Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3830: Do you dare to catch

"However, one day, I will personally rebuild three thousand worlds."

After feeling sad, Lin Fei's gaze became determined.

"Three thousand worlds, every plane, every interface, every star, the location, the energy, the laws, and even the terrain, I have already engraved it.

At that time, I will rebuild a three thousand-sized world exactly the same. "

Lin Fei glanced slowly, muttering to himself in the ruins in front of him.

With Lin Fei's current methods, the world of the human body can already be created.

It is not impossible to rebuild a world group.

Besides, Lin Fei also has a right-hand man, that is the Chaos World Tree.

Creating the world is one of the most important talents of the Chaos World Tree.

Just when Lin Fei stood among the ruins of a three-thousand-size world, sighing.

The news of the destruction of three thousand worlds is already spreading rapidly in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

The news caused crazy discussions.

"It's too weird. In a world of three thousand sizes, most of the creatures have fled ahead of time. When they were destroyed, they were almost empty. There were not a few creatures left."

"It is said that Lin Fei, the core figure of the three thousand worlds, did not die, but fled."

"It seems that Lin Fei has long known that he cannot be Dijiang's opponent, so he prepared in advance to transfer all the creatures in the world group."

"Invincible, Dijiang is truly invincible.

In the entire boundless Chaos Sea, there is no longer any strong person who can be Dijiang's opponent! "

"The boundless Chaos Sea has officially ushered in the Emperor Jiang era!"

...In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, in almost every area and every corner, there are countless creatures, talking frantically about the current situation.

Up to now, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there were two superpower headquarters, which were destroyed by Dijiang.

One is the Western Holy See, and the other is a three thousand world.

Where Dijiang went, the super powers could not resist.

Dijiang, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, has completely risen.

Dijiang has become the true emperor in the boundless sea of ​​chaos! All sects, races, and all creatures, when mentioning the name of Dijiang, must respectfully call Lord Dijiang.

The first few ethnic groups and forces that surrendered to Emperor Jiang became the core force of the imperial army, with power and awe.

Among the imperial army, the most powerful is undoubtedly the Tianpeng clan.

Tianpeng clan, the whole clan, all claim to be the most loyal and reliable servants of Lord Dijiang.

Although, they claim to be servants.

However, this is a great honor.

As the most loyal and reliable servant of Lord Dijiang, a member of the Tianpeng clan, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, he has tremendous power.

It is the object of all races and factions in the world, vying to please.

After the destruction of three thousand worlds.

Dijiang is temporarily closed.

Because his mouth was hurt by Lin Fei's ultimate heart sword style.

The mouth is a chaotic swallowing beast, a very important part, so Dijiang didn't dare to be careless. After destroying three thousand worlds, he began to retreat and heal his injuries.

The boundless sea of ​​chaos, a very desolate, hidden, inaccessible void.

Deep in the void, in a small independent space.

Di Jiang sat cross-legged.

Around his body, piled up an astonishing amount of various cultivation resources.

These cultivation resources were in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and all races and factions were ordered to hand in on time, all of which were monopolized by Dijiang.

"Hey, I didn't expect that I, Dijiang, would be hurt by a younger boy.

Lin Fei, wait, I will find you out and make you regret everything you have done. "

Di Jiang sneered.

Then he began to heal his injuries.

This space is an independent space opened up by him using secret methods, which is very hidden.

He knew that the main gods of those superpowers must be discussing how to deal with him.

He didn't want to be disturbed while healed.

at this time.

Lin Fei was still standing in the ruins of a three-thousand-sized world, feeling infinitely sad.


A team of people came from afar.

"Search! Everyone, do a good search to see if you can find anything.

Although the 3,000-size world was destroyed by Lord Dijiang, most of the creatures escaped.

We must find out all the lowly creatures in the three thousand worlds and catch them all.

Can't let go of one! "

The head of a majestic man wearing a battle helmet and a battle robe said loudly.

"Our Tianpeng clan, we must do a good job so that Lord Dijiang can see our loyalty and ability.

Therefore, everyone must take it seriously, go all out, and strive to find the whereabouts of the lowly creatures in the three thousand worlds. "

The big man continued.


The other people answered in unison, one by one, full of energy.

Needless to say, this team is from the Tianpeng clan! In fact, now, the imperial army has taken action to track down the whereabouts of the missing creatures in three thousand worlds.

In the boundless Chaos Sea, there are imperial troops everywhere.

Or set up checkpoints, or conduct a dragnet, carpet-like search.

The boundless Chaos Sea has completely become the territory of the imperial army.

You can do whatever you want.

"Hey..., Tianpeng clan, so bold."

Lin Fei stood in the chaotic void among the ruins of a three-thousand-size world, staring at the team of Tianpeng tribe with icy eyes, and smiled coldly.

"Well, now that everyone understands the significance of this operation, let's start.

Let the great Lord Dijiang see the loyalty of our Tianpeng clan! As long as we can find the whereabouts of the lowly guys in the three thousand worlds, arrest them all, and **** them to Lord Dijiang.

Then, from now on, Lord Dijiang will surely trust and value our Tianpeng clan even more.

Our Tianpeng clan will become the first big clan in the boundless sea of ​​chaos! Our Tianpeng tribe will ride high above all races and sects, and will completely become a human being! This is a major event for Guangzong Yaozu! Well, stop talking nonsense, act! "

The majestic man couldn't help but, once again, delivered a passionate and generous speech, and then waved his hand to announce the start of the search.


Just now.

"Three thousand people in the world are here.

Do you dare to catch. "

A voice sounded, and a figure walked out from the depths of the ruins of a three-thousand-size world.

"who is it!"

The big man shouted sharply.

With his strength, it was impossible to perceive Lin Fei's existence just now.

Until now, Lin Fei took the initiative to show up, and he has discovered something.

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