Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4025: Scared

"No! Hurry up and stop Lin Fei! If this big formation is broken by him, we will lose!"

The head of the Flying Fairy Sword Sect was shocked and roared.

"Little thief Lin Fei, stop!"

"Little thief, look at the sword!"

"Boy, look at the knife!"

...More than fifty main gods launched crazy attacks on three Lin Fei.

A series of kendo secret techniques, or sword-do secret techniques, hit Lin Fei like a storm.

Lin Fei used his body skills to the extreme.

The secret technique of reincarnation, various laws related to the speed of time and space, the card of reincarnation of the ten thousand worlds, and the secret technique of one-qi-transformation and three-clearness were all performed.

Lin Fei's body style is too weird.

No matter which location Lin Fei reaches, a big explosion will happen in time and space, collapse, and destroy, causing all sorts of bizarre time and space anomalies.

As a result, it became a little difficult for those main gods to accurately locate Lin Fei.

Moreover, even if there were occasional attacks, they blasted on Lin Fei's body, causing damage.

Lin Fei was also able to recover quickly.

"Everyone join forces to spur the big formation!"

A main **** roared.

As a result, more than fifty main gods gave up chasing Lin Fei and worked together to spur the big formation.

Rumble... high in the sky, that simple and simple giant sword, carrying terrifying energy, blooming with billions of sword aura, slashed it at one of them, Lin Fei.

when! Lin Fei waved the long sword in his hand and went all out to greet him.

boom! Lin Fei's body was thrown far away by the shock, and the surface was covered with shocking blood stains, and blood arrows spurted out.

There was even a terrible kendo energy that was aimed at Lin Fei's soul body, and the violent energy shook Lin Fei's soul body a bit wobbly.

In Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, four pieces of Divine Soul Secret Treasures, as well as the Divine Punishment Sword, tightly guarded the Divine Soul Body against the sword energy.

I have to say that the power of this large formation passed down from ancient times by the Fei Xian Sword Sect is indeed terrifying.

Gathering the energy of so many creatures and making a single blow, even if Lin Fei is head-to-head with it, it will still fall short.

However, with Lin Fei's strength, this kind of injury is just a trivial matter.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Fei's injury completely recovered! "Cut it again!"

More than fifty main gods once again urged the giant sword and aimed at one of them, Lin Fei.

call out! This time, Lin Fei did not choose to go head-to-head, but to show off and avoid, while constantly swinging his sword to cut off the white silk threads.

The secret technique of reincarnation, the shadowless style, the reincarnation card of the Myriad Realms, combined with various laws related to time and space speed, made Lin Fei's body style extremely strange.

Plus, there are three Lin Fei exactly the same.

High in the sky, with that huge sword, it is difficult to really lock Lin Fei's true body.

Therefore, it is impossible to really hurt Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's body speed is so fast.

After a while.

The white silk thread of the big array was almost destroyed in half! "It's over, we lost."

The head of the Flying Immortal Sword Sect finally began to feel the despair.

He desperately pursued Lin Fei, but he couldn't stop Lin Fei at all.

Not only the head of the Flying Immortal Sword Sect, but the other main gods also showed hopeless expressions.

"With so many of us, plus a big formation, it is actually not his opponent."

At this moment, even if they were not reconciled anymore, in the hearts of these main gods, they had to admit that Lin Fei's combat power far surpassed them.

"In the sword world, there has been such a devilish evildoer, could it be that our four great forces are really exhausted?

What are our four major forces comparing with him? "

The four major forces in the sword world, each of the main gods, is downcast.

"In the sword world, such a master has appeared. It seems that we want to truly occupy the sword world, and there are many difficulties.

Is it true that we really want to go back and move soldiers to the Daoba ancestor? "

The main gods of the knife world are also a little depressed.

Boom...At this moment, the three Lin Fei, all swords like the wind, kept cutting towards the white silk threads.

Every white silk thread that was cut spit out a lot of sword energy and sword energy, and then all was absorbed by Lin Fei.

For Lin Fei, this is equivalent to a kind of practice.

Those more than fifty main gods already seemed weak in their pursuit of Lin Fei.

Because they couldn't stop Lin Fei at all.

at last.

Lin Fei destroyed more than half of the white silk threads densely covered in the void.

The power of that big formation rapidly declined.

This big formation is equivalent to being cracked.

"Well, now, it's my turn to fight back!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei shouted and rushed towards one of the main gods.

"Fairy Bliss, this time, you can't escape!"

Lin Fei descended like a tiger, and rushed to the front of Fairy Child Bliss in one step.

Fairy Child of Bliss was taken aback, he didn't dare to fight Lin Fei alone, and turned around in fright.

"Haha, can you escape!"

Lin Fei laughed and raised the sword in his hand.

The long sword was extremely sharp and cut everything, breaking through the various defenses of Fairy Boy of Bliss and slicing him in the neck.

puff! The blood spattered, and the fairy boy of Bliss groaned, and his body was shocked. At the same time, his head fell off and was thrown into the void.

"Lin Fei, you must die!"

The soul body of the Fairy Boy of Bliss screamed and fled to the distance.

call out! Lin Fei stepped forward, a mysterious law of reincarnation, rippling out, enveloped this piece of time and space.

This time and space began to reverse reincarnation! Especially time, it starts to go backwards! Bliss Fairy found that he was struggling to move, and could not help but let out a scream of fear.

Then, Lin Fei's figure was already strangely in front of the Fairy Boy of Bliss and stopped him.

"You can't escape."

Lin Fei raised the sword in his hand and cut it into two with a sword.

Then, he stretched out his big hand and grabbed the spirit body of Fairy Boy of Bliss.

A powerful Lord God, at this moment, in front of Lin Fei, appeared very weak and slaughtered at will! "Ah, Lin Fei, let me go!"

Bliss Fairy yelled in horror.

"is it possible."

Lin Fei smiled, and forcibly sealed the spirit body of Fairy Boy of Bliss and hid it.

"it's your turn!"

Lin Feizhan's starting method, just one step, rushed to the front of the other main god, and shouted.

Lin Fei directly used the soul-clearing technique, a series of invisible law runes, appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness of this main god, to clear his mind, memory, thinking, etc.

Immediately, this main **** felt that his soul body felt a little dizzy.

puff! Lin Fei took this opportunity to punch out several consecutive punches, smashing the body of the main god.

Then, a sword cut his soul body in half.

"Ah! Save me!"

The main **** was so scared that he ran away desperately.

"You can't escape!"

Lin Fei stepped forward, slashing several swords, and slashed the soul body of the main **** to pieces, and his injuries were very serious.

Then, Lin Fei copied it with his hands and grabbed the soul body of the main **** in his hand.

It's just that, in a moment, two consecutive main gods fell into Lin Fei's hands! The other main gods were frightened and moved away from Lin Fei subconsciously.

These main gods originally belonged to the top masters in the world.

But now, in front of Lin Fei, he was terrified and kept shrinking.

"Didn't you just say that you must kill me today.

I'm here, come here, let's fight! "

Lin Fei yelled very happily.

call out! Lin Feizhan started to move towards the main gods.

However, those main gods were all scared by Lin Fei! Seeing Lin Fei rushing over, the first reaction was to escape! Wow... dozens of main gods, all of a sudden, all fled, fleeing into the distance.

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