Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3837: Secret Escape

"Haha, look, it's the kid named Lin Fei!"

"Yes, that kid with Tian Luo Jianzi!"

"The hand of God is dealing with him! It seems that he has absolutely no way to survive!"

"Deserve it!"

At this time, many masters in the sword world had discovered the hand of God and Lin Fei, who were using their magical powers and paying attention to all this.

"Look, it's the kid last time! The kid who was hunted down twice by the master of the sword world! It's a pity that in front of the hand of God, this kid has no chance to survive."

...At the same time, the master of the knife world also discovered this situation, and looked over into the chaotic void with sharp gazes.

"In front of this hand of God, I don't have any ability to resist."

At this moment, Lin Fei was locked by the hand of God and found that he looked so small and powerless.

"However, I can't, and I will lose my life here."

Although Lin Fei was in a desperate situation, his desire to survive was very strong.

"No! It's really Lin Fei!"

At this moment, on the Divine Sword Mountain, the five sword spirits all saw Lin Fei clearly, and everyone was shocked.

"No, we can't, just like that, I watched Lin Fei die."

One of the sword spirits said.

"That hand of God is terrible.

We may not be able to save Lin Fei. "

Another sword spirit said.

"Try it.

A good seedling, I can't bear to watch him die like this. "

The third sword spirit said.

"Do it!"

At this moment, the five sword spirits all shouted.

Shoo...Five sword lights of different colors shot out from the top of Shenjian Mountain.

at this time.

"Look, God's hand, shot that kid, he is dead!"

In the sword world, the gazes of the strong men stared at Lin Fei and the hand of God, some gloating, some shocked, some pity.


The hand of God is about to shoot Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was inevitable.

At the moment of life and death.

Shoo...Three identical Lin Fei appeared.

Extending the starting method, sprinting away in three different directions.

These three Lin Fei are exactly the same, including the body, including the spirit of the soul.

"what happened?

! "

"It may be a very clever avatar secret technique.

I'm sure that two of them are clones and one is the noumenon. "

"Haha, this kid, it's too simple.

Actually thought that he could use the technique of clone to escape the chase of the hand of God.

In the sword world, I don’t know how many creatures, before dying, used the secret technique of avatar, but they were still accurately locked by the hand of God and could not escape death. "

"Well, yes, this kid, you can't escape death!"

...In the various planes of the sword world, there are many masters, cynicism.

Just now.

The hand of God suddenly paused, floating in the void.

It seems that I am not sure, who is going to hunt down, Lin Fei.


Look, the hand of God seems to stop moving.

No, it seems that it can't lock that kid's body. "

"No way, that kid, what kind of clone secret technique is the cultivator, actually, even the hand of God cannot lock his body."

...This scene shocked many masters.


The hand of God, that is, there was a slight pause, a very short moment.


It moved towards one of Lin Fei and patted it.

The speed of this hand of God is too fast.

Just an instant, he caught up with Lin Fei.

"Haha, let me just say, the hand of God can definitely lock that kid's body.

Facts have proved that all the clone secret techniques are useless in front of the hand of God. "

"Until now, no one who has been stared at by God can survive."

...In the sword world, one by one masters began to discuss.

at this time.

Boom...The huge giant palm slapped on Lin Fei's body, and the terrifying indescribable power, mighty, poured out on Lin Fei's body.

This feeling is as if there are hundreds of millions of sacred mountains smashing on Lin Fei's body.

Above Lin Fei's body, there is also endless energy, constantly emerging to resist the slap of the giant palm.

It's just that the energy that Lin Fei possessed, at all, couldn't fight this hand of God.

It just persisted for a moment.

puff! Lin Fei's body was directly blown up.

It was blown up first and became a cloud of blood.

Then, this cloud of blood mist was crushed into nothingness by the terrifying energy, and even the blood mist did not exist, completely disappeared.

"That kid, finally died."

At this time, in the sword world, all the masters were silent.

These masters have a complicated mood.

Seeing that Lin Fei was slapped to pieces, they suddenly felt a little heavy.

Once again, they witnessed the horror of the hand of God.

As long as this hand of God is still threatening the sword world, then all the creatures in the sword world will always live in danger.

No one is immune.

This hand of God is equivalent to hanging above the sword world, above the head of every creature, at any time, it is possible, it will be cut down.

Just now.


! The situation is a bit wrong! "

Suddenly, someone cried out in surprise.

"Why the two clones of that kid don't look like clones, but like the main body!"

"Yes, I can feel it too, that kid's spirit aura hasn't diminished much.

It seems that it was not his clone who was shattered just now! "

"Look, the hand of God, is chasing and killing another clone of that kid!"

... In the exclamation of many masters, the hand of God chased the other Lin Fei.

"Sure enough, it wasn't that kid's clone who was shattered just now!"

A master yelled.

Rumble...In the chaotic void of the sword world, the hand of God patted one of them, Lin Fei.

"not good!"

Lin Fei was running desperately, feeling that the terrifying hand of God behind him was chasing quickly, and could not help but scream badly.

Just now, at the most critical moment, Lin Fei performed the secret technique of transforming one Qi into three clears.

This is one of the taboo secret techniques of Sanqingzong on earth.

One Qi transforms into three clears, and the three clones that come out are all clones.

One represents the past, one represents the present, and one represents the future.

The three realms are all clones and noumenons.

This is a very wonderful secret technique.

The avatar that Lin Fei was destroyed just now represents the future! Now, the way that Lin Fei is being hunted down represents the past.

Rumble... God's hand, seeing that it was about to shoot Lin Fei's body.

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