Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4024: Not useful at all

Some time ago, Lin Fei retreats to practice the reincarnation inheritance taught by Senior Red Sword, which has made great progress in the law of reincarnation.

So far, there have been several reincarnation inheritances that Lin Fei has practiced.

Among them, the three most powerful reincarnation inheritances were taught by the monk in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Valley, by the Taoist priest in the Void Land of the Sky Demon Valley, and by Senior Crimson Sword.

Combining these three kinds of reincarnation inheritance, Lin Fei finally felt that he seemed to have seen the true meaning of reincarnation! Moreover, not long ago, Lin Fei practiced reincarnation inheritance in the secret room and made another important discovery.

That is, the one-qi transforming three-clear secret technique of the Sanqingzong can be used in conjunction with the reincarnation inheritance and performed together.

One qi transforms three clears, there are three incarnations, one representing the past, one representing the present, and one representing the future.

The past, present, and future is a reincarnation! Therefore, Lin Fei suddenly realized that one qi transforms three clears, in a sense, in fact, it is also a secret technique related to reincarnation.

When Lin Fei combined the One Qi Transformation Three Clear Secret Techniques with the reincarnation inheritance, the effect was surprisingly good! Rumble...As Lin Fei displayed the law of reincarnation, the space where Lin Fei was standing began to explode, and everything was being destroyed, broken, and disintegrated.

This time and space is completely destroyed! Endless fragments of time and space are scouring in a frantic roar.

Time and space are misplaced and distorted.

Then, Lin Fei's body was also completely torn to pieces by the terrifying space-time hurricane.

"Not good! Little thief Lin Fei wants to escape!"

The surrounding main gods who attacked Lin Fei were all shocked.

They found that it was a bit difficult for them to locate Lin Fei.

This sudden destruction of time and space made everything blurred and affected their consciousness and perception.

Shoo! Suddenly, three identical Lin Fei appeared.

The breath of each Dao is the same, and it is shrouded in the mysterious breath of reincarnation.

It is not clear which one is the main body.

Shoo...Three Lin Fei, each in three directions, walked quickly.

"Separately act and stop him!"

More than fifty main gods, in desperation, had no choice but to divide into three groups and chase them in three directions.

Moreover, not only these main gods, but also Lin Fei's true body could not be discovered.

Even the giant sword condensed by that great formation could not find Lin Fei's real body! Rumble...The simple form of the giant sword, suspended in the sky, seemed a bit dumbfounded, stagnating, and for a while, it was impossible to decide which Lin Fei to attack.

The speed of the three Lin Fei was terribly fast.

With each step, it seems to have crossed a different time and space.

All the main gods who chased after him were very surprised.

Boom boom boom... A series of terrifying attacks continued, bombarding the three Lin Fei.

It's just that the three Lin Fei's figures are constantly changing, floating light and glancing, from left to right, back and forth, and every time they change, they appear at a distance of tens of trillions of miles.

This made it impossible for Lin Fei to be truly targeted or hit by all attacks! As a result, these fifty or so main gods could not besiege Lin Fei.

That big formation, for a while, couldn't really lock Lin Fei and attack.


In fright, more than fifty main gods, together controlling the huge sword high in the sky, slashed towards one of Lin Fei.

Rumble...Billions of epee waves, billowing and rushing, the turbulent waves hit the shore and swept towards Lin Fei.

Where that great sword passed, time and space instantly annihilated and turned into fly ash.

"It's really terrible!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

Rumble...At this time, the surging power of the world poured out from Lin Fei's body. after another sharp sword glows ejected from every pore on Lin Fei's body surface, making Lin Fei's body covered with a layer of brilliant sword wings, which would not invade! At this moment, Lin Fei, who was attacked by that huge sword, had all his cards.

All kinds of energy, all kinds of laws, all blessed on the long sword in his hand.

when! The long sword in Lin Fei's hand collided with that huge sword.

There was a stalemate for a moment.

puff! Lin Fei's body was shaken and exploded on the spot, torn apart, flesh and blood stumps, scattered all over the sky.

"Haha, this should be Lin Fei's body, it's hit!"

The head of the Fei Xian Sword Sect was overjoyed and cried out.

"Go on, in one effort, kill this little thief!"

The other main gods were also greatly encouraged.


"Haha, I'm afraid I will disappoint you."

At this moment, all the flesh and blood stumps thrown in the void of the Lin Fei who had just been cut suddenly turned into spots of light, and then disappeared.

In the distance, another Lin Fei appeared.

Nothing at all.

"Little thief Lin Fei was not hit at all.

What we hit just now was just a phantom he left in the past. "

At this time, a master **** with a deeper knowledge of the law of reincarnation, said bitterly.

"A shadow left in the past!"

The other main gods were all frightened and angry.

"Damn it! Little thief Lin Fei's body style, how could it be so weird!"

"Ah! How could this happen!"

...Many main gods were so angry that they roared on the spot.

Especially the main gods of the four major forces in the sword world, originally thought that this large array carefully prepared could be used to deal with Lin Fei.

This big formation is their core force against Lin Fei this time.

Unexpectedly, it didn't work at all! It's just a shadow of others! At this time, the big formation is still in a steady stream, drawing energy from every member of the force.

"Well, let's break this big formation first."

Lin Fei's gaze, looking at the big formation, said with a sneer.

For breaking the formation, Lin Fei had accumulated experience last time, knowing that the key to breaking the formation was the white threads.

As long as the white silk threads are destroyed and this large array loses its source of energy, it will not be destroyed.

call out! The three Lin Fei, showing off at the same time, rushed towards the white silk threads densely covered in the void.

Boom...The long sword in Lin Fei's hand exploded with a brilliant sword aura like an ocean, drowning forward.

A sharp and incomparable sword light, tearing through the sky, chopped off the white silk threads.

Immediately, a large number of white silk threads were cut off.

"Come at me!"

Lin Fei yelled.

After each white silk thread was cut off, it spit out a lot of kendo energy and sword energy. Of course, there were also a lot of white silk threads that spit out sword energy and sword energy.

Because, there are also many people in the knife world, sending energy to this big formation.

Chi Chi...The cut white silk threads, the spit out sword energy, and sword energy were chopped on Lin Fei's body.

The five kendo wills in Lin Fei's body and the kendo world were activated at the same time, bursting out huge suction power, and quickly absorbed these kendo energy and sword energy.

"not bad."

Lin Fei felt extremely comfortable, as if drinking snow water in the hot season.

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