Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3854: Challenge the whole army

The strong man stopped attacking, holding the giant sword in his hand, and his emotions were completely broken.

"If you don't fight, just get out."

Lin Fei flicked his sleeves and shook the strong man far away and fell into the army of the Purple Cangjian Sect.

A true middle-level god, and a true middle-level **** in the highest world, looked like a baby in front of Lin Fei, without the power to fight back.

"The Purple Cang Sword Sect, is that level?

Here are some decent ones. "

Lin Fei shook his head disappointedly.

"Boy! I'll kill you!"

"Smelly boy, dare to insult my Purple Cangjian Sect like this, you are dead!"

...The army of the Purple Cangjian Sect, more than a dozen masters, violently angry, showed their figures and charged towards Lin Fei.

These dozen or so masters are all middle-ranked gods! "Stop talking nonsense, do it."

Lin Fei stood still and said lightly.

Each of these masters of the Purple Cang Sword Sect was a sword repairer with a high level of swordsmanship. Lin Fei was eager to come.


More than a dozen sword repairmen, using their most powerful sword moves, greeted Lin Fei one after another.

Swish...the sky was full of bright sword lights, strangling Lin Fei.

Lin Fei remained motionless, the five true meanings of swordsmanship in his body and the world of swordsmanship issued amazing suction, absorbing all the sword energy and sword intent! Lin Fei just occasionally shot away, gently shaking away the sharp sword that had been slashed on his body.

More than a dozen masters attacked with all their strength one by one, roaring again and again.

However, Lin Fei was an understatement, not taking it seriously.

"Sister, you are right.

Young Master Lin is not simple.

It's not simple, it's incredible! "

Lin Yuefeng's eldest brother was stunned.

Lin Yuefeng didn't answer, her beautiful eyes stared at Lin Fei with brilliant colors.

"Boy, die!"

More than a dozen masters of the Purple Cangjian faction surrounded Lin Fei, waving their sharp swords and attacking wildly.

The endless stream of sword aura and sword intent fell on Lin Fei's body and was absorbed by Lin Fei.

"Well, it's a little interesting, but it's still far from enough.

I'm so disappointed. "

Lin Fei shook his head and said.

The dozen or so masters of the Purple Cang Sword faction heard Lin Fei's words and almost vomited blood on the spot.

More than a dozen people hit one of them, and they stood still, and the result was still disappointed.

This is too annoying! "Okay, let's substitute."

After half an hour, Lin Fei flicked his sleeves and shook all the dozen masters of the Purple Cang Sword Sect.

Lin Fei didn't kill these people of the Purple Cangjian Sect.

Because these were all gods, it was too wasteful to kill them, and Lin Fei felt that it was more cost-effective to turn them into slaves.

At this time, the atmosphere was silent between heaven and earth.

Staring at Lin Fei with shocking eyes.

Even the Elder Ouyang was shocked.

"Who is this kid, with such a powerful combat power, should have long been known.

However, in my memory, I can't remember such a person. "

Elder Ouyang thought to himself.

"Boy, I underestimated you before.

However, my Purple Cangjian Sect is not something you can afford.

You provoked me the Purple Cang Sword faction, you have only one fate, that is, death! "

Among the army of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, a high-ranking true **** came out more and more, stepped to Lin Fei's body, and shouted sharply.

It can be seen that his kendo level is very good, and his whole body is swallowing sharp sword lights.

Hush hush hush... A sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded, and hundreds of thousands of sharp swords appeared in front of this master, each of which was a high-level artifact.

The master of the Purple Cang Sword Sect stretched out his hand, and hundreds of thousands of sharp swords merged into a giant sword, cutting through time and space, and slashed towards Lin Fei.

"Slightly interesting."

Lin Fei nodded casually with his hands on his back.

"Boy, you are too arrogant!"

The master of the Purple Cang Sword Sect was so angry that his eyes spit fire, and he hit with all his strength, since the opponent commented that it was a little interesting.

He madly instilled the energy of his whole body into that giant sword.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the five true meanings of the sword in his body flew out at the same time, and directly blocked the huge sword, unable to advance half an inch.

After Wudao Jiandao Zhenyi blocked the giant sword, it began to frantically absorb the sword aura and sword intent contained in this giant sword.

In just a few breaths, all the sword aura and sword intent contained in that huge sword were completely absorbed.

Then, this huge sword began to disintegrate and decomposed into hundreds of thousands of swords.

Lin Fei flicked out his sleeves and took all the hundreds of thousands of swords for himself.

"You..., how can you do it?

! "

The master of the Purple Cang Sword School was completely dumbfounded, looking at Lin Fei blankly, feeling incredible.

His full blow was so lightly dispelled by this kid.

Simply effortless! "what happened?

My kendo level seems to have dropped a lot! "

The master of the Purple Cang Sword School was horrified when he realized that his kendo level had plummeted.

Of course, it was because Lin Fei absorbed a lot of his sword aura and sword intent.

This is equivalent to absorbing part of his kendo level.

Become Lin Fei! "get out!"

Lin Fei flicked his sleeves and threw this high-ranking **** back into the air.

"Is this the level of the Purple Cangjian Sect?

I'm so disappointed.

Come up all of you.

I am alone, dealing with all of you. "

Lin Fei glanced lightly at the army of the Purple Cangjian Sect, and said in a loud voice.


! This kid alone wants to challenge the entire army of our Purple Cang Sword faction! "

Lin Fei's words made the members of the Purple Cangjian Sect all furious.

However, the combat power that Lin Fei demonstrated just now also had sufficient deterrence.

For a while, there was no master in the Purple Cangjian Sect who dared to challenge Lin Fei.

The Elder Ouyang glanced at Lin Fei deeply.

He was calm on the surface, but in fact, he was very shocked.

"How strong is this kid's combat power?"

Elder Ouyang was guessing.

He found that he really couldn't see through Lin Fei.

So, there are some fears.

"it is good.

I am as you wish.

Everyone listened to the orders, all of them were killed, and this kid was broken into pieces. "

Elder Ouyang thought quickly for a moment, then slowly said.


Elder Ouyang, you let all of us go up and deal with this kid alone? "

Those masters of the Purple Cang Sword Sect were all shocked after hearing Elder Ouyang's orders.

If this matter spreads out, even if the Purple Cang Sword Faction finally wins, it kills the kid in front of him.

It is estimated that from now on, the Purple Cang Sword Sect will definitely become a joke in the sword world.

A big army to deal with a junior kid! "Follow my orders, and those who violate the order will be punished severely after returning!"

Elder Ouyang gritted his teeth and said slowly.

He didn't want to do this either, but the young man in front of him was really terrifying and weird.

Even Elder Ouyang himself did not have the confidence to be able to beat the opponent.

In order to test the true strength of this young man, I had to do this.

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