Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3685: Conquer the Western Holy See

As soon as this news came out, the entire boundless chaotic sea, as if an earthquake, completely boiled.

It is a crazy move to require the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos and all forces to confess.

Finally, the world understands that Tiansangzi is true.

He really, regards himself as the ruler of the boundless sea of ​​chaos!

"Wait and see, the six super powers will definitely not obey Tiansangzi."

"Tian Sangzi, it's too crazy, he actually provokes six superpowers at the same time, is he confident that he will fight the six superpowers at the same time!"


Countless creatures were shocked by Tiansangzi's crazy behavior.

Just when the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos was full of discussions everywhere.

Outside the headquarters of the Western Holy See.

"The court lord of the Western Holy See, immediately come out to welcome Master Tiansangzi's driving!"

A loud shout sounded, rolling noises, passed into the headquarters of the Western Holy See.

A large army, mighty, appeared in the void outside the headquarters of the Western Holy See.

It's like a torrent of cosmos, which can't be seen at a glance, shaking the wasteland.

In front of this army, Tiansangzi sat on a chariot.

It was eight flood dragons that pulled the cart. The dragon's body was ten thousand feet long, exuding a frightening atmosphere, like eight mountains, lying in the void, with amazing visual effects.

The dragon family is very rare in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and, under normal circumstances, they live in seclusion and rarely are born.

Unexpectedly, Tian Sangzi had eight dragons to pull the cart. This kind of pomp really made people stunned.

"Tian Sangzi is dispatched.

The first stop, the choice is still the Western Holy See! "

This news spread, and countless creatures came quietly to watch.

The headquarters of the Alliance Army also sent a secret sentry to investigate.

Last time, Tiansangzi had already attacked the headquarters of the Western Holy See, but returned without success.

Unexpectedly, this time, Tiansangzi was the first to get an operation, and it was still the Western Holy See!

Everyone knows that Tiansangzi wants to use the Western Holy See to establish power.

"Huh, Tiansangzi, why are you crazy!

The headquarters of the Holy See in the West is a sacred place that cannot be desecrated!

Not quickly retreat! "

The court lord of the Western Holy See, with two elders, walked out of the headquarters.

Three are the main gods!

This is the greatest heritage of the Western Holy See.


Lord Tiansangzi, the head of the boundless sea of ​​chaos, give orders, all creatures under the sky should obey.

Could it be that you, the Western Holy See, cannot rebel if you want to. "

Beside Tiansangzi, a half-step Lord God took a step forward and sternly shouted.

"The people of the Western Holy See, don't hurry up and see Master Tiansangzi, asking for confession!"

Another half-step main god, stepped forward and shouted loudly.

"Haha, Tiansangzi, what a big shelf.

However, in my eyes, you are just a clown!

Do you really think that if you announce a decree to the world, you will become the lord of the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

It was a wishful thinking. "

The lord of the Western Holy See laughed in anger and shouted.

"Ting Lord, I think your cultivation is not easy, so I will give you a chance.

From now on, follow my side and help me rule the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

And the two of you, too, take me as the master.

Otherwise, die! "

At this moment, Tian Sangzi stood up on the chariot, looked at the court master of the Western Holy See, and the two Supreme Elders, slowly speaking, his expression was serious and cold.

"Sangzi, enough!

I advise you not to take yourself too seriously, it's just a clown.

I have no time to go crazy with you.

Those who are acquainted, get out immediately. "

The court lord of the Western Holy See exclaimed angrily.

"In that case, good."

Tian Sangzi's expression turned cold, majestic, and his eyes were deep and terrifying, with an aura of domineering gaze.

The voice fell off.


A strong breath broke out, rushing towards the night.

In a space of hundreds of billions of miles, terrible explosions occurred immediately, and the time and space of one place after another continued to collapse, and smoke billowed.

One after another, the stars exploded into fireworks.

Many other world groups have been affected and shaken to pieces.

"too frightening!"

Witnessing this scene, countless creatures felt thrilled and chilled all over.

This is just a kind of Qi, Tian Sang Zi did not make a move at all, just an instinctive release, it was so frightening.

"I came here in good faith, but you are trying to force me to take action.

The boundless sea of ​​chaos is doomed to be my Tiansangzi.

All creatures who dare to provoke me are destined to be miserable. "

Tian Sangzi spoke indifferently, shaking the void for hundreds of millions of miles, and the whole body was covered with layers of strange black mist, mysterious and terrifying.

Step by step, he walked towards the court master of the Western Holy See, killing intent swept across, shaking the endless void, and the surrounding time and space crumbled every inch.

"Pretend to be a fool!

Die! "

The Lord of the Western Holy See finally couldn't help it, stepped out and rushed over.


Two peerless powerhouses fought.

"Tian Sangzi, today, let you come, no reply!"

The two elders of the Western Holy See also rushed over, wanting to work together to encircle and kill Tiansangzi.



Two terrifying figures walked out of the void and killed the two Supreme Elders of the Western Holy See.

"Lord Lord, Snake Fang, are you really planning to follow Tiansangzi and become an enemy of the entire boundless Chaos Sea!"

The two elders couldn't help being furious.

"Hey..., stop talking nonsense, you Western Holy See, don't you have the ambition to dominate the world?"

The old lord of Nirvana Hill and Snake Fang both sneered and tried their best to kill them.


In front of the headquarters of the Western Holy See, the six main gods were beaten to the ground, endless and empty.

This battle attracted countless lives onlookers.


Impossible, Tiansangzi, how did your strength become so terrible! "

Suddenly, the court lord of the Western Holy See screamed and screamed in panic.

In the fierce battle, he was completely crushed and beaten by Tiansangzi, and he was seriously injured!

"Impossible, last time you were not so strong!"

The court master shouted unwillingly.


The words fell apart, and the court master was struck again and his body was shattered.

call out!

A shining cross, wrapped in the soul body of the court lord, fled far away, passing through time and space, and disappeared instantly.

"Your strength has become stronger!

How can this be!

Last time you were not so strong! "

Soon, the two elders of the Western Holy See also screamed in panic.


After a while, the two elders both screamed and were seriously injured.

In the end, the two elders were seriously injured and fled!

"Go in, bloodbath this place!"

Tiansangzi waved his hand and commanded the army to enter the headquarters of the Western Holy See.

"My God, the Western Holy See has failed!

Conquered by the troops of Nirvana Hill! "

The creatures who witnessed this scene are a little unbelievable. A super power that has passed on for endless years is just defeated?

"The next stop, the headquarters of the Alliance Army."    At this time, Tian Sangzi, standing on the chariot, looked at the headquarters of the Alliance Army, and said coldly, his words shaking endless void.

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