Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4056: Breath of death

"No, if this continues, the losses of the swordsmen will get worse.

I must deal with this old guy as soon as possible. "

Lin Fei's divine consciousness perceives the situation of the battle outside and finds that the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for the people in the sword world.

However, the ancestor of the sword tyrant in front of him, although only a clone, was very terrifying in strength, and he was inextricably beaten with Lin Fei.

For a while, Lin Fei was unable to win.

"Haha, ancestor, good news.

Our sword world army has already gained the upper hand, and the sword world will be defeated! Conquer the sword world, today! "

"As long as you kill Lin Fei, the sword world will fall into the hands of our sword world!"

...The eight master gods of the sword world are all very excited.

"No, I must kill this old guy right away!"

Lin Fei was also a little anxious.

"By the way, he is just a clone.

Although the combat power is very strong.

However, his soul body is incomplete.

It just possesses a part of the soul energy.

I should focus on using magical knowledge and secret skills to deal with him! "

Lin Fei's mind suddenly flashed.

next moment.

Rumble...In Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, the divine consciousness power as vast as the deep sea roared violently.

The soul tree, soul heart, soul dragon, and chaos ice lotus four soul treasures are activated at the same time, releasing an astonishing amount of soul energy.

It can be said that at this moment, Lin Fei mobilized almost all of his soul energy, without reservation! then.

Excalibur! Soul cleaning! The secret method of the puppet line! These three divine soul secret techniques are currently mastered by Lin Fei. Among them, the highest level and most powerful divine soul secret technique was simultaneously used and attacked the sword tyrant ancestor.

laugh! The pitch-black Divine Punishment Sword rushed to the center of the eyebrows of the ancestor Daoba.

Boom... A net woven by invisible laws and chains, exuding thick fog, ignoring all obstacles, and covering the soul of the ancestor of the sword.

The dense red lines of puppets, like red sharp arrows, shot at the soul body of the ancestor Blademaster like a heavy rain.


The ancestor of Blademaster couldn't help but secretly startled.

He couldn't think that this kid in front of him had such terrible soul energy.

Moreover, he also mastered such a powerful divine and soul secret technique.

"Boy, would I still be afraid of you, ancestor!"

Dao Pa ancestor roared.

Huh huh huh... Pieces of mystery and soul treasures appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge of the ancestor Blademaster, all activated and piled up together to form an airtight defensive wall.


Boom...In the sea of ​​consciousness of the ancestor of the sword tyrant, there are countless divine soul formations, which are activated at the same time, layered on top of each other, hiding his sea of ​​consciousness [eighth area] among them.

"Haha, boy, it's not that easy if you want to deal with the ancestors with the mystery of the soul."

Dao Pao ancestor laughed wildly.

Generally speaking, the soul body of a clone is incomplete.

In terms of spiritual energy and spiritual consciousness, only a part of the body is possessed.

Therefore, many powerful people will protect the sea of ​​consciousness of their clones very tightly, and even spend a lot of effort and secret treasures.

The ancestor of the sword tyrant has a high position and rich wealth, so he spent a lot of money to protect the sea of ​​knowledge of this clone.

"Hey..." Lin Fei sneered.

next moment.

"Slaves, all give up your soul energy!"

Lin Fei shouted.

Immediately, outside, all of Lin Fei's **** slaves received the master's call.

As a result, all **** slaves took the initiative to release their **** soul energy.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and used the secret method of the thread of the puppet to invoke the secret method of the slave's spirit energy.

Rumble...In the void, the endless spirit energy, like a piece of ocean, surging crazily, roaring, and continuously, converging towards Lin Fei's location, and finally poured into Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

As a result, Lin Fei's knowledge of the sea, the breath released steadily increased.

Even behind Lin Fei's head, a dazzling circle of energy appeared, which made Lin Fei very sacred.

"Old guy, I will kill you today!"

Lin Fei yelled.

The power of the Excalibur Sword, the Clear Soul Technique, the Secret Technique of the Puppet's Thread, and the Three Soul Secret Techniques instantly increased dozens of times, even hundreds of times! Simultaneously.

There is also the mighty power of divine consciousness, which turned into a torrent, directly bombarding the sea of ​​knowledge of the ancestor of the sword.

Puff puff puff...In the sea of ​​knowledge of the ancestor of the sword tyrant, those numerous divine soul artifacts and divine soul magic arrays were constantly blown up like bubbles in the sun.

"Ah! How is it possible!"

Patriarch's face changed drastically, and he roared.

He is a little hard to deal with this level of spirit attack! then.

Peng... Lin Fei's body unexpectedly burst out of a blazing flame! Lin Fei ignited his original blood! Rumble...The world's mighty power in Lin Fei's body, being induced, began to spurt out frantically, as if hundreds of millions of volcanoes were erupting at the same time.

The aura of Lin Fei's whole person continued to rise, and endless energy began to rise from Lin Fei's body.

This piece of time and space began to shake crazily.

Kaka...In the depths of the void, the space barriers began to rang out, seeming to be overwhelmed.

Boom...The space keeps experiencing violent big explosions, and one after another exploding mushroom cloud keeps flying into the air.

"Old guy, go to hell!"

Lin Fei yelled.

Shoo! Three identical Lin Fei appeared.

Rumble...One of them, Lin Fei, holding a long sword in his hand, jumped up abruptly, and slaughtered towards the Dao Patriarch.

At this moment, all the mighty powers of the world, the level of kendo, the energy of kendo, and all the most subtle kendo secret skills in the world are all blessed on the long sword and beheaded to the ancestor of the sword.


The other two Lin Fei also displayed various martial arts secrets they had cultivated.

Origin Ultimate Heart Sword Style, Wan Jian Dynasty Sect, Heart Sword, Various Chaos Origin Law Energy, Tai Last Zhou Tian Induction Chapter, Tianjin Clan Inheritance Secrets...Three Lin Fei, from three different perspectives, all are The body technique was used to the extreme, incredibly fast.

All of a sudden, he rushed to the side of Dao Pa ancestor.

It can be said that Lin Fei is already doing his best.

At this moment, he showed his strongest combat power.

Moreover, it is under the condition of igniting the original blood and burning self! One can imagine how terrifying the power is! "Boy, I played with you!"

The ancestor of the sword tyrant panicked completely, frightened and angry, and roared.


Both sides shouted at the same time.

Boom...This space has an amazing energy explosion. Time and space are annihilated in an instant! Bang Bang Bang...The eight sword world master gods, let alone come up to help, under the terrible energy impact, they couldn't even stand, each of them was so shaken that they were thrown out on the spot, and they were also injured.

Boom... Lin Fei and Daoba Patriarch were crazy, head-to-head, and tore them with all their strength.

After a few tricks.

The two sides got red eyes.

Completely, it means head-to-head, without any fakes, it means head-to-head! The two confronted each other with terrifying lethality, which made the years of this time and space unstable.

Within the range of billions of miles, time began to countercurrent, space was twisted like a twist, and one illusory world continued to emerge and shattered.

There are illusions! The fierce battle between the two actually affected the stability of the long river.

Boom... Lin Fei went crazy and attacked hard.


After all, he was just a clone, and when Lin Fei ignited the original blood and stimulated his potential, he couldn't beat Lin Fei.

at last.

boom! The right arm of the ancestor Daoba was cut off by a sword.

what! The Patriarch Patriarch screamed, and felt the breath of death for the first time.

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