Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3862: Control Elder Ouyang

A big battle broke out in an instant.

The big soldiers of the Purple Cang Sword Sect were numerous and powerful, swept in, with a terrifying aura.

As for the slaves that Lin Fei was in, each of them was a god, and all of the dozen or so senior members of the Lin family were gods.

Suddenly, the two sides fought inextricably.

"Patriarch, there are too many enemies, we are outnumbered!"

After a while, Lin Fei's slaves and a dozen high-level Lin family began to retreat.

After all, the army of the Purple Cangjian Sect was really too numerous, coming in mighty and surging.

"Immediately order the Lin family to come out of the city!"

Lin Tianhao shouted.

A senior of the Lin family immediately transmitted the order back to Pill Sword City.

Immediately, the people of the Lin family rushed out and fought fiercely with the army of the Purple Cangjian faction.

The Lin family is also a big clan, and there are many people in the clan.

In this way, the two sides reluctantly tied.

"It's really difficult to subdue a half-step master god!"

At this time, Lin Fei was still urging the line of puppets to attack the soul body of Elder Ouyang.

Elder Ouyang's soul body has been wrapped in dense puppet threads, like a huge red rice dumpling.

However, the soul energy possessed by Elder Ouyang's soul body is very powerful, and he is fighting desperately.

Moreover, Elder Ouyang has also practiced a lot of high-level mysteries of spirits and souls, and displayed them one by one against the attacks of the puppet's thread.

"Kill! Die!"

Elder Ouyang desperately released the endless sword light, and tried his best to chop Lin Fei.

At the same time, he sacrificed all the magic weapons he had collected during his life, and blasted Lin Fei after activation.

He is desperate! I want to take the opportunity to escape at all costs, has been forced to retreat.

However, the sword lights he had killed had no threat to Lin Fei. Instead, they were all absorbed by Lin Fei and became the nourishment of the sword world in his body.

He blasted over those magic weapons, but also the magic weapons sacrificed by Lin Fei, all blocked.

Suddenly, there was a stalemate.

Although Elder Ouyang did not have much resistance, it was very difficult for Lin Fei to quickly subdue him into a slave.

"Ah..., kid, please stop! I know you are great! I am not good! Let me go! Let me go, as long as you are willing to let me go, I can satisfy you whatever you want.

Wealth, power, kendo secrets, as long as you say it, I can give you.

If you are lustful, I can also come forward and select a group of goddesses, saints, daughters, ladies and so on, for your enjoyment. "

Elder Ouyang was really scared at this time, constantly yelling and begging to Lin Fei.

He started to regret a little bit in his heart, why should he do something with this terrible kid in front of him.

"It's too late to say these now!"

Lin Fei disagrees.

Now that the matter was halfway through, Lin Fei refused to give up halfway.

"Ahhhh..." Elder Ouyang hissed and screamed constantly, his expression was very hideous.

You know, the soul body is the most fundamental and core to a warrior.

For a deity, only the soul body is the true self, and even if the body is destroyed, it can still be reborn and reborn.

Now Elder Ouyang's soul body is seriously threatened, causing him to have a deep sense of fear from the depths of his soul.

For any warrior, this is unbearable torture.

"Boy, you are too cruel to die!"

Elder Ouyang screamed constantly with fear and fear.

During this process, Elder Ouyang's soul body was getting more and more injured.

Thousands of puppet threads are inserted into the soul body forcibly, releasing endless runes that must be controlled.

Elder Ouyang's breath is getting more and more wilting, and the soul body is injured, which is the most serious injury for a warrior! And around Lin Fei, hundreds of slaves of gods and the Lin family were fighting against the attack of the Purple Cang army.

The two sides fought fiercely.

Finally, almost two hours later.

Elder Ouyang's breath is already very weak. It looks like he has been several decades old, his hair is all gray, and his skin is full of wrinkles like bark.

At a certain moment, Elder Ouyang finally couldn't support it, and his whole person fainted, unconscious.

"Well, with my current strength, I want to take a half-step master **** into a slave, it is really very reluctant!"

Lin Fei sighed helplessly.

Then, with a wave of his hand, the body of Elder Ouyang was sealed and transmitted into a certain human world in his body.

And in the sea of ​​consciousness of Elder Ouyang, those dense threads of puppets still tightly envelop Elder Ouyang's soul body, seizing control of this soul body with all his strength.

"Continue like this, as long as I don't kill him, sooner or later, he will be controlled by me and become my slave."

Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

Elder Ouyang couldn't escape from his palm.

"Then, get rid of these little ones first."

Lin Fei glanced around.

"Well, there are more than two hundred gods.

Let's take it as a slave first. "

Lin Fei stared at the gods in the purple Cangjian faction and said with a smile.

Before, the army of the Purple Cangjian Sect, almost half of the gods, was conquered by Lin Fei and became slaves.

There are more than two hundred left.

Of course, Lin Fei did not want to waste these gods.

Therefore, Lin Fei Zhan set off and walked into the chaotic battlefield, unleashing a large number of puppet threads and throwing them over to the gods of the Purple Cangjian School.

"No, Elder Ouyang is controlled by this kid!"

"Let's retreat first, this kid is too weird and terrible, we are not his opponent!"

"Let's go back to the martial arts and rescue soldiers!"

"First, report what happened here to the head! Please head over the overall situation!"

... The gods in the Purple Cangjian Sect's army saw it with their own eyes. Elder Ouyang was already under Lin Fei's control and hid him, and saw Lin Fei walking towards them, each of them pale with fright and no intent to fight. , Turned around and fled.

They had tried it just now, and even if the entire army of the Purple Cang Sword Sect was killed, it would not be the opponent of this kid! Therefore, if you continue to fight, there is no use at all.

"It's too late to think of running away now!"

Lin Fei laughed loudly, showed off his head, and ran after him.

At the same time, his mind moved, displaying the ultimate heart sword style of the original source, with a faint sword light, killing it.

In an instant, the spirits of the Purple Cangjian Sect who wanted to escape were all hit and all injured.

Which **** wanted to escape, he would immediately find that a terrifying plain sword light appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

There is no way to escape! The original ultimate heart sword pose, even if it is a threat to the main god, let alone these ordinary gods.

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