Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3861: It's too late to make peace

Lin Fei used all these lines of puppets.

Each one is infused with a large amount of soul energy, which is very powerful.

Dealing with a half-step main god's soul body naturally requires a lot of effort.

The red silk threads, like sharp arrows, roared, rushing towards the sea of ​​consciousness of Elder Ouyang.

In an instant, he forcibly entered the sea of ​​knowledge of Elder Ouyang.

"What the **** are these!"

Elder Ouyang was taken aback.

He could feel that these red threads were very strange and full of danger.

"Get out!"

In shock, Elder Ouyang immediately mobilized all the power of divine consciousness and bombarded the invading red silk threads.

At the same time, around his soul body also appeared, piece by piece of high-level soul magic weapon, there are tens of thousands of pieces! Most of them are magic weapons of chaos! In addition to these magic weapons, there are hundreds of formations to protect the soul body.

The lineup is quite luxurious! This kind of defense is too tight! "This old guy actually protects the soul body so tightly!"

Seeing this formation, Lin Fei couldn't help but frown.

It is estimated that only a half-step master **** can possess so many high-level magic weapons.

However, Lin Fei will not give up easily.

Shoo...Thousands of thousands of red silk threads continue to attack the past.

Dangdang... the red silk thread in the sky, and those magic weapons like souls and guardian formations, collided with each other, making a crisp sound.

Therefore, in the sea of ​​knowledge of Elder Ouyang, the sky is roaring, the noise is endless, and it is extremely lively.

"Boy, stop!"

Elder Ouyang roared at Lin Fei while mobilizing his divine consciousness to fight.

Lin Fei urged more lines of puppets to penetrate the sea of ​​knowledge of Elder Ouyang.

Elder Ouyang's sea of ​​knowledge has become a red sea.

It's just that those tens of thousands of magic weapons of the spirit and soul, and hundreds of formations, tightly protected the spirit body of Elder Ouyang.

For a while, the line of puppets could not break through the line of defense.

And Elder Ouyang, there is no way to drive these numerous red silk threads out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

The two sides were deadlocked.

"Compare me with a magic weapon."

Lin Fei sneered.

next moment.

Lin Fei waved his hand, and the dense magic weapon flew out.

There are advanced artifacts and chaos magic weapons! Moreover, all of them are of spirits.

There are tens of thousands of pieces! With the wealth of Lin Fei's wealth, the magic weapon he possesses is naturally no younger than Elder Ouyang.

But more! "go with!"

Lin Fei stretched out his hand and pointed, tens of thousands of magic weapons like souls, rushed into the sea of ​​knowledge of Elder Ouyang, bombarding Elder Ouyang's magic weapons.

Boom... Suddenly, the magic weapons of both sides constantly collided, bursting out amazing energy.

The terrible fighting energy, in the elder Ouyang's sea of ​​knowledge, was like a stormy sea, rushing into chaos.

Shihai is a warrior, the most important and most vulnerable place.

With such a big melee in Shihai, Elder Ouyang was very uncomfortable, his face was pale, and he felt a splitting headache and trembling all over.

"Enough, kid, stop!"

Elder Ouyang hissed.

Shoo... Lin Fei urged a large number of puppet threads, bypassing the magic weapons that were fighting, and attacked Elder Ouyang's soul body.

Now, there are only more than one hundred formations left to protect Elder Ouyang's soul body.

These formations are all composed of spirit energy, which is very powerful.

However, the puppet's thread is also condensed by pure spiritual energy.

Moreover, in comparison, the line of puppets is even more weird.

boom! Soon, there was a formation, which was broken by the line of puppets.

"No! Kid, stop now!"

Elder Ouyang was so frightened that he screamed.


Boom...More and more formations were broken by the line of puppets.

The dense lines of puppets are getting closer and closer to the soul body of Elder Ouyang! at last.

There are many lines of puppets, successfully breaking through all the formations, entwined on the soul body of Elder Ouyang.

Then, the lines of these puppets began to exert force, like tying rice dumplings, to bind the soul body of Elder Ouyang.

"Roar..." Elder Ouyang hissed in horror.

He felt a very dangerous breath.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...A sharp sword light, constantly appearing in the sea of ​​knowledge of Elder Ouyang, slashed towards the lines of those puppets.

However, Lin Fei's kendo level was only higher than that of Elder Ouyang.

These sword lights did not cause much damage to the puppet's thread! Next, more and more lines of puppets broke through the defensive formation and entangled on the soul body of Elder Ouyang.

"Stop! Stop! Boy, as long as you stop now, I can shake your hand and make peace.

What you did before, I can no longer pursue it! "

Elder Ouyang was finally scared, and the tone of his speech was obviously weaker, with a sense of discussion.

"It's too late to talk about shaking hands and making peace."

Lin Fei smiled.

This is a half-step master god, Lin Fei is impossible, and will let him go.

Lin Fei's mind moved, Soul Tree, Soul Heart, Soul Dragon, and Chaos Ice Lotus, shaking gently at the same time, releasing a large amount of soul energy, condensing into more lines of puppets, and continuously attacking the sea of ​​knowledge of Elder Ouyang Among.

At this time, Elder Ouyang's soul body has been densely wrapped by a large number of puppet threads, and it looks like a red cocoon! "Boy, stop! You must die!" Elder Ouyang was already in a state of panic at this time.

His body couldn't move anymore, as if he had been caught in the fixation method, standing still in the void.

In his sea of ​​knowledge.

Tens of thousands of high-level magic weapons are still bombarding each other, roaring to the sky, bursting out mighty fighting energy.

A large number of puppet threads wrapped his soul body round and round.

It can be said that Elder Ouyang's condition is extremely bad! "Ah..." At this time, Elder Ouyang only felt that his head seemed to be blown up soon, and the pain was unbearable.

"No! Elder Ouyang seems to be in a bad situation! Let's go up and help Elder Ouyang!"

Finally, the army of the Purple Cang Sword Sect in the distance also realized that something was wrong, and some masters in the faction screamed.

"Huh! Who dares to approach the master, kill without mercy!"

The hundreds of slaves of gods and spirits under Lin Fei immediately surrounded Lin Fei and Elder Ouyang.

"Let's go up too, help Young Xia!"

Lin Tianhao also rushed up with a dozen high-level members of the Lin family.

"Kill! Elder Ouyang is not doing well, let's kill him and help Elder Ouyang!"

The army of the Purple Cang Sword Sect began to charge.

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