Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3881: Why only chase me

Click...As the sword light swept across, in the hall, each sword repairer was cut off at the waist, or cut off hands and feet, and could be cut in the head. Almost half of the senior members of the Purple Cangjian Sect were cut off. hurt! You know, Lin Fei's ultimate heart sword style, even the main god, can be hurt.

What's more, these high-level members of the Purple Cangjian School.

"Give me all down!"

After Lin Fei cut out with a sword, he rushed up with a roar, punching and kicking.

Lin Fei did not use the secret method of the puppet's thread, but prepared to beat these high-level members of the Purple Cangjian Sect to death, and then directly captured them.

When you have time, you can use the secret method of the puppet's thread and slowly conquer.

With Lin Fei's combat power, it was naturally more than enough to deal with these high-level members of the Purple Cangjian Sect.

Huh... Lin Fei waved his hand, cutting out the endless sharp sword light.

With Lin Fei's swordsmanship level, the sword light that was cut out was very powerful.

Ahhh... in the hall, a scream is endless.

Those high-ranking members of the Purple Cang Sword Sect were chopped one after another, leaving scars.

"Lie down for me!"

Lin Fei rushed to a high-level god, and hit him in the head with a punch.

This high-level god, true god, was immediately knocked out, and then was teleported into the human body world by Lin Fei.

Click click...a faint sword light, flying back and forth in the hall at an astonishing speed, no one can resist it.

In a moment.

Lin Fei had beaten a part of the senior members of the Purple Cang Sword Sect to a faint, or was so weak that he had completely lost the ability to resist.

Lin Fei used secret techniques to seal all these seriously injured high-levels, and then transmit them into the human world inside his body.

"Run! Run away!"

Chu Bi and the Supreme Elder screamed loudly while running away.

"Everyone flees separately! Don't get together!"

Chu Bi exclaimed.

He watched with his own eyes, one high-level figure after another, constantly falling into Lin Fei's hands, but unable to do anything, he could only yell.

The remaining high-level members of the Purple Cangjian faction all escaped from the conference hall at this time, trying their best to escape in all directions.

Chu Bi and the Supreme Elder also fled separately.

"Catch the big fish first!"

Lin Fei's gaze fixed on the Supreme Elder.

There are a total of four Supreme Elders in the Purple Cangjian Sect.

Three of them have been caught by Lin Fei.

There is the last one left.

call out! Lin Fei chased after the overlord elder.

"Boy! You must die!"

The supreme elder found that Lin Fei had even chased him up, almost so frightened, he was shocked and angry.

"Boy, you never want to get me!"

In extreme shock and anger, this Supreme Elder used all his strength, using his body speed to the extreme, crossing into the depths of the void, and fleeing desperately.

"Haha, what's the difficulty of catching up with you."

Lin Fei laughed.

Lin Fei was moving in a shadowless manner, much faster than this super elder.

In addition, Lin Fei has deep attainments in the laws of time, space, reincarnation, and causality.

Putting it all together, Lin Fei's body style was extremely weird and extremely fast.

Within a few steps, he chased behind this super elder.

"Boy, why don't you chase so many people, why only chase me!"

The elder sang angrily.

"Haha, that's because we are destined."

Lin Fei laughed.

When the mind moves, the ultimate heart sword style is displayed.

laugh! A faint sword light struck out, and on the spot, the body of the Supreme Elder was cut in half! "Boy, you are too cruel! You can't die!"

The elder Taishang reorganized his body in an instant, and he didn't dare to fight Lin Fei at all. He turned around and fled, fleeing while roaring.

"Haha, you can't escape.

No need to waste time. "

Lin Fei laughed.

laugh! A faint sword light chased up, and once again cut the body of the Supreme Elder in half.

The speed of this super elder, no matter how fast it is, it is impossible, faster than the original ultimate heart sword speed! Ah... the body was cut open again, and the elder Taishang let out a painful scream.

Because his soul body, more or less, was also damaged.

"I said, you can't escape."

Lin Fei smiled.

It can be said that this Supreme Elder does not have the ability to escape in front of Lin Fei.

"Ah... boy, I won't let you go! Immortal!"

The elder Taishang roared sharply.

puff! Suddenly, his flesh, up and down, all exploded and turned into a cloud of blood.

Then, this cloud of blood mist seemed to be alive, drifting with the wind, becoming lighter and lighter.


It seems to be a clever escape technique, escaped by the blood of God. "

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

"However, in front of me, you can't escape."

Lin Fei locked in the breath of that super elder under the perception of divine consciousness.

laugh! The ultimate heart sword style of the original source is towards the distance, a certain void, and slashes the past.

what! There was a scream in the depths of the void.

Then, the Supreme Elder fell from the depths of the void, and there was a shocking blood hole above his body.

Lin Fei stepped forward and came to this super elder.

"Boy, you are so cruel!"

At this time, the injury of the Supreme Elder was already very serious.

It was mainly the sword light cut by Lin Fei, the power was terrible.

Every time he was cut, his injuries deepened.

"I said, you can't escape.

Needless to struggle anymore. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

This super elder was already destined, unable to escape Lin Fei's palm.

Just now.

"No, the main gods of the Changle Sword Sect have caught up."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

"Old guy, tie your hands obediently!"

Lin Fei yelled, rushed forward, and hit with a fist.

Bang Bang Bang... Lin Fei's fists, like beating a drum, kept banging on the body and head of the Supreme Elder.

This supreme elder, who was originally extremely weak, was violently beaten by Lin Fei, but he couldn't hold it on the spot. He was beaten and fainted.

Lin Fei transferred this elder Taishang into the human world inside his body.

"Boy, where to escape!"

"Boy, you can't escape!"

... Suddenly, the space above Zi Cang Divine Mountain violently turbulent, several main gods exuding a terrifying aura came down at the same time, locking Lin Fei's position.

"If you have the ability, come and chase it!"

Lin Fei laughed amidst the Purple Cang Mountain.

Lin Fei used the shadowless pose, rushed out in one step, penetrated into the depths of the void, and then took out the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card to directly activate it.

"Boy, stay!"

"Quickly stop him!"

...Besides the Purple Cang Mountain, several main gods of the Changle Sword Sect found that Lin Fei was about to flee, and they were all very anxious.

Shabu ...... few sharp extreme, extreme bright Jianguang, flying toward the location of forest to cut, give this a space cut off, seal, preventing Lin Fei to leave.

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