Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4011: Not qualified to fight me hard

"Huh, little thief Lin Fei, it's too public.

He unexpectedly took the initiative to break into the base camp of the knife world army.

You know, behind the knife world army, but the entire knife world.

Little thief Lin Fei, does he want to fight the sword world? "

At this time, the high-level figures of the four major forces were also operating supernatural powers one by one, paying far attention to Lin Fei's actions and communicating with each other privately.

"Hey, let him toss.

The crazier he is, the easier he will be destroyed. "

"Not bad.

The sword tyrant in the knife world is a ruthless character.

If Lin Fei provokes Daoba, it will definitely be a dead end. When that happens, we won't have to deal with him. "

"So, let's just leave it alone and just sit on the sidelines."

...The senior figures of the four major forces in the sword world are all gloating.

At this time, Lin Fei was getting closer and closer to the base camp of the sword world army, the Thousand Sword Plane.

"Stop, this is a strong place in our knife world, no one is allowed to trespass, otherwise, a capital crime!"

In front, a large group of people rushed out of the void, and the leading **** of a half step shouted at Lin Fei.

"This is obviously the sword world, so how come it has become the center of the sword world."

Lin Fei sneered, zooming in with his big hand, and grabbed it forward.

Booming Long...In an instant, Lin Fei's big hand turned into a giant hand, filled with the entire void, exuding terrifying world power and billions of brilliant sword lights.

Ah... the half-step Lord God in front of him was still shouting at Lin Fei just now, majestic, but in a blink of an eye, he was suppressed by Lin Fei's big hands and could not move, his face flushed, and he let out a desperate roar.

He couldn't understand why the young man in front of him was clearly just a real **** from the upper gods, how could he be so powerful.

As soon as he shot it, he had no power to fight back at all! Snapped! Lin Fei's big hand dropped, pressing on the body of the half-step Lord God.

puff! At that half-step, the body of the Lord God was torn apart on the spot, which was terrible.

With a big hand, Lin Fei grabbed all the remaining limbs and pieces of meat and the soul body of the half-step Lord God.

With Lin Fei's current strength, dealing with the half-step main **** was like a joke.

"No, Master Hawke has been caught!"

"Save Master Hawkeye!"

... the people and horses who followed this half-step Lord God, one by one bit their heads and rushed forward.

Lin Fei slapped his backhand, crushing forward with a mighty palm.

Puff...This team of swordsmen and horses exploded one after another, like blooming blood-colored fireworks.

All died, none survived.

Lin Fei knew that these swordsmen and horses invaded the sword world, each of them must have killed countless people, and under their hands, there were countless dead souls.

Therefore, Lin Fei would naturally not be merciless.

"If you don't want to die, get out!"

Lin Fei was extremely powerful, strode forward, and after a while, finally stepped into the plane of Thousand Swords.

"Boy Lin Fei! Hugh is crazy!"

Lin Fei had just entered the plane of Thousand Swords, and in the distant starry sky, a big man appeared, with red hair, huge copper bell eyes, and his gaze like two sharp knives, extremely frightening.

This is a master god, possessing incomparable vitality, surging blades, terrifying sword energy, suppressing the sky.

"Boy Lin Fei, dare to go straight to the headquarters of my swordsman army, don't you put our swordsman army in your eyes?

Today is your death date! "

The big man roared, his tall body, crowded with the stars in the universe, strode towards Lin Fei.

This lord god, in the sword world, is famous for his violent personality and short temper. He suffocated his anger when he saw Lin Fei rush to the headquarters.

Therefore, when he saw Lin Fei, he disregarded everything and rushed forward to fight Lin Fei desperately.

"Do you think that all cats and dogs can kill me."

Lin Fei said quietly.

While speaking, the sword glow on Lin Fei's body surface soared, and hundreds of millions of brilliant sword glow spewed out.


The big guy roared and shot directly.

Boom! A blood-red giant knife slashed towards Lin Fei, circling a dazzling blood-colored blade. For a while, the entire universe was dyed red, and some weak creatures in the knife world were dazzled so hard to open their eyes.

"Hmph, I dare to show my ugliness in front of me."

Lin Fei sneered, as if teaching a junior.

Huh! A flat sword light flashed and disappeared.

This is the ultimate heart sword style.

In the past, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, Lin Fei's original ultimate heart sword style could hurt the main god.

Now, as Lin Fei's kendo level has greatly improved, the original ultimate heart sword style displayed is no longer the same.

when! The plain sword light collided with the red giant knife.

The energy generated by the collision is terrifying, causing big explosions in this place and the starry sky to collapse.


The big man was so shocked that he staggered backwards, the corners of his mouth were bleeding constantly, and he roared again and again.

"Boy, I did it with you!"

The sword master **** roared and rushed up again.

He used a taboo secret technique, a large amount of divine blood, suddenly splattered from the pores on the body surface, and spilled on the giant red knife.

Suddenly, the blood burst into the sky, and the smell of blood spread rapidly, filling the entire universe.

The huge knife that was stained with a lot of divine blood circulated the scarlet and strange blade light, and the breath released was at least a thousand times violent.


The big man roared, raised the scarlet giant knife, and slashed towards Lin Fei.

Suddenly, the universe was full of blood and blood, the wind roared, and thick **** lightnings continued to fall.

This is a terrible forbidden mystery, which is very harmful to oneself.

However, the power is very terrifying, it can instantly stimulate the potential and rapidly increase the combat power.

Lin Fei did not expect that a master **** would actually practice this vicious secret technique of self-harm.

"Huh, what about desperately.

You are not qualified to fight me hard. "

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

boom! Lin Fei held a long sword in his hand and slashed it out.

A large amount of the mighty power of the world poured out from Lin Fei and was blessed on the long sword.

Hundreds of millions of sword energy spit out from the sword body, and drowned forward, too bright.

when! The huge red knife in the hand of the big man was shaken and flew out.

boom! The long sword in Lin Fei's hand continued to cut forward, wherever he went, the time and space in front of him continued to annihilate.

puff! The big man's two arms were cut off, and he was thrown away, splashing with blood in the sky.

Click! The long sword slashed across the waist, splitting it into two, cutting the man's body into two.

Ah... the big man screamed.

It was only a few tricks, and he also used the taboo secret technique of overdrawing himself. Unexpectedly, he failed so badly.

This big man was finally frightened, and his soul body was wrapped in the stumps and pieces of meat, and fled away.

Lin Fei originally wanted to chase.

However, at this time, the other main gods of the sword world had already arrived one after another, showing their appearances one by one, standing on top of the earth, with the sword shining into the sky, standing around Lin Fei, surrounded Lin Fei group in the middle.

"Lin Fei, what do you want to do when you come to the headquarters of our swordsman army?

Are you planning to go to war with our knife world? "

A master **** who was enveloped in a strong sword aura stepped forward and slowly asked.

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