Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4058: No escape

"You come to deal with these battle formations, the main **** of the knife world, let me deal with it!"

Lin Fei sent a voice transmission to the main gods in the sword world.

At this time, Lin Fei had broken many battle formations, knowing that masters at the main **** level could completely break those battle formations.

The main gods of the three major forces in the sword world were still fighting against the main gods of the sword world. After receiving Lin Fei's voice transmission, they backed away.

"Where to run!"

The main gods of the sword world have chased up.

call out! Lin Fei was in the shape of electricity, blocking the way.

"Your opponent is me!"

Lin Fei sneered.

laugh! Lin Fei displayed the Wanjian Dynasty Sect, a small sword slashed out and aimed at one of the sword master gods.


The sword master god, feeling the danger, roared.

He tried his best, holding a machete, blooming with the hob, and blocking forward.

Boom... The attacks of the two sides violently collided, and the terrifying collision energy, like a flood, rushed wildly in all directions.

boom! The master **** of the sword world was thrown out by a shock on the spot, spurting blood again and again.


Lin Fei stepped forward with a weird body style, and immediately chased him up, slashing over with a sword.

what! The master of the sword world could not think of Lin Fei's body style, so fast, could not help screaming in panic.

Because Lin Fei put too much pressure on him.

The energy pressure released by Lin Fei made him feel very depressed, and even had a little difficulty breathing.

"help me!"

Facing Lin Fei's attack, the sword master **** had no power to fight back, and he roared in horror.

puff! The long sword passed by, cutting him to pieces and turning into a cloud of blood.

call out! Lin Feizhan's departure method changed his body shape and instantly came to another master of the sword world.

"go to hell!"

Lin Fei descended like a tiger, and the **** of death descended. The long sword in his hand bloomed with hundreds of millions of sword lights and cut it over.

At the same time, the spirit-clearing technique was used, an invisible large net, exuding a black mist, covering the soul of the master **** of the sword world.

what! The master of the sword world was terrified, he didn't dare to resist, turned and ran.

However, Lin Fei was much faster than him.

puff! The long sword fell on his body and cut his body in half from head to toe on the spot.

"Everyone, be careful, this kid's combat power is terrible, if we separate, it will not be his opponent.

Everyone joined forces to deal with him.

Don't give him a chance to break one by one! "

A master **** of the sword world yelled.

Immediately, all the master gods of the sword world all besieged Lin Fei.

These sword world master gods knew in their hearts that even the ancestor of the sword tyrant could kill the kid in front of them, and they couldn't be opponents alone if they were alone.

"That's right! Come up together, don't waste my time!"

Lin Fei sneered, standing with a sword, her cold eyes like electricity, her clothes dancing wildly, unstoppable.

"Boy Hugh is crazy!"

"Kill this son to avenge the sword tyrant ancestor!"

"Everyone joins forces, I don't believe this kid has three heads and six arms!"

...More than forty masters of the sword world surrounded by supernatural powers, shouting.

They understand that Lin Fei is the core force of the swordsman. If Lin Fei is not killed, no matter how many other swordsmen are killed, it will not be possible to win the final victory.

"Stop talking nonsense! Come and die!"

Lin Fei's gaze swept around, looking down at the formidable enemy, his eyes gleaming, like two heavenly swords cutting the void, the breath made all the surrounding creatures directly tremble.

boom! Lin Fei was the first to attack, with a long sword in his hand, slashing out across the air, continuously zooming in, covering the sky, and slashing forward.

The mighty power of the world, and the endless kendo energy, blessed on the sword body, magnificent and majestic, shaking the universe.

"Boy, I played with you!"

A tall man with dark purple skin rushed to Lin Fei and shouted.

It is Jinpeng Sword King.

He had already moved hands with Lin Fei before, and he was beaten to pieces by Lin Fei and was very unconvinced.

boom! Jinpeng Knife King held a golden sword in his hand, zooming in continuously, and slashed towards Lin Fei like a golden mountain.

Lin Fei smiled coldly and swung out the long sword, blocking it.

when! Jinpeng Knife King was shocked to retreat on the spot, his face changed drastically.

Lin Fei was just a smooth blow, and he almost couldn't resist it.

By now he has thoroughly understood how big the gap between the two sides is.

Before it was ridiculous, he looked down on Lin Fei very much, and kept saying that he would kill Lin Fei.

puff! The long sword in Lin Fei's hand was cut again. It looked like an ordinary sword, but it was full of thousands of the most exquisite swordsmanship in the world.

Jinpeng Knife King realized that he couldn't escape at all.


King Jinpeng Knife roared and turned into a huge Jinpeng bird, glowing golden light all over his body, like gold casting.

He planned to use his flesh and blood to resist Lin Fei's long sword.

However, the long sword slashed on his body, causing his bones to explode, and he couldn't bear it.

what! King Jinpeng Sword screamed, and the Soul Body appeared not far away, trying to escape.

Lin Fei grabbed it.

Lin Fei's big hands contained amazing energy, various chaotic origin laws, and even powerful divine and soul energy.

Although Jinpeng Sword King's soul body struggled desperately, it was unable to break free from Lin Fei's big hand.

Finally, Lin Fei imprisoned his soul body and hid it.

This scene was seen by the other master gods of the sword world, all of them were not afraid, and extremely frightened.

Lin Fei's combat power made their scalp numb and their hearts tremble.

They found that the master of the main **** level was in front of Lin Fei, as weak as a baby! "Only the ancestor of Daoba has this kind of strength.

Could it be said that the strength of this kid can really be compared with the ancestor of Daoba? "

Every sword master **** thought of this in his heart and felt fear.

For a while, they all seemed to retreat, not daring to attack.

"Boy, do you dare to imprison the main **** of my knife world, this is an endless situation with our knife world!"

There was a cold light in the eyes of an old man, very bitter and murderous, but there was a sense of powerlessness.

"Since the moment your sword world army invaded the sword world, it has long been an endless situation.

Over the years, the number of sword world creatures who have died tragically because of your sword world invasion is beyond count.

Such a monstrous blood debt, do you think there is still the possibility of reconciliation between the sword world and the sword world. "

Lin Fei responded coldly.

"Well, stop talking nonsense and do it.

It is you who choose to self-discipline.

Or I will blow you up one by one! "

Lin Fei scolded coldly, his tone was cold and merciless.

boom! Lin Fei took the initiative, raised his hand, and a sword light flew out, shining brightly, tearing the void and beheading it.

"Kill! We fought him!"

The main gods of the knife world bite the bullet and besieged Lin Fei one by one.

Because they found that they had no way to escape.

The avatar of the ancestor Blademaster, personally guarded the large cross-border teleportation formation, has fallen into the hands of Lin Fei.

These main gods of the sword world have no way to leave the sword world! This means that their back path has been cut off! Except for working hard with Lin Fei, there is no escape at all!

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