Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3838: Wonderful shenfa

Lin Fei desperately wanted to escape.

However, the energy emanating from the hand of God was too vast, like hundreds of millions of sacred mountains, crushing on the body at the same time, making Lin Fei's actions a bit difficult.

Shoo... Seeing, Lin Fei's avatar representing the past was about to be slapped by the hand of God. Suddenly, five sword lights flashed at an astonishing speed.

These five sword lights directly merged into Lin Fei's body.

Suddenly, the mighty kendo energy filled Lin Fei's body like a volcanic eruption.

At this moment, Lin Fei found that his body had completely got rid of the shackles of the energy of the hand of God and restored the freedom of movement.

call out! Lin Fei showed off his figure, turned into a faint sword light, and instantly went away.

With those five sword lights integrated into his body, Lin Fei's speed was at least a thousand times faster! The five sword lights were displayed by the five sword spirits of Shenjian Mountain. They were so powerful that they shocked the world.

Therefore, Lin Fei managed to escape in an instant.

Boom...The hand of God patted the place where Lin Fei was standing just now, and directly destroyed that space, leaving only hundreds of thousands of miles, empty, and a black absolute vacuum.

at the same time.

The other Lin Fei, who represents the present Lin Fei, had already taken this opportunity to rush into the Divine Sword Realm where Divine Sword Mountain was located.

Shoo... the two Lin Fei merged into one.

Then, it turned into a faint sword light and rushed onto the Divine Sword Mountain.

Outside, in the chaotic void of the sword world, the hand of God was suspended in the void.

It seems a bit unwilling.

For a long time, no one could escape any creatures that were stared at by this hand of God.

Unexpectedly, now, there are exceptions.

It can be said that this hand of God, for the first time, missed it.

"How could it be! That kid escaped!"

"Yes, that kid, he is not dead yet, he has escaped into the Divine Sword Realm!"

"A miracle, unexpectedly, someone managed to escape before the hand of God!"

"That kid, it seems, is just the realm of the middle **** true god.

Could it be that this hand of God is not as scary as the legendary one? "

...At this time, in the entire sword world, all the strong who witnessed the scene just now felt very shocked and talked a lot.

The main gods in the sword world and the sword world were also shocked.

Because, even if they were facing the hand of God, they were not sure that they would be able to escape.

As a result, a junior boy, in front of them, successfully escaped in front of the hand of God.

After a long while.

The hand of God, finally, began to slowly fade.

Finally, disappeared.

Obviously, its appearance this time was mainly aimed at Lin Fei.

at this time.

Above the Excalibur Mountain.

call out! A sharp sword light cut through the void and landed on a mountain road.

Then, the sword light dissipated and Lin Fei's figure appeared.

Puff... Lin Fei vomited more than a dozen blood in a row.

These blood, but the blood of the original source, extremely precious.

If you are a mortal in the world, you can get a drop of these original divine blood, and immediately become physically strong and live a few hundred years, even thousands of years.

Now, it kept coming out of Lin Fei's mouth.

"That hand of God is too weird.

Just now, I just brewed in my heart for a while, and produced some hostility towards it. Unexpectedly, I was sensed by it, and I immediately appeared to kill me. "

Lin Fei felt a little headache thinking of the hand of God.

"Lin Fei, are you all right."

At this time, the five sword spirits also came one after another, appeared beside Lin Fei, and asked concerned.

"Thank you five seniors for your concern.

I'm fine.

It just lost some of its origin. "

After Lin Fei vomited a dozen mouthfuls of blood, his face was a little pale, and he felt a little weak.

After all, vomiting so much original blood.

"Haha, Lin Fei, you can count as the first person in the sword world to successfully escape before the hand of God.

On this basis, you are proud. "

The red-robed old man among the five sword spirits smiled.

"Senior, don't laugh at me.

I almost couldn't escape.

If it's not for the five seniors, help.

I may not be able to escape. "

Lin Fei smiled bitterly.


Lin Fei, how do I feel that your state is a bit wrong.

Your complexion is a bit wrong.

I am not referring to your physical aspect, but to the air luck aspect.

It seems, all of a sudden, something is missing. "

Suddenly, a sword spirit screamed.

"I'll help you figure it out."

The yellow-robed old man among the five sword spirits said.

Then, the yellow-robed old man immediately squeezed the tactics and began to deduct it.

I saw that a series of laws and runes related to time and space, cause and effect, and reincarnation continued to emerge, lingering on his body.

After a while.

The yellow-robed old man stopped the deduction, his face a bit solemn.

"Lin Fei, your past and present are very clear.

However, your future seems to be gone.

It's blurry.

This feeling is as if your future was cut off by some power at once.

In other words, you have no future.

Come here the same.

From now on, your strength will not improve any more.

Moreover, the strength and luck you have now will slowly degenerate, wither, and decline.

The realm will slowly fall.

Until, become a mortal.

The life of a mortal is very short.

So, judging from your current state, you have no future.

How can this be.

Could it be that the hand of God hurt you like this? "

The old man in yellow robe said slowly.

"No way.

So badly hurt! "

The other four sword spirits were shocked when they heard this.

If it's just physical damage, or even the damage of the soul body, even if it is a little serious, there are still ways to treat and remedy it.

However, if it is due to damage to air luck, then it is really troublesome.

Because luck is inherently nothing and ethereal.

Invisible and intangible.

Damaged air luck is difficult to remedy.

"Senior, I already know what's wrong with my body.

It is a bit serious indeed.

However, I am confident to fix it.

Seniors, don't worry. "

Lin Fei said gratefully.

I have to say that these five sword spirits have always treated themselves very well.

"Do you have a way to repair your luck?

! "

The five sword spirits were all surprised and happy.

"Not bad.

I believe that the five seniors have seen the physical fitness that I performed just now.

That kind of shenfa is related to qi luck.

Just now, I had a clone, which was smashed by the hand of God.

That avatar represents the future.

I just need to cultivate the clone representing the future again, and my future will become clear. "

Lin Fei said.

"That's it.

There is such a wonderful body in the world, wonderful, wonderful! "

The five sword spirits were all very pleasantly surprised when they heard it.

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