Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3852: The provocation of slaves

"It seems that this battle cannot be avoided.

Everyone is ready to fight.

Remember, the same sentence, don't love war.

You can escape as much as you can, and try your best to preserve the blood of our Lin family.

After this war, those who can survive in our hall must shoulder the important task of revitalizing the Lin family. "

Patriarch Lin Tianhao stood up and said slowly.

"Patriarch, we understand."

Other senior Lin family members, including some very old clan elders, followed suit.

at this time.

After Dan Jiancheng.

Densely dense, like a vast ocean, the Purple Cangjian faction army began to attack the city.

In fact, the overall strength of the Purple Cangjian Sect's army is much stronger than that of the Lin Family.

In the past few days, the reason why the besieged but not attacked is just that the cat plays the mouse.


"Stepping on Pill Sword City!"

...The mighty army, like the tide, rushed towards Pill Sword City.

Within the city of Pill Sword, the people of the Lin family also began to appear. From all over the city, they jumped into the sky, holding weapons in their hands, offering magic weapons, and preparing to fight to the death.

Seeing, a big battle is about to begin.

However, at this moment.

"The people from the Purple Cang Sword faction listened to me, rolled over immediately, and knelt to my master.

Otherwise, all will die! "

A loud roar sounded! This roar, loud and loud, spread continuously in the void, reaching the ears of every member of the Purple Cangjian Sect.

"How is this going?"

In an instant, all the members of the Purple Cangjian Sect were dumbfounded and followed their reputation.

Suddenly, outside of Danjian City, it became quiet.

Lin Fei brought dozens of slaves, and the two brothers and sisters of the Lin family, and walked towards the people of the Purple Cangjian Sect.

The roar just now was a masterpiece of Lin Fei's slave.

All the horses of the Purple Cangjian faction stared at Lin Fei and his group, their eyes breathing fire.

"Who said that rebellious remark just now!"

A master of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, the more crowds came out, asked sharply.

"I said it! This is my master's order, you just do it!"

Beside Lin Fei, a middle-aged man with triangular eyes stepped forward and said loudly.



You are from my Purple Cangjian School! "

"Your name is Luo Xin, you are the fourth generation of disciples! And you, all of us are from the Purple Cangjian Sect. What are you guys?"

... the dozens of slaves beside Lin Fei were recognized by the people of the Purple Cangjian Sect.

The middle-aged man with triangular eyes standing beside Lin Fei was Luo Xin.

"What exactly is going on."

At this moment, among the army of the Purple Cang Sword faction, the thin old man suddenly spoke.

Shoo... endless sharp sword lights shot out from this thin old man, and surrounded Lin Fei and his group.

This thin old man is very respected in the Purple Cang Sword Sect.

He is also the main person in charge of this operation.

As soon as the thin old man screamed, the members of the Purple Cangjian Sect fell silent, not daring to make a noise.

"Old guy, what are you chirping, roll over and kneel to the master!"

"Old guy, are you blind? Seeing that the master is here, you have a big-hearted attitude! A capital crime, this is a capital crime!"

"You die old man, you have a piercing eyebrow, I don't see you pleasingly!"

... Dozens of Lin Fei's slaves jumped out one after another, pointed at the thin old man, and yelled.


How dare to insult Elder Ouyang like this! "

As a result, all the people of the Purple Cangjian Sect were sluggish.

All of them were shocked.

The audience was silent! You know, this Elder Ouyang has a very high seniority among the Purple Cangjian Sect.

Even if you are the head, you must give three points of courtesy.

Even in the entire sword world, this elder Ouyang is also famous.

Now, I was scolded by someone pointing his nose.

At this time, the Lin family's brothers and sisters, following Lin Fei, facing the army of the Purple Cangjian Sect, couldn't help but beat the drums in their hearts, their legs and feet weakened.

"Young Master Lin, things are a bit bad.

Why not, let's retreat first. "

Lin Yuefeng's elder brother whispered to Lin Fei.


! "

Elder Ouyang was cursed by dozens of Lin Fei's slaves, but he didn't react for a while, and his facial muscles became a bit stiff.


"Presumptuous, what are you talking about! Say it again!"

After Elder Ouyang reacted, there were clouds in his pupils, and his whole body trembled, almost suspecting that he had heard him wrong.

"Haha, look, this old guy is furious!"

"Die old man, what are you jumping around, believe it or not, my master will crush you to death with just one finger!"

"Old guy, stop talking nonsense, roll over right away and kneel down to my master! Kow your head and apologize!"

... Lin Fei's dozens of slaves, on the contrary, shouted even more severely.

Lin Fei stood with his hands behind, smiling, letting his slaves toss about.

To Lin Fei, these people from the Purple Cangjian Sect were not worth mentioning.

"Sister Feng, big things are bad.

This is the elder Ouyang of the Purple Cang Sword Sect. It is said that he has a higher generation than the head of the Purple Cang Sword Sect.

Annoyed him, we have no place to die! "

Behind Lin Fei, Lin Yuefeng's elder brother, who kept talking to Lin Yuefeng, was incoherently scared.

"Brother, be quiet.

This is the end of the matter, we can only see walking. "

Lin Yuefeng gritted her teeth and said.

at this time.

"Dead! I must die!"

The face of the elder Ouyang was completely red, and he shouted sharply.

Sword Qi was boiling all over his body, and within his body, a kind of explosive force suddenly appeared, like a violent energy about to explode, swallowing everything, strangling everything.

As for the members of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, all of them recovered at this time and began to swear frantically.

"Presumptuous! Great sin! Insulting Elder Ouyang, this is a great sin!"

"Capital crime! These guys are all capital crimes! Elder Ouyang, please order them to be executed!"

"Zhulian Nine Clan, all the way to go!"

...The people and horses of the Purple Cangjian School roared like a group of angry beasts.

"Come here, smash them into thousands of pieces! Then, after checking their family background, all those involved will be put to death quickly, and no one will remain."

At this time, the face of the elder Ouyang began to calm down, waved his hand, and said lightly.

In his eyes, Lin Fei and his party are just a group of small people, really, not worthy of his anger.

"Just now, I almost lost my mind.

It seems that in the future, we must improve our self-cultivation skills. "

Elder Ouyang laughed mockingly.

"Kill all!"

A master of the Purple Cangjian faction waved his hand and brought a large group of people around.

at this time.

In Danjian City.

"Report! Patriarch, things are a bit weird.

The army of the Purple Cangjian faction seemed to have suddenly stopped attacking the city! All are stopped! Don't know what happened? "

In the meeting hall of the Lin family, a clan member hurried into the hall and reported loudly.

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