Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3686: Withdrawal

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the Western Holy See, which had stood tall for a long time, was defeated.

This is incredible.

However, watching a steady stream of troops from Nirvana Hill rushed into the headquarters of the Western Holy See, it made people have to believe.

"There are so many living creatures in the headquarters of the Western Holy See, why don't you go in and make some supplements."

Tian Sangzi's gaze, looking at the old lord of Ji Mie Ling, and the valley lord Snake Fang of the Sky Demon Valley, said.

Both the old Lingzhu and Snake Fang were refreshed, and without a word, they rushed into the headquarters of the Western Holy See.

The headquarters of the Western Holy See is actually a big world.

There are many interfaces inside, Xingchen.

There are endless creatures.

I saw Old Lingzhu and Snake Fang, opened his mouth and took a long breath.


Within the body of each creature, the original essence and blood, like a waterfall, rushed out and left.

Hundreds of millions of creatures, the infinite source essence and blood, gathered into a vast ocean, vast and mighty, and were sucked into the mouths of the old lord and the snake.

Both the old hill master and the snake side showed cruel and content smiles.

Being able to collect the essence and blood of all spirits can increase their strength.

This secret method was taught to them by Tiansangzi.

Although the two of them had a short time to practice this secret method, they were already deeply fascinated by it.

Because this secret method really allowed their strength to advance by leaps and bounds in a short time.

Within a short period of time.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, suddenly there were more than a dozen world groups, all of them were slaughtered overnight, and all the creatures were drained of their original essence and blood and died.

These murders were actually caused by the old Lingzhu and Snake Fang.


The two main gods, the Old Ridge Lord and the Snake Fang, walked in the headquarters of the Western Holy See, slaughtering creatures and consuming the original essence and blood.

The corpses that had been drained of blood were piled up into a mountain of corpses, which was shocking.


Suddenly, in the deepest part of the Western Holy See, a small world rises up, seeming to be equipped with an engine, breaking through the void, and passing away.

"Hmph, I want to escape!"

Old Lingzhu, Snake Fang, and Tiansangzi, all staring at the same time, displayed the law of time and space, and sealed the past to that small world.


A cross rushed out of that small world, splitting the sealing energy of the three main gods.

That small world disappeared instantly.

The main members of the Western Holy See all hid in this small world and successfully escaped.

"From now on, the headquarters of the Western Holy See will be our branch stronghold in Nirvana Hill."

Tian Sangzi said coldly.

at the same time.

The headquarters of the Alliance Army.

In the ice palace.

A group of high-level figures in the alliance army, as well as those true **** slaves under Lin Fei, gathered in a discussion hall to discuss countermeasures.

Because Tiansangzi has let go, the second thing to deal with is the Alliance Army.

"The strength of Tiansangzi is too strong. Even the headquarters of the Western Holy See has also been attacked. I think our alliance army should temporarily avoid the limelight."

There are some high-level proposals to temporarily back down.

"Our coalition army finally managed to gain a foothold in the boundless sea of ​​chaos. Now as soon as it encounters an enemy, it immediately retreats.

How will you be mixed in the boundless sea of ​​chaos in the future!

We stand firm, if Tiansangzi dares to come, we will fight with him! "

Some high-level officials are firm and advocate fighting.

Ten core high-level officials including Bingzhu did not say a word.

"We can't do this to the lord. It’s too much. We must report it to the lord and ask him to make an idea."

After everyone argued, the Ice Master finally spoke.

At this moment, Lin Fei's figure suddenly appeared in the hall.

"There is no need to discuss, immediately gather the people and horses, and all return to the three thousand worlds."

Lin Fei said.


All the high-levels of the alliance army should be in unison.

For Lin Fei's order, they only need to obey it, without asking for reasons.

Lin Fei that appeared in the hall was a clone. Lin Fei's body was still in the earth, and he had cultivated too last week.

Lin Fei's clone accompanied his parents back to the plane of Luoxian.

Come immediately after hearing the news and make arrangements.

Soon after Lin Fei's order was given, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the stronghold of the Alliance army began to withdraw.

All the people and horses returned to the headquarters ice palace at the fastest speed, and then, through the ice palace’s teleportation array, they directly teleported back to the three thousand worlds.

Less than a day.

The withdrawal of the Alliance army has been completed.

"Well, the operational capabilities of the Alliance Army are getting stronger and stronger."

Lin Fei was very satisfied with this speed of withdrawal.

"Senior Ice Master, your leadership skills are indeed very good.

The Alliance army is led by you, so I am more assured. "

Lin Fei said to the ice master.

"The leader has praised.

In fact, this is not my credit alone.

It is the result of the joint efforts of our alliance army, all members. "

The ice master quickly replied.

"Well, you all go back, too.

All the strongholds of the Alliance Army, including the Ice Palace, were temporarily abandoned.

Every member of the Alliance Army is the most precious resource of our Alliance Army.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Those strongholds, we can come back anytime in the future. "

Lin Fei said.

The strength that Tiansangzi showed was terrifying.

It also captured the headquarters of the Western Holy See.

Each of the other five superpowers was shocked and made arrangements one after another.

Finally, the alliance army, most of the members, passed through the ice palace and returned to the three thousand worlds.

In the ice palace, only Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac are left.

this day.

Outside the ice palace.

A vast army came in mighty.

In front of the army, eight dragons, pulling a stylish chariot, walked in the void, swaggering, and came to the outside of the Ice Palace before stopping.

"Master Tiansang is here!

The army of the alliance, all the members, immediately come out to meet Dharma! "

A half-step master god, more and more from the army, said loudly.

On the chariot, Tiansangzi stood with his hands in his hands, with a high head and indifferent eyes, looking at the world like an emperor on tour.

Weijiahai, shocking the wasteland!

"Huh, Tiansangzi, how can you be so bold that you want our alliance army to come out to meet you.

Don't be afraid, the wind flashes your tongue. "

In the ice palace, Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac, Shi Shiran, walked out, Lin Fei sneered and spoke.

"Presumptuous, ignorant boy, I don't know how high the sky is, Lord Tiansangzi is here, and he dares to speak out!

Beside Tiansangzi, a half-step master **** was furious.

"Lin Fei, we met again." Tian Sangzi stared at Lin Fei with sharp eyes.

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