Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3847: Hayashi family

Lin Fei walked in the plane of the Heavenly Sword, passed the earth, mountains, rivers, and watched the customs, and couldn't help but praise him.

The highest world, indeed, is much more advanced than the boundless sea of ​​chaos in the lower realm.

The weather is very different.

More advanced energies, more advanced laws, and gods walking everywhere, none of these are comparable to the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Lin Fei stood on the ground casually, feeling that his body was comfortable, his limbs and limbs were extremely relaxed.

"Well, I have to say that the Supreme World is a world more suitable for martial artists.

This is also the reason why the creatures and realm strength of the highest world are generally stronger than the creatures in the boundless sea of ​​chaos. "

Lin Fei sighed.

Lin Fei walked into a prosperous city at will.

In the city, almost all of them are sword repairers, billowing sword aura, and they gather together in the sky above the city.

However, this kind of scene is everywhere in the sword world, which is nothing.

Lin Fei walked on the street, wandering around.

Looking around, ordinary gods passed by Lin Fei from time to time.

These ordinary gods are placed in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, no matter which plane they are, they are the noble generation.

However, in the sword world, these ordinary gods, at most, high-level figures in some small places and small forces, can be seen everywhere.

Lin Fei was wandering in the street.


Shoo...In the distance, there were a lot of fierce sword lights, unscrupulous, and bursting in.

Suddenly, on this street, the space was constantly torn apart by sharp sword lights, and there were time and space cracks.

"Quick flash! The people of the Purple Cangjian Sect are here! Flashing later, the consequences are very serious!"

Immediately, on the street, someone screamed.

The creatures on the street began to retreat to the side one after another, and their faces were filled with the smell of daring to speak.

A group of fierce sword repairs, driving the sharp sword light, rushed from a distance.

Ahead, a man and a woman, two young people are fleeing in a hurry, very embarrassed.

"Haha, brothers and sisters of the Lin family, where else can we escape!"

"It's hard to fly with your wings, so please tie your hands obediently!"

... the group of sword repairmen in the rear laughed wildly one by one, very arrogant.

"Haha, the Lin family is exhausted! I advise you to submit to my Purple Cangjian Sect.

Otherwise, it is a dead end. "

"Hey, Lin Yuefeng, you used to be a proud princess. Relying on your kind of beauty, you looked indifferent to men in the world.

Wait a minute, I want you to obey me.

I want to taste what it's like to be a proud princess! "

"Haha, Brother Luo, I have something good to share with you. In fact, the younger brother has coveted Lin Yuefeng for a long time. I have long wanted to kiss Fangze!"

...Amidst the chasing soldiers behind, a series of foul language sounded very rude.

"The Lin Family..." Lin Fei felt a little close to the brother and sister after hearing this.

As the saying goes, the same surname is three-parties.

"Unexpectedly, there is a Lin family in this city."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.


In the front, the woman who fled in embarrassment, listened to the rude words of those chasing soldiers in the rear, her face was pale with anger, her body trembling constantly.

Being disturbed, her speed was invisibly slower.

"Fengmei, ignore them, let's escape first!"

Upon seeing this, the young man was very anxious and hurriedly shouted.

"It's hard for them to escape."

Lin Fei couldn't help but shook his head.

These brothers and sisters are nothing but ordinary lower gods.

Among the chasing soldiers in the rear, there were several ordinary mid-level gods.

This brother and sister shouldn't be opponents at all.

"Unexpectedly, the Purple Cang Sword faction finally started against the Lin family."

"Hey, the Purple Cang Sword Sect is an affiliated force of the Changle Sword Sect. Over the years, relying on the power of the Changle Sword Sect, it has swallowed up many forces and developed rapidly.

Moreover, the Purple Cang Sword faction is cruel, and those who resist a little bit will be exterminated by the massacre, and the murders committed are countless. "

"Yes, it's just that, behind the Purple Cang Sword Sect, there is the Changle Sword Sect backing up. Everyone just dared not speak."

...On both sides of the street, some creatures couldn't help but lower their voices and talk quietly.

It can be seen that there are many creatures who are dissatisfied with the Purple Cang Sword Sect, and even do not communicate by means of sound transmission, but by means of speaking.

This is also a kind of protest.


It turned out that the Purple Cang Sword Sect was a subsidiary force of the Changle Sword Sect. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel moved when he heard those quiet discussions on the side of the street.

The Changle Sword School is one of the four most powerful forces in the sword world.

The main **** of Changle Sword Sect has hunted down Lin Fei many times.

"OK then.

Since it is a subsidiary force of the Changle Sword Sect, then this Purple Cang Sword Sect is my first goal. "

Lin Fei sneered.

"Fengmei, come on, they're going to catch up!"

At this time, the brother and sister were escaping from Lin Fei's side, in a hurry.

"Haha, you can't escape."

In the rear, the chasing soldiers of the Purple Cangjian Sect laughed wildly.

"Ahem..., this brother named Lin, I have something to do and want to talk to you."

Lin Fei took a step with his hands on his back, blocking the path of the brother and sister, and said with a smile.


! Get out of the way, I'm not free now! Don't get in my way! "

The young man, seeing the front, suddenly someone blocked his way, couldn't help being shocked, and shouted at Lin Fei.

"Get out of the way, don't get in our way!"

That young woman, Huarong also paled, screamed at Lin Feijiao.

"Why is this person like this, he actually fell into trouble! It's disgusting!"

On both sides of the street, many pedestrians also stared at Lin Fei with angry eyes.

Because everyone didn't have a lot of affection for the Purple Cangjian Sect, and they dared not speak up.

"The guy in front, good job! That's right, the so-called people who know the current affairs are handsome."

"Haha, don't speak so verbally, this kid, doesn't he just know that our Purple Cang Sword Sect is powerful, do you want to kneel and lick our Purple Cang Sword Sect!"

...Behind, the chasing soldiers of the Purple Cangjian faction all laughed.

"Flash! Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"

The young man, anxious and angry, roared at Lin Fei.

"You guy, why are you doing this? Get out of here!"

That woman is also very anxious.

"Hehe, two, I have no ill will.

Don't worry, I will help you get rid of the flies behind. "

Lin Fei faintly smiled with his hands on his back.

"Go away!"

Seeing the chasing soldiers behind, the young man was about to catch up immediately. He was completely impatient. He drew out a long sword, bursting with sharp sword lights, and slashed towards Lin Fei.

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