Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4012: Lord God of War Blade

"I'm here to inform you that everyone in the sword world will withdraw from the sword world and return to your sword world.

Because, from now on, the sword world will be ruled by the Tianluo Sword Sect.

The sword world no longer allows any external forces to exist. "

Facing the siege of dozens of sword master gods, Lin Fei calmly spoke with a calm expression on his face.

As soon as Lin Fei's voice fell, "Rampant!"


"Lin Fei, you are declaring war on our sword world!"

...The main gods of the knife world were furious and shouted.

The sword world army has a long history of invading the sword world. Even many creatures in the sword world almost acquiesced to the existence of the sword world.

Because the major forces in the sword world simply have no ability to drive out the sword world army.

And the army of the sword world is temporarily incapable of occupying the entire sword world.

Over the years, the sword world army and the major forces in the sword world have occupied half of the sword world, and they are in peace for the time being.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei directly broke into the headquarters of the sword world and asked the sword world to withdraw from the sword world! After hearing what Lin Fei said, both the creatures in the sword world and the sword world were shocked.

"This kid, really dare to say it!"

Those high-level figures of the four major forces in the sword world all sighed.

"Hmph, Lin Fei said such words, it is equal to facing the knife world head-on.

From now on, people in the knife world will definitely not let him go! "

Some are gloating.

However, there are also many creatures in the sword world who feel very relieved.

The sword world army invaded the sword world and occupied half of the territory, which is a huge shame for the sword world.

Most creatures in the sword world are eager to one day drive away the invaders in the sword world and restore the tranquility of the sword world.

Lin Fei's words are spoken, the voice of most people.

Therefore, many creatures in the sword world, looking at Lin Fei's gaze, secretly became admired.

"If the sword world is really ruled by Lin Fei, maybe it will be a good choice.

At least much better than the four major forces. "

Many creatures thought to themselves.

In the face of the invasion of the sword world army, the four major forces in the sword world have done nothing over the years.

However, Lin Fei directly challenged the swordsmen! "Boy, you are too arrogant! Look at the sword!"

Suddenly, a long golden knife was sharp and sharp, slashing towards Lin Fei's head across hundreds of millions of miles of starry sky.

There was a master **** in the sword world, and couldn't help but attack Lin Fei.

Because, Lin Fei's strength, the words spoken, stimulated these main gods in the knife world really not lightly.

The army of the sword world aims to invade the entire sword world. If it wants to turn the sword world into the territory of the sword world, how could it withdraw its troops.

Therefore, Lin Fei's attitude makes these master gods in the knife world have unlimited killing intentions towards Lin Fei! Rumble...The golden long knife was cut to the point, with a bitter killing intent, extremely gorgeous and overbearing.

The golden sword light, a vast expanse, completely submerged this universe of starry sky.

when! Lin Fei held the long sword in his hand and swept away carelessly, shook the golden long knife away, and bright metal collision sparks bloomed between the two, shaking down into a star.

"Lin Fei, die!"

Then, one on the left and the other on the right, two long knives slashed, two sword master gods, at the same time, one attacked Lin Fei's head and the other attacked Lin Fei's back.

Dangdang! With two loud noises, Lin Fei swept across with his sword, and then shook the two long knives away, very ear-piercing.

Lin Fei was able to deal with the attack on the master **** level master now, and seemed calm and relaxed.

"Well, since you guys do it, let's fight it hard."

Lin Fei gave a soft drink.

With Lin Fei's character, if others do it first, he cannot show weakness.

Moreover, with Lin Fei's current combat power, facing these master gods of the knife world, he has the confidence to cope.

boom! Lin Fei stepped out, the world's mighty force in his body, like a landslide and a sea leak, rushed out violently, shaking the entire plane.

Huh! The long sword in Lin Fei's hand was slashed out suddenly, the starry sky shattered, and hundreds of millions of brilliant sword lights bloomed above the sword, like a splendid galaxy, the scene was terrifying.

"Fight as long as we hit it, will we still be afraid of you!"

The main gods of the sword world also ran away one by one.

Lin Fei's strength and dominance made them really unbearable.

In an instant, dozens of sword master gods all acted and rushed towards Lin Fei.

Suddenly, in this cosmic starry sky, the vast sword energy spread rapidly.

Boom...Lin Fei cut out the long sword in his hand, sweeping across the thousands of troops, endless kendo secrets blooming, massive runes related to kendo laws, frantically surging.

Dangdang...A series of harsh metal crashing sounds continued to sound like a string of firecrackers set off in the vast starry sky.

Lin Fei had a big collision with dozens of main gods alone.

This made the master gods of the knife world look very ugly.

Lin Fei's combat power was too tyrannical.

One person, against dozens of them, is still so light, offensive and defensive, without showing the slightest defeat.

"Don't hold back and attack with all your strength.

The best is to combine the power of everyone to kill this child! "

A main **** roared.

boom! At this moment, a purple nine-story pagoda emerged in the void, continuously zooming in, and spitting out endless domineering sword energy, suppressing Lin Fei.


Lin Fei yelled, his left fist blasted out, hit the pagoda, and shook the pagoda on the spot, turning it into fragments, splashing everywhere.

With the continuous enhancement of strength, Lin Fei has already raised the talents and various secret techniques of the Tianjin tribe to the extreme.

It can be said that Lin Fei's body is quite a magic weapon.

Moreover, it is a rare magic weapon that is much more advanced and harder than any god-level magic weapon.

Therefore, Lin Fei can carry it with his fist alone, rather than crush all the magic weapons in the world! "Come and not talk, it's indecent!"

Lin Fei yelled.

Huh! After Lin Fei's left fist smashed the pagoda, he didn't take it back. Instead, his entire arm turned into a sharp golden sword, which stretched continuously to stab the main **** who sacrificed the purple pagoda.

This is the talent of the Tianjin people. Any part of the body can be transformed into a weapon at will, even Lin Fei's entire body can be turned into a weapon.

The terrifying world power, blessed on top of the golden sword, tears time and space, power is shocking.

puff! The main **** couldn't avoid it, and one of his arms was cut off, and he threw it away, splashing blood in the sky.


Lin Fei took the initiative to attack, brave and invincible.

In this battle, the sun and the moon were lost, and the mountains and rivers were eclipsed.

This cosmic starry sky was beaten in tatters and shocking.

Countless creatures have rushed to watch this lively scene.

Lin Fei's bravery and toughness shocked all the creatures to the extreme.

"Well, the main **** of the knife world is really good.

Compared with the main **** of the sword world, his combat power was obviously much stronger.

No wonder, the army of the sword world can occupy half of the territory of the sword world. "

During the fierce battle, Lin Fei couldn't help but nodded in praise.

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