rapidly increased.

Moreover, many laws related to the laws of spirits, mysteries, continue to emerge, and there is a taste of self-learning.

After half a month.

At a certain moment.

Lin Fei's eyes suddenly opened!

A ray of enlightenment passed by.

"Finally refined."

Lin Fei slowly opened his eyes and smiled slightly, seemingly pampered.

At this moment, in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, the soul heart, floating beside the soul tree, seemed very quiet and docile.

In the center of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, that divine consciousness star has exploded in size, at least a thousand times as much as before!

In other words, after refining the soul heart, Lin Fei's divine consciousness, at least, increased a thousand times!

Reached a quite terrifying level.

Lin Fei estimated that throughout the entire Soul Clan, there should not be any masters who could compare with him.

"Two of the three holy objects of the Soul Race fell into my hands.

With my current spirit power level, it is too easy to subdue an upper **** true god.

It probably only takes one breath. "

Lin Fei stood up, feeling very good.

"The soul world is now completely controlled in my hands."

Lin Fei's divine consciousness was released, and he could clearly perceive the situation of the entire soul world in an instant.

Lin Fei stepped out and went directly to the third prince's palace.

"Master is out!"

The third prince, Yu Lao, and more than a dozen spirit clan gods were all overjoyed, and they all showed off and came to Lin Fei to salute.

"Well, you immediately give an order to let the entire soul race, all the gods, line up to see me."

Lin Fei said to the third prince.


The third prince replied quickly.

Regarding Lin Fei's order, he would only execute it without asking the reason.

Soon, the spirit tribe gods who received the order of the patriarch began to come to the third prince's palace.

Lin Feipan sat in a secret room, let the soul race gods enter the secret room one by one in order to see him.

Lin Fei's purpose is naturally to take all the spirits of these soul races into slaves.

After the spirits of these soul races became slaves, Lin Fei was able to obtain the various advanced applications of the secret method of the puppet's thread that they had realized.

This is Lin Fei's main purpose.

It was also what Lin Fei wanted most when he came to the soul world.

Lin Fei hopes to get all the advanced applications of the Puppet Thread Secret Technique!

Therefore, we must start with the spirits of these soul races.

The spirits of the soul clan, heard that the strong man who defeated the prince, wanted to summon them, one by one was surprised.

However, they had already seen Lin Fei's terrifying strength in the Soul Mountain, and they dared not come.

Naturally, Lin Fei would not be polite, forcibly taking the soul race gods who entered the secret room into slaves one by one.

With Lin Fei's current terrifying spirit power, the spirits of those spirit races did not have any resistance.

As a result, among the soul race, except for a small part of the gods who escaped from the world, most of the gods became Lin Fei's slaves.

And the slaves of these spirit tribe gods have all become Lin Fei's slaves.

The number of slaves under Lin Fei has increased dramatically!

The entire soul world was firmly controlled by Lin Fei!

While harvesting a large number of slaves, more importantly, Lin Fei has obtained a variety of advanced techniques of puppet thread secrets.

"This is the real secret method of the puppet thread."

In the secret room, Lin Fei spent more than half a month studying the various advanced applications of the puppet thread secret method one by one, and then exclaimed excitedly.

In addition to the various advanced uses of the Puppet's Thread Secret Technique, Lin Fei also acquired many advanced soul abilities.

You know, in the spirit race, most of the advanced spirit abilities are in the hands of these spirit race gods.

Now, they all fell into the hands of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei carefully selected a few high-level spirit abilities that he was most interested in and practiced.

Another month passed.

After Lin Fei has successfully cultivated a few advanced soul abilities, he will officially leave.

"the host."

The third prince and a large number of spirit tribe gods paid respect to Lin Fei.

"Well, from now on, the soul world is a secret base for the Alliance army.

You continue to stay in the soul world, as usual, to maintain the normal operation of the soul world.

All the order of the soul world remains unchanged, just manage it as before.

In the future, if I find your place useful, I will naturally contact you. "

Lin Fei ordered.

"Master, we understand."

The slaves answered quickly.

"Okay, let's do everything for you."

Lin Fei waved his hand.


The third prince took the other **** slaves and retreated.

Lin Fei walked in the soul world at will, watching the customs of this foreign land.


This guy really chased to the soul world. "Lin Fei suddenly saw a group of elves and horses. The leader was the elven prince!

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