Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3880: I am back again

"Of course, a few master gods will go out in person, it is hard for that kid to fly his wings!"

Chu Bi said gleefully.

"That kid, I almost ruined my Purple Cang Sword Sect's forever foundation, I can't wait to fry him and tear him apart, just die like this, it's cheap for him!"

When it comes to Lin Fei, Chu Bi is ticklish with hatred.

"Hehe, head of Chu, don't worry, that kid will never have a good life in the hands of our Changle Sword Sect."

A half-step master of Changle Sword School said with a smile.

He and Chu Bi have similar strengths, and they have good personal relationships with each other.

"Well, I hope as Deacon Su said."

Chu Bi nodded and said.

"Pass the order, Zi Cangjian sends all the people back to the headquarters.

Hurry up and tidy up the headquarters. "

Chu Bi gave the order.

As a result, the people of the Purple Cang Sword Sect returned to the Purple Cang Divine Mountain.

They had just left not long ago.

In addition, Lin Fei did not destroy Zi Cang Shenshan.

So, everything is the same.

at this time.

Lin Fei was unfolding his departure method and hurriedly returned to Pill Sword City.

"Lin Shaoxia, I just received the sound transmission, our Lin family members are ready.

You can leave Pill Sword City at any time. "

Lin Tianhao spoke to Lin Fei.

"Okay, let them wait in Pill Sword City, I will go back and take them away now."

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei went back to Danjian City just to save the Lin family.

How fast is Lin Fei's shadowless style.

In a moment, he returned to the outside of Pill Sword City.

Perceived by the divine consciousness, he discovered that in the city, the Lin family's men and horses had all gathered in the Lin family mansion.

Without saying a word, Lin Fei rushed directly into the city of Pill Sword, flicked his sleeves, and transported all the people of the Lin family into a human world in his body. Then, he left Pill Sword City in one step and disappeared into the void. in.

next moment.

Suddenly, there was a whistling sound in the space, and immediately, a few ripples flickered, and a few figures descended rumblingly, exuding a very terrifying aura.

Several main gods of the Changle Sword School arrived and stood in the sky above Pill Sword City.

"Damn, we're a step late again! That kid, too slippery!"

A main **** who was as short as a five-year-old child screamed.

This main **** is Changle Fairy Child, and Lin Fei has seen him in the Shenjian Mountain.

"This kid, if I catch him, he will definitely regret it!"

Changle Fairy's face was distorted with anger.

Huh! In the midst of anger, he stretched out his hand, chopped out a sharp and unparalleled sword energy, and slashed down to the city of Pill Sword.

Rumble... Amidst the roar of the sky, Pill Sword City was cut from the middle and split into two.

"Okay, don't waste your energy, let's keep chasing!"

The head of the Changle Sword School said.

"Well, that kid, too slippery.

We divided into several routes to besieged and intercepted him. "

An elderly main **** said.

"it is good."

The head of the Changle Sword School nodded.

As a result, several main gods of the Changle Sword Sect chased in the direction where Lin Fei left.

They are all the main gods, their sense of consciousness, and the ability to deduction, they are all very powerful, vaguely able to catch Lin Fei's traces.

At this time, Lin Fei was already very far away.

However, I can still feel that the main gods of the Changle Sword Sect are chasing after themselves.

"Every time I enter the sword world, it seems that I can't get rid of the situation of being chased by these main gods.

It's too frustrated. "

Lin Fei was a little helpless, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"It's just that it's not easy for these guys to catch up to me.

Well, get rid of them first.

When there is a chance in the future, I will find them again and settle the accounts! "

Lin Fei was chased and killed by several main gods. Although he felt very aggrieved, he still knew that if he fought against several main gods of the Changle Sword Sect, he would not gain much advantage.

Moreover, it will definitely attract more master gods in the sword world.

At that time, I will be more passive.

Therefore, for the time being, Lin Fei didn't want to confront the main gods in the sword world.

If it were the main gods in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, Lin Fei would not avoid it like this.

Just now.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness suddenly felt away in one direction.

That direction is the Purple Cang Shenshan, the headquarters of the Purple Cang Sword Sect.

"The people of the Purple Cangjian Sect have returned to the headquarters.

Hey, in this case, I will give a little surprise to the Purple Cangjian Sect. "

Lin Fei sneered.

Being chased by several main gods, Lin Fei was depressed.

The Purple Cangjian Sect can just use it to vent its anger.

So, Lin Fei started to move towards the Purple Cangjian Sect.

at this time.

The headquarters of the Zi Cang Sword Sect, Zi Cang Shenshan.

In the meeting hall.

"Very good. Basically, there is no damage in the headquarters.

Everything is as good as ever. "

"Haha, don't ask, it must be the grown-ups of the Changle Sword Sect. They arrived in time to let that kid not have time to destroy our Purple Cang Sword Sect headquarters."

"Not bad.

We are supported by Changle Sword Sect.

We don't need to be afraid of that kid at all. "

"I don't think it's interesting to discuss that kid anymore.

Being watched by several master gods of the Changle Sword Sect, that kid's end was destined to be very tragic.

From now on, we will never have the opportunity to meet that kid again.

For us, the Purple Cang Sword Sect, that kid, has become a thing of the past! "

...In the discussion hall, the senior figures of the Changle Sword Sect were all discussing excitedly.


Just now.

In the hall, a certain space suddenly rippled gently.


A young man stepped out from that space.

It is Lin Fei.

"Everyone, let's meet again."

Lin Fei looked at the seniors of the Purple Cang Sword Sect and greeted with a smile.

All of a sudden.

In the hall, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was silent.

Quiet like a tomb! Staring at Lin Fei with startled eyes.

The expression on everyone's face was completely frozen.

Everyone even felt very difficult to breathe, and couldn't help but exhale.

"Why, I didn't see me for a while, so I don't recognize me.

I'm back to look for you again. "

Lin Fei grinned, a little unkind.

"You..., kid..., really you?

I read it right. "

A high-ranking member of the Purple Cangjian faction asked with difficulty, intermittently, unable to believe what he saw.

"You read it right.

It's really me. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Run away! Run as fast as you can!"

Finally, Chu Bi, the leader of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, reacted and shouted.

"Yes! Run away everyone! This kid is very dangerous!"

The two elders also shouted at the same time.

"Haha, you can't escape."

Lin Fei laughed.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and he displayed the original ultimate heart sword style, a faint sword light, and he slashed out at an astonishing speed.

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