Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3827: Emperor Jiang breaks the formation

"How is it possible! That kid Lin Fei has such a method!"

The main gods in the Boundless Chaos Sea were all shocked.

They felt that they seemed to underestimate Lin Fei's strength before.

Because if they were faced with a large number of black bugs, most of them would be helpless.

But Lin Fei was able to solve it easily.

In this regard, Lin Fei is obviously much better than them.

This makes those main gods feel very complicated.

They were very unwilling to discover that Lin Fei, a junior, faintly, actually went higher than them! "Come on again!"

Di Jiang shouted angrily.

Buzzing... the black bugs like the vast ocean rushed up again.

Although these black bugs were hit by the Ultimate Heart Sword of Origin, they were not harmed. They were still vigorous and vigorous.

Lin Fei performed the ultimate heart sword pose again, and easily repelled the black bugs.

The power of mind can be used repeatedly and consumes very little.

It won't be so easy to die.

Therefore, Lin Fei can continue to perform the ultimate heart sword pose without worrying about exhaustion.

that's it.

Lin Fei repelled the attacks of those black bugs dozens of times.

In the end, Di Jiang couldn't help it any more, and furiously, he suddenly stood up from the high dragon chair.

"Lin Fei, you are fine, you successfully angered me.

You, all people related to you, as well as three thousand worlds, will be completely destroyed, everything will turn into fly ash and cease to exist.

This is your fault! "

Di Jiang walked towards the world of three thousand sizes, slowly speaking, shaking the sky.

He is like a creature that has come from the ancient and desolate era, the whole body is shrouded in layers of divine rings, mysterious and terrifying.

He stepped forward step by step, approaching three thousand worlds, killing intent swept through, shaking the endless chaotic void, and the surrounding space was cracking and disintegrating.

Above his body, it rose up, billowing anger, visible to the naked eye.

Boom...every step he took, the void shook sharply, and the terrifying power spread out with his body as the center.

Soon, he walked before the feng shui array of three thousand worlds.

Rumble...At this moment, the Feng Shui Great Array was oppressed by the breath of Dijiang, and a fierce reaction was produced. The pattern patterns all lit up, and the entire Great Array was shaking violently.

At this time, the formation power of the Feng Shui Great Array was thoroughly aroused.

The terrifying array aura permeated, and a mighty force that stunned the heavens and the world.

In the world of 3,000 sizes, Yang Song pinched the technique with his left hand, and with his right hand, he constantly pushed the small array flags into the array, making the array more powerful.

"It's ridiculous that a small formation is delusional to block my way."

Di Jiang said coldly.

next moment.

Roar! Dijiang began to transform, and a huge and hideous chaotic sky swallowing beast appeared in front of everyone, looking up to the sky and roaring with infinite domineering and terrifying.

The hideous body, the invincible body, and the terrifying aura that suppressed the heavens and the worlds, vast and mighty, instantly sealed the entire chaotic void completely.

All the surrounding creatures were horrified to find that they were already unable to move, as if they were caught in the fixation method.

Roar... In the sharp roar, the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast ran, and four thick beast hooves trampled in the Chaos Void, rumbling.

I saw that this Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast was full of blood and light, and the terrifying coercion around the body was extremely terrifying.

Boom...The chaos-swallowing beast, extremely violent, slammed its head against the feng shui array of three thousand worlds.

Boom... The feng shui array shook violently, and several places collapsed on the spot. One array of flags was smashed and splashed everywhere.

Yang Song's expression changed drastically, he took out a large array of flags, and threw them out desperately to repair the broken places.

Boom...The huge body of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast is very savage, constantly ramming on the Feng Shui array.

With every impact, the force is unimaginable.

The feng shui array continued to rupture and collapse, and explosions occurred in one place after another.

Yang Song has no time to fix it.

Lin Fei sighed softly, knowing that the feng shui array would be broken.

"Forget it, Master, don't worry about this feng shui grand formation.

With this formation, there is no way to resist Dijiang.

Let it go. "

Lin Fei said to Yang Song.

Yang Song tried to mend it for a while, shook his head, stopped, and stopped trying to mend the formation.

"Everyone is close to me.

We are ready to leave at any time. "

Lin Fei said to the gods in the three thousand worlds.

All the gods moved their bodies and approached Lin Fei.

"Master Dijiang, the world is invincible!"

"Master Dijiang, show great power and scare that kid Lin Fei into a piss!"

"Master Dijiang, is the greatest and most powerful person in our Boundless Chaos Sea ever since! No one before, no one afterwards!"

...In this situation and situation, the emperor army's men and horses, one by one, like a chicken blood, reveled, and there was a lot of noise.

Boom...The Feng Shui array was hit by Dijiang, and it broke into a large piece again.

At this time, the feng shui array of the three thousand-sized world was already torn and ragged by Dijiang, and it was horrible.

It is already free to go in and out.

A feng shui array with the highest level and the strongest defensive ability in the boundless sea of ​​chaos was destroyed by Dijiang.

However, Di Jiang was not in a hurry. The Feng Shui Great Array was destroyed to such an extent that he could enter a world of three thousand sizes at any time.

However, he was still constantly hitting the remaining parts of the Feng Shui Great Formation. It seemed that he would never stop without smashing every part of the entire Feng Shui Formation to pieces.

Dijiang is in Liwei.

To show their absolute strength and shock the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Let the world's creatures feel his terrifying power, and then surrender to him.

Boom...Finally, the entire geomantic formation was completely destroyed by the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, all turned into fly ash, and nothing remained.


This feng shui grand formation is the most important trump card in a world of three thousand sizes.

Moreover, this feng shui grand formation is the most important inheritance left by the ancient geomancers in the world of three thousand sizes.

This feng shui array represents the highest level of geography in the ancient world of three thousand sizes.

A unique and irreplaceable array.

Unexpectedly, it was destroyed like this. "

Yang Song looked at the great geomantic omen, completely dissipated, couldn't help being very disappointed, his eyes dull, muttering to himself.

"Lin Fei, now, what else do you have to say."

At this time, Di Jiang turned back into a human body, his head was flying red, his eyes were cold and frightening, he stared at Lin Fei with a condescending gaze, and said coldly.

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