Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3846: Get rid of tracking

"Be careful, there are a dozen main gods staring at you."

As soon as Lin Fei stepped up, he received a voice from the yellow-robed old man.

I have to say that the Five Sword Spirits are still very good to Lin Fei.

Originally, as the sword spirits of the Divine Sword Spirit, the five of them would not participate in any fighting between creatures in the sword world.

However, they were obviously biased towards Lin Fei.

"Senior, don't worry, I already knew it."

Lin Fei replied with a cold smile.

In fact, Lin Fei had known for a long time that the dozen or so main gods had been watching him in secret.

Soon, Lin Fei left the scope of Shenjian Mountain.

"Haha, that kid has finally left Shenjian Mountain.

At this moment, the five sword spirits were out of control. "

A main **** laughed.

As we all know, the five sword spirits will not leave Shenjian Mountain.

"It's not too late, catch this kid right away!"

More than a dozen main gods, all very excited, showed up and rushed towards Lin Fei.

"Boy, stop!"

More than a dozen main gods all shouted at Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei had already prepared.

As soon as he left Shenjian Mountain, Lin Fei immediately performed his shadowless pose and left instantly.

The shadowless style, like the original ultimate heart sword style, was also passed on to Lin Fei from the statue master of Luoshengu.

The Shenfa taught by a Chaos God is of course very amazing.

Suddenly, Lin Fei's figure flees far away and disappears.


More than a dozen main gods naturally refused, so they let Lin Fei go, and one after another showed off, and pursued them in the direction that Lin Fei was walking.

After all, as the main gods, each of them has boundless mana and abilities.

Although Lin Fei flees, they can still faintly deduce Lin Fei's whereabouts.

"It's really annoying!"

Lin Fei could not help frowning as he sensed the dozen or so main gods who were quickly chasing behind him.

"The main **** in the sword world is really much stronger than the main **** in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

If it were in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, I could easily get rid of the tracking of those main gods.

However, in the sword world, these main gods were able to accurately deduced my position and chased them all the way. "

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

In this way, a dozen main gods chased Lin Fei all the way, and for a while, Lin Fei could not get rid of them.

However, at the speed of Lin Fei's body, these dozen or so main gods couldn't catch up with Lin Fei. They could only reluctantly determine Lin Fei's location by hanging from afar, tracking and deducing at the same time.

At last.

Lin Fei was really tired of being chased.

"I can only take a risk."

Lin Fei gritted his teeth.

call out! Lin Fei rushed out of the Divine Sword Realm and came into the chaotic void outside.

This is a very bold and risky move.

Because, in the chaotic void beyond the plane, it is possible at any time to be stared at by the hand of God.

In particular, last time Lin Fei was stared at by the hand of God.

It is hard to guarantee that the hand of God has already remembered Lin Fei's breath.

"This kid, dare to enter the chaotic void outside the plane! Are you really afraid of death!"

In the rear, more than a dozen main gods frowned.

Even if they are not necessary, they don't want to enter the chaotic void.

After leaving the Divine Sword Realm and entering the Chaos Void, Lin Fei immediately took out the Ten Thousand Realm Reincarnation Card.

This reincarnation card, with Lin Fei's current strength, still can't see through it.

Lin Fei knew that the origin of this reincarnation card was amazing, so he kept it in his possession.

Moreover, Lin Fei was pleasantly surprised to find that as his strength continued to improve, the greater the power of the activating reincarnation card was! Lin Fei directly activated the reincarnation card.

Toward a plane near the Divine Sword Realm, quickly teleported over.

When Lin Fei first came to the sword world, he had been in and out of many sword world planes, so he was quite familiar.

call out! After the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card was activated, it directly teleported Lin Fei into a nearby plane.

"The Samsara card has always been so easy to use! Never let me down!"

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.

"Chasing or not?"

The dozen or so main gods are discussing with each other.

"This kid is related to Tianluo Jianzi, and if Old Man Jian really has a treasure to stay, this kid must be an insider, so his relationship is very important.

We chase! "

Finally, more than a dozen main gods made a decision.

Shoo... a dozen main gods teleported towards the plane where Lin Fei was.

"It's really lingering."

Lin Fei couldn't be more troublesome.


I see how long you can catch it! "

Lin Fei activated the reincarnation card and sent it to another plane.

Shoo... Lin Fei kept activating the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card, and at the same time, in coordination with the Shadowless Style, he continued to teleport between different planes one after another.

At the same time, Lin Fei also used the Secret Technique of Reincarnation, the Law of Reincarnation, and the Law of Causality.

As a result, Lin Fei's trail became more confusing and difficult to track.

at last.

A few hours later.

"Oops! I can't deduce the position of that kid anymore!"

"I can't feel the breath of that kid anymore!"

...More than a dozen main gods found that Lin Fei had been chased and lost.

Lin Fei had no trace, no breath.

More than a dozen main gods stand in the starry sky of one plane. You look at me, and I look at you, feeling very depressed.

A dozen main gods dignified and chased a kid, and finally they were chased and lost.

For them, this is a very shameful thing! "I think this time, that kid shouldn't leave the sword world so quickly."

"Not bad.

Otherwise, under our tracking, he would have left the sword world and returned to the lower world.

It seems that he intends to stay in the sword world. "

That being the case, then we still have a chance to find him out! "

"Well, let's pass on the order. From now on, we will use all our strength. In any case, we must find out that kid."

...A dozen of the main gods, discussed it.

Because of Lin Fei's relationship, it was too important.

Therefore, it is impossible for these main gods to give up and hunt down Lin Fei.

At this time, in a certain plane of the sword world.

"Finally get rid of those annoying guys."

Lin Fei felt that the dozen or so main gods did not chase him anymore, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Wait, I will find you soon."

Lin Fei sneered.

"Well, next, let's explore the sword world."

Lin Fei said to himself.

The plane where Lin Fei is now is called the Heavenly Sword plane.

The Heavenly Sword plane belongs to the medium-strength plane in the sword world.

Lin Fei walked around randomly in the plane of the Heavenly Sword.

Looking around, there are gods everywhere.

The highest world is different from the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, even those ordinary gods are above the top. Under normal circumstances, they will not appear in the world and get along with ordinary warriors.

However, in the highest world.

Gods are really nothing.

To put it a bit exaggerated, it's everywhere! On the earth, in every region, in every country, and even in every city, there are ordinary gods walking around.

Only those true gods appear to be a little mysterious and invisible.

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