Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3853: Absorb sword light

"It's a little weird.

The people of the Purple Cang Sword faction were still aggressive just now, preparing to attack the city.

Now, it suddenly became quiet.

Could it be that the Purple Cang Sword faction has teased that our Lin family is not enough, and what conspiracy is brewing? "

An elder of the Lin family said.

"Closely monitor the movement of the Purple Cangjian faction, and report it immediately if anything happens!"

Lin Tianhao ordered.

at this time.

Outside Danjian City.

"Protect the master!"

Dozens of slaves under Lin Fei surrounded Lin Fei one by one.

The slaves controlled by the line of puppets focused on the interests of their masters.

These dozens of slaves, even if they died for Lin Fei, would not have the slightest complaint.

Brothers and sisters of the Lin family are also holding long swords, ready to fight.

A large number of people of the Purple Cangjian Sect rushed over in a fierce manner.

"Hehe, don't be nervous, all step aside, let me deal with them."

Lin Fei smiled, and with a flick of his sleeves, dozens of slaves and Lin's brothers and sisters were all retreated.

"Cut this kid apart first!"

The members of the Purple Cang Sword Sect rushed to Lin Fei's body, and the long swords in their hands pierced Lin Fei one after another. With sharp sword light, they immediately surrounded Lin Fei.

Lin Fei had his hands on his back, motionless.

Neither block nor avoid.

Let the sharp sword light fall on him.

In Lin Fei's body, there were five true meanings of swordsmanship, and a world of swordsmanship that was about to take shape. For Lin Fei, all the sword aura and sword intent from the outside were a great supplement.

Where is Lin Fei willing to hide! Swish...Swords of light continuously slashed on Lin Fei's body, and then disappeared.

All were absorbed by Lin Fei! A dozen sharp swords were shocked when they just touched Lin Fei's body.

"How can this be?"

Those who attacked Lin Fei were a little dumbfounded.

"The intensity is too light.

Be careful, come again. "

Lin Fei smiled lightly.

Lin Fei was eager to absorb more sword energy and sword intent.

"Don't be afraid! Let's go together!"

The people of the Purple Cangjian Sect, cheering each other up, once again moved to Lin Fei.

This time, more people shot, thirty or forty people attacked Lin Fei at the same time.

I saw that Lin Fei was still motionless, letting sword light fall on his body.

Swish...a sharp sword light, cutting the void, powerful.

However, when all the sword lights encountered Lin Fei's body, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, and instantly disappeared.

A round of attacks came.

Lin Fei did not suffer any loss.

Even the posture did not change at all, with his hands on his back, his face calm.

A sharp sword slashed on Lin Fei's body and was immediately bounced away.

Just kidding, Lin Fei has the physique of Chaos Heaven and Earth, the physique of a Tianjin tribe, and coupled with the Tai Last Zhoutian induction chapter, more than one hundred human worlds have been developed in his body.

The physique is so powerful that it has reached a very abnormal level.

Unless it is the Lord God's hands that will cause damage to Lin Fei's body.

For people of demigod and below strength, even if Lin Fei stood still and allowed them to fight, Lin Fei could not cause any harm.

"Impossible! How could this kid be so perverted! There are so many of us, and he won't move!"

Those who attacked Lin Fei, one by one, were completely dumbfounded, looking at Lin Fei, who was intact, wondering if he had read it wrong.


This kid is a little weird! "

In the distance, the elder Ouyang also moved in his heart. He looked over and started to look straight at Lin Fei.

"What's the matter, that kid's body seems very hard, and the sword can't cut it!"

The other members of the Purple Cangjian Sect were also very surprised.

"Brother, I feel right.

Young Master Lin is really not easy. "

At this moment, Lin Yuefeng's beautiful eyes looked at Lin Fei, a little excited.

"Master is mighty!"

The dozens of slaves under Lin Fei roared to cheer for Lin Fei.

"Are you bothering me?

The people of the Purple Cang Sword Sect were too bad, too disappointed. "

Lin Fei shook his head disappointedly.

Just now, although Lin Fei had absorbed some sword energy and sword intent, it was too little and too weak.

Lin Fei felt that, at all, it was not enough to stuff his teeth.

"It seems that I want the world of swordsmanship in my body to develop and grow, even though I absorb massive amounts of sword energy and sword intent!"

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"Otherwise, all of you, old man, including you, come up and do it together.

In this way, it is interesting enough. "

Lin Fei said loudly, pointing his finger at the elder Ouyang.


Let all of us deal with himself?

This is too arrogant, too arrogant! "

After hearing Lin Fei's words, all the members of the Purple Cangjian faction were furious.

"Boy, Hugh is crazy, I'll be enough to deal with you!"

Among the Purple Cang Sword Sect, a strong man appeared more and more.

This brawny man, with a huge sword in his hand, is tall and majestic.

This brawny man is a true middle god! "Boy, die!"

I saw the strong man roar, and the huge sword in his hand was raised and zoomed in continuously. In an instant, it turned into a great sword that filled the entire space, carrying the sky of sword light, and slashed towards Lin Fei.

This brawny man was obviously much stronger than those who attacked Lin Fei just now.

"Protect the master."

Lin Fei's slaves all wanted to rush up and stand in front of Lin Fei.

"Young Master Lin, be careful!"

The Lin brothers and sisters also promptly reminded them.

Lin Fei flicked his sleeves and shook dozens of slaves back.

Facing the giant sword, Lin Fei did not dodge.

when! The Great Sky Great Sword, carrying the billowing sword light, fell on Lin Fei's body.

All the sword light was absorbed by Lin Fei instantly.

The huge sword just touched Lin Fei's body, it was flicked by Lin Fei's finger, and it flew on the spot.

"It's too bad, try harder."

Lin Fei shook his head and said.

"How is it possible! You..." The brawny man was a little startled.

"This..." All the creatures stared at Lin Fei as if they were looking at monsters.

"This kid is not simple, it turned out to be hidden deeply!"

The elder Ouyang of the Purple Cang Sword School began to pay attention to Lin Fei.

"Do it, don't waste my time."

Lin Fei said to the brawny man.

"Roar! Boy, I don't believe in evil! I must hack you to death!"

The brawny man became angry, waved the huge sword in his hand, and displayed all kinds of kendo secret skills, madly slashing towards Lin Fei.

The billowing sword light, like a violent storm, flooded Xiang Lin Fei.

Lin Fei still did not dodge, letting the sword light fall on his body.

Naturally, all of these sword lights were absorbed by Lin Fei into his body and became the nourishment of that sword world.

Lin Fei occasionally stretched out his fingers and bounced the giant sword away.

It seems very relaxed and laid back.

"Not enough! Still not enough! Not enough! Can you please try harder.

Otherwise, go away and let the other masters in your sent. "

Lin Fei kept shaking his head, feeling very disappointed.

at last.

The strong man's mood collapsed a bit.

"No! How could this happen! Kid, don't do this, okay!"

The brawny man cried, feeling very wronged.

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