Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3831: The status of the Tianpeng clan

"Three thousand people in the world."

Lin Fei replied lightly.

"Lin Fei!"

After the big man saw Lin Fei's face, he couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"It's Lin Fei!"

Those other people also recognized Lin Fei.

Lin Fei once fought against Dijiang in public.

These people of the Tianpeng clan were naturally very familiar with Lin Fei and recognized them at a glance.

"Not bad.

it's me.

Don’t you keep saying that you want to catch three thousand people in the world.

I am a person in a world of three thousand sizes. Right now, I am standing here. Come and catch it. "

Lin Fei's gaze was staring at this team of Tianpeng tribe, and his tone was extremely cold.

"Lin Fei, you..." The big man, after recognizing Lin Fei, his scalp began to numb, and his heart was chilling.

No matter how ignorant and arrogant he was, he would never dare to perform in front of Lin Fei.

You know, Lin Fei is a strong player against Dijiang! Although, Lin Fei is not Dijiang's opponent.

But, it is definitely not, they can handle these small characters.

Not only the big man headed, but the entire team of Tianpeng clan members, secretly complained in their hearts.

Wherever they want it, they will meet Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, you..., you..., you are so bold.

It is Lord Dijiang who ordered us to search for people in three thousand worlds.

Could it be that you still dare to disobey Lord Dijiang..." the big man bit his head and said.

"Hey, what a master Dijiang, it seems that you are really addicted to serving Dijiang as slaves.

However, the three-thousand-size world is not something you can come and leave if you want.

Go ahead, let me try how many catties you have. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

Lin Fei couldn't let go of these Tianpeng people in front of them.

"Lin Fei, do you want to do something to us! We belong to the Tianpeng clan, and the Tianpeng clan is Lord Dijiang, the most trusted group, and the right-hand man of Lord Dijiang.

Do you dare to move us, Lord Dijiang, will never let you go! "

Seeing the killing intent in Lin Fei's eyes, the big man couldn't help being shocked and angry.


Your Tianpeng tribe, turned out to be Lord Dijiang, the most trusted tribe, the most capable assistant.

That's great. After today, there will be no Tianpeng clan in the world. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but sneered when he heard this.

It can be said that what this big man said directly pushed the Tianpeng clan to a dead end.

If he didn't say the sentence just now, Lin Fei might not have noticed the Tianpeng clan yet.

When he said that, Lin Fei was worried about the Tianpeng clan.

Dijiang destroyed three thousand worlds and was Lin Fei's number one enemy.

With Lin Fei's character, it is impossible, so let go easily.

Since this Tianpeng tribe was the most trusted tribe and right-hand man in Dijiang, in Lin Fei's heart, the Tianpeng tribe was sentenced to death.

"Haha, Lin Fei, you are too arrogant! Could it be that you want to destroy my Tianpeng clan? Humph, to tell you the truth, our Tianpeng clan is no longer what it used to be.

Now, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, our Tianpeng clan is the real superpower, because behind our Tianpeng clan, Lord Dijiang stands.

The so-called superpowers in the past are all outdated! Lin Fei, try to move my Tianpeng clan to see if Lord Dijiang will spare you. "

As soon as Dijiang was mentioned, this big man became more confident, and he became hardened when he spoke.

During this period of time, the Tianpeng clan, relying on the power of Dijiang, in the boundless chaotic sea, has been calling for the wind and rain, and has not put any other ethnic groups and forces in its eyes.

Even the Tianpeng clan has already begun to claim to be a super power! "is it.

Do you think that with the presence of Dijiang, I can't touch your Tianpeng clan?

Well, today, I will let you see if I can destroy your Tianpeng clan. "

Lin Fei sneered.

call out! As soon as Lin Fei's voice fell, a sword light slashed out.

Ahhh...the screams sounded almost simultaneously.

All the people of the Tianpeng clan were slashed by sword light, exploded to pieces on the spot, and vanished in form and spirit.

Only the big man stood there, horrified, his feet soft and speechless.

He finally understood that now, his life is completely under Lin Fei's control.

As long as Lin Fei wanted him to die, no Tianpeng clan or Dijiang lord would work well, and no one would be able to save him.

"Lin Fei, you..." He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

Lin Fei swung his sleeves up, rolled up this big man, showed his body skills, and instantly disappeared into the ruins of a three-thousand-size world.

Tianpeng World Group.

This world group is the headquarters of the Tianpeng clan.

The Tianpeng clan, previously in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, was also considered a big clan.

In addition to those superpowers, the Tianpeng clan is a relatively powerful force.

Now, the Tianpeng clan is developing rapidly.

at this time.

Among the Tianpeng world group.

In a certain plane, in a huge palace with magnificent splendor.

The patriarch of the Tianpeng clan, as well as a group of high-level officials, are all in this palace.

"Patriarch, Lord Dijiang, haven't you been out yet."

A red-faced old man asked.

"Not bad.

Lord Dijiang confessed to me that he will practice in retreat during this time.

For the time being, the affairs of the imperial army will be handled by me.

Also, if it is not necessary, don't ask about Lord Dijiang so casually.

If Lord Dijiang feels that he is slightly dissatisfied, I am afraid that our entire Tianpeng clan will suffer along with it. "

The patriarch of the Tianpeng clan said in a loud voice.

In the palace, all the high-ranking members of the Tianpeng clan were shocked after hearing the words of the patriarch.

"The patriarch is right.

From now on, Lord Dijiang’s matters are not allowed to be asked casually, and more importantly, no arbitrariness.

Otherwise, it will be dealt with as a serious crime! "

An old man who looked very old said.

This old man is very old, and he speaks more weight than the patriarch.


The other senior officials nodded.

"At present, our Tianpeng clan's main task is to find out the whereabouts of the creatures in the three thousand worlds! This task is very important to our Tianpeng clan.

Because this is a great opportunity for our Tianpeng clan to express loyalty to Lord Dijiang. "

Patriarch Tianpeng said loudly.

"Not bad.

Now, our Tianpeng clan is indeed highly regarded by Lord Dijiang.

However, there are many other forces that are comparable in strength to our Tianpeng clan. They are desperately trying to please Lord Dijiang, taking every opportunity to show their loyalty to Lord Dijiang.

Therefore, we Tianpeng must have a sense of crisis.

The position of our Tianpeng clan is not very strong.

Once there are other forces that gain the favor of Lord Dijiang, it is possible at any time to replace our Tianpeng clan.

This time, our Tianpeng clan must use all our strength to find out the whereabouts of the creatures in the three thousand worlds.

If we succeed.

Lord Dijiang, must have more trust and respect for our Tianpeng Clan.

The position of our Tianpeng clan will be stronger. "

Patriarch Tianpeng continued to add.

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