Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3809: Dijiang trapped

"Don't fight with him.

We are not his opponents.

According to the original plan, immediately deploy endless demon road magic array! "

The main **** from the monster clan roared.

"it is good."

The other main gods did not hesitate.

Everyone knows the terrifying combat power of Dijiang. Dijiang, who has become a behemoth, can't fight against it at all.

Immediately, the twenty-one main gods retreated violently at the same time, standing in different directions.

In front of every main god, billions of small array flags appeared.

Each of these small array flags is superbly brilliant and contains amazing energy.

Each small formation flag is made of rare materials, which is equivalent to a top god-level magic weapon.

Twenty-one main gods, while pinching the law.

Hush hush hush...a small array of flags, like a rainstorm, are constantly flowing into the void.


The thirty laws of chaos originating from the depths of the Western Holy See headquarters have also turned into thirty huge beams of light, with different colors, completely obscuring the void, making the space begin to become blurred.

At the same time, the hundreds of thousands of chaotic magic weapons that had been suspended within the headquarters of the Western Holy See were also dragged and began to spin rapidly.

Boom... Countless array flags, chaotic origin laws, dense chaos magic weapons, and the energy and laws released by 21 main gods quickly merged together.

In an instant, a huge Mengmeng formation began to emerge.

This big formation is indescribable and mysterious.

A series of mysterious runes, carved on the large array, contain incomparably profound time and space mystery.

Most of the creatures felt dizzy after just one glance, and couldn't understand this big array at all.

"This formation is terrible.

My divine consciousness can't perceive it at all.

In this world, there are actually formations that I can't understand. It's not easy! "

Lin Fei looked at the Western Holy See, and at that moment, the formation was arranged, and could not help secretly marveling.

"The endless demon road array, it sounds like, this array should be from the monster clan.

You really can't get a glimpse of the demon's background. "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

The ancient beast that Dijiang transformed into was also a stature to face the magic circle.

Obviously, even he felt that this circle was a bit weird.

But soon, he stepped up again and walked forward.

He felt that he himself was the most powerful existence in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Nothing can stop him.

Therefore, Dijiang is still step by step, walking towards the front formation, preparing to break the formation forcefully.

"A mere formation, I want to stop my footsteps, wishful thinking."

At this time, Dijiang was in the state of a giant beast, spitting out, rumbling words.

Boom...Every step the giant beast takes, it shakes the endless void.

"Launch a big formation!"

The main **** of the monster clan roared.

Twenty-one main gods, shouting at the same time, urging the law.

Rumble... The circle moved forward rapidly.


The behemoth formed by Dijiang raised up to the sky and roared, speeding up and rushing forward.

Boom... The giant beast collided with the magic circle.

There is no earth-shaking noise as imagined.

The magic circle instantly expanded, and directly enveloped the giant beast in the magic circle.

The figure of the giant beast completely disappeared.

"Haha, Dijiang, you are too arrogant and too arrogant.

The endless demon road array is a sleepy array.

Even if you are much stronger than us, it is not that easy to get out of this world's most brilliant array. "

The main **** from Yaozu laughed wildly.

"Did you really trap Dijiang?"

The other main gods, too, were surprised and delighted.

This magic circle is provided by Yaozu.

According to the main **** of the Yaozu, this magic circle can trap Dijiang, and then slowly figure out a way to kill Dijiang.

At first, everyone was not sure whether this magic circle could really deal with Dijiang.

Unexpectedly, now, the magic circle really trapped Di Jiang.

Boom... suddenly.

The circle shook violently.

Roar...In the magic circle, there were a series of earth-shaking roars.

Obviously, Di Jiang was inside, struggling desperately.

"Will Dijiang break out of the formation?"

A main **** asked carefully.

"Don't worry, everyone.

This array of our clan is very mysterious and powerful.

Dijiang can hardly escape. "

Said the main **** of the Yaozu.

Boom... That magic circle was constantly shaking, and within the circle, there was a sound of violent energy impact.

All eyes were on the magic circle, and I was a little nervous.

Once this magic circle, Dijiang could not be trapped.

Then, after Dijiang breaks through the formation, he will be furious and kill him.

"Don't worry, everyone.

Di Jiang's struggle is useless.

After a while, he won't struggle anymore. "

Said the main **** of the Yaozu.

"How long can this circle trap Dijiang?"

A main **** asked suddenly.

"Probably, about two months.

Therefore, during these two months, we must think of a way to completely disappear Dijiang.

Otherwise, once Dijiang breaks out, we will fight with Dijiang. "

The main **** of the monster race said.

"I can only sleep for two months!"

The other main gods were all shocked.

"Yes, only two months."

The main **** of the monster race nodded and said.

"Furthermore, we need to stay here for these two months to maintain the normal operation of the circle."

The main **** of the monster race, added.

"OK then.

It can only be this way. "

The other main gods are a little worried.

This magic circle can only trap Dijiang for two months.

If, within these two months, there is no way to kill Dijiang.

So, after two months, still, have to face Dijiang.

As a result, the twenty-one main gods sat cross-legged around the magic circle, squeezing the magic tactics, and maintained the normal operation of the magic circle.

This magic circle is unimaginably high level, so it needs a huge amount of energy and laws to maintain.

Therefore, these main gods need to be here at all times.

"what should we do?

Lord Dijiang was trapped. "

At this time, the huge number of imperial soldiers and horses, one by one, were dumbfounded.

They followed Dijiang to attack the headquarters of the Western Holy See.

But, now, Dijiang was trapped by the magic circle.

None of these men of the imperial army dared to come forward and rescue them.

There are twenty-one main gods who are guarding that circle. Who dares to go forward and die.

"Humph! When I see these rats, I get angry!"

Suddenly, a grand elder of the Western Holy See, with a fierce look, suddenly looked at the imperial army, and was full of anger.

You know, these imperial troops are coming to attack the headquarters of the Western Holy See.


The grand elder of the Western Holy See shouted angrily.

A terrible coercion was released and crushed towards the imperial army.

Puff puff... the members of the imperial army continued to blow up.

"Let's withdraw quickly!"

Suddenly, the huge number of imperial troops, like the ebb tide, desperately fled to the chaotic void in the distance.

"Well, I will go back first."

Lin Fei shook his head and said inwardly.

Lin Fei couldn't think that things would develop into this situation today.

The powerful and invincible Dijiang was trapped by a magic circle.

However, two months later, Dijiang had another chance to break out.

As a result, the crisis in Dijiang has not yet been resolved.

However, it was delayed for two months.

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