Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3808: The talents of the Chaos Devourer

Lin Fei is the leader of the Alliance Army and represents a super force in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Therefore, most of the strong men recognize Lin Fei.

"Hello senior."

Lin Fei met the two gazes of the huge face and nodded politely.

It's thanks to this huge face for not killing it.


You little guy, it's not easy. "

The huge face nodded.

"Very well, Lin Fei, how dare you ignore my imperial edict.

There is no need for a world of three thousand sizes. "

Di Jiang glanced at Lin Fei coldly and said.

Lin Fei is just a clone now, so he has no interest in finding Lin Fei trouble.

"Are everyone here?

If it's all there, go to death. "

Di Jiang sneered.

Although, at this time, in the headquarters of the Western Holy See, with the huge face, it is equivalent to there are 21 main gods.

However, Di Jiang still showed contempt.

It seems that these twenty-one main gods are vulnerable to a blow in his eyes.

"Dijiang, you are overconfident.

Today, you can't touch the Western Holy See! Not only the Western Holy See, we superpowers, you can't move any of them. "

A main **** from the monster race said coldly.

"Hehe..." Di Jiang sneered coldly.


boom! Suddenly, Dijiang broke out, and a giant hand covering the sky patted forward.

boom! This palm, with the power of destruction, is like a billions of volcanoes exploding.

There are no tricks or moves.

Only pure power.

Suddenly, a chaotic void in front of him, bursts of crackling sounds, endlessly flowed, and the vast space was annihilated by the abrupt shock.

The attack power of this palm is terrifying! "Join together!"

The twenty-one main gods all had serious faces and shouted in unison.

Dijiang's combat power was obviously more terrifying than they had imagined.

A casual palm will give them a sense of suffocation.

Boom... Twenty-one main gods, at the same time, displayed their most powerful secret technique, and saw 21 terrifying attacks, like 21 large rivers of the Yangtze River, blocking them forward.

Rumble... the bombardment of the two sides collided with an unimaginable roar.

Endless energy, light, laws, raging madly.

Pupu... Nearby, some of the creatures who were closer, mainly members of the imperial army, were shattered to pieces and turned into a cloud of blood.

For a moment, I don't know how many imperial troops died tragically on the spot, with no bones left.


The huge number of imperial troops were all scared to the sky.

Just now, they were still cheering for the strength of Dijiang, feeling that a glorious future would be ushered in. Unexpectedly, they were happy and sad in the blink of an eye.

"Kill, everyone work together to kill Dijiang!"

Twenty-one main gods, all of them boiled, attacking Dijiang from all directions.

These main gods, every move, every style, contains the most brilliant energy, law, and spiritual consciousness, which belong to the most terrible attack in the world.

Twenty-one main gods, working together, the energy released is terrifying to the extreme.

"Hey, do you think you can beat me with a lot of people?

It's useless. "

Facing the crazy siege of twenty-one main gods, Di Jiang sneered and seemed to dismiss it.

Roar! Suddenly, Di Jiang's mouth suddenly opened up like a mouth in a blood basin, expanding to the limit.

In this big mouth, there seems to be an endless abyss, enough to swallow everything and destroy everything.

Even Chaos Void seems to be ok, eat it in one bite! Ho Ho...Rolling sound waves, constantly rushing out of Dijiang's enlarged blood basin mouth, and drowned directly forward.

I saw that where Di Jiang's mouth went, everything, including time and space, energy, and laws, disappeared and was swallowed.

"Flash! Don't be swallowed by his mouth!"

All the main gods are doing their best to move back, desperately retreating.

Kacha... a large piece of chaotic void, estimated to be more than one billion li, was completely swallowed by Dijiang's blood bowl and mouth. It looked like a large piece of cake had been bitten off, very strange.

Countless shocking eyes stared at Dijiang.

One bite, eat a large piece of chaos void.

Such a weird scene is unheard of, unseen.

"Chaos Swallowing Beast! This is the talent of Chaos Swallowing Beast in legend!"

Suddenly, the main **** from the demon clan seemed to remember something, and screamed in surprise.

"Heaven Sangzi, as expected, got the body of a Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, and then turned into Emperor Jiang and returned to the boundless Chaos Sea.

In the current Dijiang, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there is no master **** who is his opponent! "

Lin Fei couldn't help but nodded secretly, remembering what the master had said.

Of course, Lin Fei knew that although Dijiang was terrifying, it was definitely not the most powerful existence in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Not to mention anything else, in Falling God Valley, the statue of Master Lin Fei is definitely stronger than Di Jiang.

However, because he wants to avoid the enemy, the statue master dare not reveal any energy fluctuations.

Otherwise, the boundless sea of ​​chaos, where will it be, a group of master gods will rule.

Even Lin Fei suspected that in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, besides his statue master, there might be other existences that were equally terrifying.

It's just that, for various reasons, it was not born.

"Chaotic Sky-Swallowing Beast! How could Dijiang possess the talent of Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast!"

The 21 main gods were also shocked.

Roar...At this time, Dijiang directly turned into a huge ferocious ancient beast, trampled in the chaotic void.

Boom... The huge ancient beast, step by step, walked forward.

The space that was shaking hundreds of billions of miles was shaking violently.

Like the void burst! Like a tsunami! It's like the end of the world is here.

Above the body of this ancient beast, the powerful air current released swept out the endless void.

This scene is very shocking.

This huge ancient beast seemed to have come out of the ancient and wild era, and it was full of the breath of mulberry in the past.

"Roar, I said, you are all going to die.

For me, you are nothing but small fish and shrimps. It is too easy for me to trample you to death. "

The giant beast said in a loud voice, within its mouth, a mighty and terrifying air wave sprayed out, shattering everything in front of it and turning it into dust.

"Smash this beast!"

Twenty-one main gods shot at the same time, bursting out powerful and unmatched attacks.

All of them are doing their best, and beams of light containing amazing energy continue to blast out.

Each beam of light crazily absorbed all the energy in the chaotic void of hundreds of billions of miles, and blasted towards Dijiang.

"It's just a little trick!"

The behemoth opened its mouth and sucked in disdain.

A big mouth with blood basin, like an endless black hole in the abyss, swallows everything and moves forward.

All attacks were completely swallowed by this big mouth! "How could this be!"

The twenty-one main gods, one by one, were all dumbfounded.

Twenty-one main gods, together with one blow, were swallowed by Dijiang.

How to fight this! It's impossible to fight!

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