Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3828: go away

"Lin Fei is over, and the world of three thousand sizes is over."

At this time, the gazes of the powerful, staring at three thousand worlds from afar, all showed a gloating expression.

Especially the main gods of several superpowers, one by one, hope that Dijiang and Lin Fei will fight a game immediately, and it is best to lose both.

Lin Fei's strength made these master gods jealous.

Lin Fei refused to cooperate with these main gods, making them very dissatisfied and secretly resentful.

In short, in the minds of these main gods, it is best that Lin Fei die quickly.

Now, the feng shui array of the 3,000-size world has been broken, and there is no more power to resist Dijiang's entry into the 3,000-size world.

Lin Fei is inevitable.

In a world of three thousand sizes, all creatures will definitely end miserably.

"It's a pity. Since then, there will be no more three thousand worlds.

There is no more Lin Fei.

This short-lived, glorious junior is finally about to fall. "

"No more suspense.

Although Lin Fei is strong, Dijiang is stronger.

The result is already doomed. "

"Well, the younger Lin Fei is too arrogant and too arrogant.

If he chooses to cooperate with five other superpowers and fight Dijiang together, perhaps, he will not be killed by Dijiang so soon.

Unfortunately, in this world, there is no regret about selling medicine. "

...At this moment, in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, every strong person is talking, some are pity, some are gloating, and some are yelling, paying close attention to all this.

At this moment, Di Jiang carried his hands on his back, with a playful expression, step by step into the three thousand worlds.

He is not in a hurry.

Although, between his hands, he can completely destroy this world group.

However, he is more willing to slow down the whole process.

So that the world would know how terrifying his Dijiang's strength was, and could easily crush everything and control everything.

At the same time, this is also his character, a little trick of cat and mouse, he likes to appreciate the dying struggle of his opponent before he wipes out his opponent, and get satisfaction.

"Master Dijiang, invincible!"

"Master Dijiang, dominate the world forever!"

...The imperial army's men and horses screamed wildly, each one seemed to be beaten up and shouted desperately.

The rolling sound, the extreme terror, almost spread throughout the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

And Di Jiang, enjoying the mighty praise and cheers, step by step, stepped into a world of 3,000 sizes, and finally stood opposite Lin Fei, just like.

His gaze was as if a high emperor was looking at a lowly civilian.

"Lin Fei, I didn't expect that you would come to this point by yourself.

Now, you should regret that you did not accept my good intentions to solicit.

Humph, this is called toast not to drink, drink fine wine.

Be cheap! So, now, do you have anything to say! "

Di Jiang stared at Lin Fei and said coldly.

"A momentary victory or defeat, what counts.

This is quite normal.

Do you think I have anything to say. "

Lin Fei said lightly, appearing very calm.

Completely, not what Dijiang imagined, panicked, pleased, begged, even frightened, and desperate.

"Lin Fei, are you really afraid of death!"

Facing Lin Fei's calm, Di Jiang was taken aback for a moment, and then his eyes became extremely dangerous, revealing a terrifying killing intent.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Fei did not follow his will, but always rebelled, even provoke him.

This made Di Jiang full of strong killing intent towards Lin Fei.

He enjoys the feeling of being aloof, being feared and admired by others.

However, in front of Lin Fei, he couldn't find the slightest feeling.

Therefore, he already killed Lin Fei quickly.

At this moment, the strong killing intent on Di Jiang swept out.

He is going to do it! Kill Lin Fei personally! "let's go!"

Lin Fei transmitted voices to all the gods in three thousand worlds.

One by one, the gods quickly approached Lin Fei at the fastest speed.

Phew... Within Lin Fei's body, more than one hundred human worlds sent out powerful temporal and spatial transmission.

Shoo... In a very short, very short time, all the gods in the three thousand worlds, including Yang Song, were all transmitted into the human world inside Lin Fei.


Lin Fei moved his mind and displayed the ultimate heart sword style.

A faint sword light appeared in front of Di Jiang's head, aimed at his two eyes.

Lin Fei understood that among all his hole cards, only the original ultimate heart sword style could reluctantly cause a certain amount of pressure and containment on Dijiang.

Therefore, when Lin Fei made a move, it was the trump card of this box.


Lin Fei moves without shadow.

The shadowless form contains the world's most luminous space law, the magic weapon of time, the law of reincarnation, the law of causation, etc., all kinds of chaotic origin laws are intertwined.

In addition, Lin Fei was in the body technique, and he also joined the sword, driving the sword light, making the speed even more terrifying and strange.

"Lin Fei! You are looking for death!"

Di Jiang was extremely angry and roared loudly.

The faint sword light aimed at his eyes, making his scalp numb.

He felt that if he allowed this faint sword light to attack his eyes, it was really possible that he would be damaged.

Although, not necessarily, a fatal injury.

However, how could he be willing to be hurt by what status he is.

Therefore, in desperation, Di Jiang retreated violently, two huge beast claws, exuding majestic power, appeared in front of him, and bombarded the sword light.

boom! The two beast claws violently collided with the faint sword light.

The mighty energy quickly spread from the center of the impact, shaking the infinite sky, and at this time, Lin Fei had already taken the opportunity to go away and left the three thousand-sized world, disappearing.

The shadowless body style was handed down by the Chaos God himself, and it was so powerful that it was not a blow.

In an instant, Lin Fei completely lost his trace and spirit aura. With Dijiang's strength, he couldn't perceive which direction Lin Fei fled.

"Lin Fei..." Standing in the midst of a three-thousand-size world, Dijiang felt awkward and roared with anger.

Boom... The terrible anger continued to flow from his body, squeezing out in all directions, causing a terrible explosion in the surrounding void.

Everywhere in time and space, blasted to pieces, turned into a hurricane in time and space, scouring frantically.

The entire three-thousand-size world was full of explosions and a mess.

All planes, interfaces, and stars were all broken in response.

The continuous sound of explosions is like setting off a string of firecrackers!

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