Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4057: Kill the ancestor of the sword master

"Go to hell!"

Lin Fei roared and attacked even more frantically.

boom! The head of the ancestor of the sword tyrant was chopped into pieces by a sword and exploded into a cloud of blood.

boom! The long sword passed across the sky, cutting off the body of the Dao Pao ancestor.

"Ah! Boy, you dare to treat ancestors like this, I won't let you go!"

Dao Pa ancestor cried out miserably.

boom! The answer to him was Lin Fei's fist, which smashed his body with one punch and exploded into a cloud of blood.


Lin Fei urged all the spirit energy and consciousness power, slammed towards the sea of ​​consciousness of the ancestor of the sword, and forcibly crushed it.

"Ah! Boy, you can't die!"

Dao Pa ancestor roared.


puff! The ancestor Blademaster's sea of ​​consciousness, like a bubble, was completely blown up.

boom! His body, along with it, exploded directly.

The fighting stopped and the smoke gradually dissipated.

This piece of time and space slowly returned to a clear and bright scene.

"It's finished, call it a day!"

Lin Fei stood in the void and completely relaxed.


Lin Fei grabbed it with a big hand, grabbed the ancient altar below, and grabbed the altar directly in his hand.

The battle just now, although very fierce, was very destructive.

However, what made Lin Fei rest assured was that this ancient altar was completely undamaged.

"The cross-border teleportation formation is finally here."

Lin Fei's heart was completely relaxed.

"Not good! Patriarch ancestor, seems to be dead!"

In the distance, the eight master gods of the sword world finally reacted at this moment.

The battle just now was too fierce, and the fighting energy that erupted was too terrifying.

The eight of them can barely be seen, and the two vague figures are fighting fiercely. They can't see the specific fighting situation at all.

Therefore, they did not see the scene in which Lin Fei killed the Dao Ba ancestor.

Until now, they finally determined that their idol, the first person in the sword world, the ancestor of the sword, was actually killed! "How could it be like this! Impossible! The ancestor of the sword tyrant is invincible in the world, how can it be killed by this kid!"

"Am I dazzled, I am wrong!"

...The eight master gods of the sword world could not accept this fact at all for a while.

Because, in their minds, the ancestor of the sword tyrant has boundless mana, omnipotence, and invincible in the world.

Even if it is just a clone, it is impossible to be killed! "You are not mistaken.

That old guy has been killed by me.

Soon, it will be your turn. "

Lin Fei's indifferent gaze scanned the past.

However, Lin Fei did not deal with the eight master gods of the sword world for the time being.

Because, at this time, outside, the battle situation is very unfavorable for the swordsmen.

call out! Lin Fei directly showed the starting method and rushed out.

In just one step, Lin Fei rushed out of the headquarters of the knife world army and came outside.

"Wan Jian Chaozong!"

Lin Fei gave a soft drink.

call out! A small sword carried terrifying energy and slashed out at an astonishing speed.

Pupu...Where the little sword passed, the creatures of the sword world continued to explode, their bodies and spirits vanished.

boom! The long sword in Lin Fei's hand was also cut out suddenly.

This is flying swordsmanship.

With Lin Fei's current level of kendo, the power of using Fei Jianshu again was terrifying.

Rumble...The long sword is flying across the sky and above the blade, dragging thousands of epee waves, like a vast ocean, spreading out like a vast expanse of white.

Puff puff puff...Where the flying sword passed, no creature in the knife world could resist for a moment.

"Sword formation, right."

Lin Fei flickered, and came to a battle formation.

In the battlefield, there are many such battle formations.

Each battle formation consists of 10,000 sword repairs.

Above each battle formation, there is an old war knife floating, continuously cutting out, the power is very terrifying.

It is because of the existence of these battle formations that the swordsmen are unable to resist and are losing ground.

"Okay, let me try, how powerful is the battle formation in the knife world."

Lin Fei let out a loud roar, and blasted the sword that was floating above the battle formation with a punch.

The fist keeps magnifying, and the surging power of the world is blessed on the fist.

"No, there are strong enemies!"

At this time, the 10,000 sword repairmen who formed the battle formation discovered Lin Fei and shouted one by one.

boom! The war knife above the battle formation was activated and cut out suddenly.


Lin Fei's fist collided with the sword.

Rumbling... the fist and the saber fisted for only a moment.

puff! The sword was blown up directly.


"How could this happen, our battlefield was broken!"

Those knife repairs screamed one by one, and couldn't believe it.

You know, these battle formations are hard to break even if the main **** comes.

As a result, now, after being punched, it was blasted! "Huh, that's all!"

Lin Fei sneered.

Then, Lin Fei's figure flashed, and he had come before the second battle formation.


Lin Fei yelled, his fist blasted out, and another battle formation was broken instantly.

Next, Lin Fei Zhan's departure method, going back and forth in the battlefield, broke one battle after another wherever he went.

The greatest reliance of the sword world army is these battle formations.

Now, the battlefield is constantly being broken.

The combat effectiveness of the sword world army has plummeted.

More importantly, the military spirit is shaken! As for the people in the sword world, when they saw Lin Fei appear just now, they were already very excited, and their military spirits were greatly lifted.

Now, seeing Lin Fei show off his power and break one battle after another, he was even more energetic. Each one seemed to be beaten up with high spirits and started a crazy counterattack! All of a sudden.

The situation began to change.

The defeat of the swordsmen began to reverse.

"The big thing is not good, the ancestor Daoba is dead!"

At this moment, the eight sword world master gods rushed out from the headquarters of the sword world army.

They confirmed again and again just now and finally affirmed one thing.

The ancestor of the sword tyrant, really real, has been killed! Although it was just a clone of Daoba Patriarch, it was also a major event! Especially for this army of swordsmen, that is simply tantamount to the sky falling.

Because this clone of the ancestor of the sword tyrant is the biggest trump card of this army of swordsmen! "what?

Dao Pa ancestor is dead! How could this be! "

"Oh my god, the ancestor of the sword tyrant is invincible, how could it be killed by others!"

...This news is like dropping a blockbuster among the army of the knife world, and it blows everyone up with horror and horror! In this way, the army of the knife world is even more shaken! "Kill!"

The people in the sword world were full of fighting spirits, desperate and launched a charge.

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