Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4084: Re-enter the battle mound

Ren Shanshan had disappeared a long time ago, and Lin Fei had personally searched for it.

But if I found the clue here, I broke it.

The place where Ren Shanshan last moved seemed to be right in front of the door of the virtual spirit world.

So Lin Fei guessed that Ren Shanshan most likely has entered the virtual spirit world.

"I don't know how to enter this highest world."

Lin Fei stood before the gate and said to herself.

In the past, when these portals of the highest world just appeared in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, they once caused a sensation, and many creatures came here to watch the excitement.

But now there are no more creatures, so come to watch these portals of the highest world.

Because everyone knows that even the Lord God has no way to enter the portal of these highest worlds.

Come is for nothing.

So it's off the beaten path and looks very desolate.

"These portals of the Supreme World are too strong, and even Dijiang can't break through it. I guess it's the same for me.

I don’t know, is there any other way to get in? "

Lin Fei thought in his heart.

"The creatures in the highest world are generally much stronger than the creatures in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Miss Ren entered this supreme world too risky, I hope he is safe. "

For a while, Lin Fei felt a little helpless, shook his head and sighed.

Then, Lin Fei Zhan's departure method, returned to the position of the three thousand worlds.

Here used to be a huge world group, but now it has become a ruin.

Back then, this place was destroyed by Dijiang himself.

Lin Fei walked in this dilapidated ruin, boundless fragments of time and space, roaring, whizzing, and rushing towards his face, a feeling of sadness could not help but burst into his heart.

And here used to be so prosperous and so lively, leaving many memories of Lin Fei.

This is Lin Fei's real hometown! "Dijiang, wait, I will avenge this one day!"

Lin Fei gritted his teeth and said.


Suddenly, Lin Fei's expression changed, and his stern gaze fixed somewhere in front of him.

"It's a bit weird here."

Lin Fei stepped forward and came to this space.

"There is a world hidden here, which almost concealed my perception."

Lin Fei said to himself.

"This location used to be where the gods occupy the mound.

Could it be..." Lin Fei had a guess in his heart.

"Okay! See if I can get in!"

Lin Fei immediately displayed various laws related to time and space, and moved forward into a hidden space.

At the same time, Lin Fei released the various energies he possessed, blessed on his body, crushing the time and space ahead.

Lin Fei's body seemed to have turned into a drill bit, moving through the space ahead.

Less than two breaths.


Come in! "

What surprised Lin Fei, he successfully entered! Originally, Lin Fei thought it would take a lot of effort, but he didn't expect it to be so easy.

This is a gray space, full of strong evil spirits raging everywhere, a hideous beast came out of the thick gray mist, roaring and roaring in a low voice.

However, these monsters did not pounce on Lin Fei.

Because the aura released by Lin Fei was too strong, it was impossible to suppress these beasts at all.

Lin Fei stepped into the depths of this space.

All the evil spirits and evil beasts disappeared.

A clear space and time appeared in front of him, and a huge gray palace was floating in the void.

Two huge monsters crouched at the gate of the palace, staring at Lin Fei with huge eyes like stars.

"Two seniors, we meet again."

Lin Fei's eyes also looked at the two huge monsters.

Lin Fei had seen these two monsters before.

Lin Fei also knew that the gray palace guarded by these two monsters led to the sea of ​​absolute space! Because the two monsters once took Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac into the gray palace, and finally teleported into the sea of ​​absolute space through an altar.

That was the first time Lin Fei entered the Absolute Space Sea, and so far, the only time.

The space outside the chaotic space is the absolute space sea.

The absolute space sea, also called the ultimate space, is the highest level space and the end of all spaces.

All chaotic spaces were born in the sea of ​​absolute space, and eventually, will die in the sea of ​​absolute space.

In a word, the sea of ​​absolute space is the ultimate destination of all spaces.

"Young man, I didn't expect you to come here again."

Of course, those two monsters also recognized Lin Fei.

They also showed a smile to Lin Fei.

"Young man, you really amaze me. In such a short period of time, you have actually stood at the same level as us.

Maybe we can no longer call you a young man.

Your strength is the same as ours. "

One of the beasts said to Lin Fei in admiration.

"Young man, a talent like you is really rare in the world, at least this is the first time I have encountered it."

The other monster also sighed.

"You two seniors have been rewarded, and I will always be a junior in front of you."

Lin Fei said respectfully.

"Very well, it's very rare for you to not be arrogant or rash as a young man.

However, don't restrain yourself anymore in front of us. With your current strength, you are indeed at the same level as us. "

Said a monster.

"Two seniors, haven't you been discovered by Dijiang back then?"

Lin Fei asked curiously.

"Back then, before the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast entered the three-thousand-size world, we concealed this space in advance.

It was not discovered by him. "

One of the monsters said.

"The two seniors are so clever!"

Lin Fei exclaimed.

It is very difficult to hide a piece of space and hide from Di Jiang's perception.

So, don't ask, the two monsters in front of you must be very clever in terms of time and space, so that they can hide from Dijiang.

"Our space does not belong to the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and can be separated at any time."

A monster explained.

"That's it."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Two seniors, I want to ask one thing.

How are my nine friends now?

It's all okay. "

Lin Fei asked aloud.

Back then, Lin Fei inadvertently broke into this place because he was looking for the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints.

Later, I learned that the goblin and the eight-stone saints were sent into a supreme world by these two evil beasts and practiced in it.

"They are all very nice, do you want to see them."

One of the monsters said.

"Of course!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

Not long ago, Ye Fei returned to God of Fallen Valley and learned that Azi had been practicing in retreat for more than a hundred years. He hadn't left the customs for more than a hundred years. Even when Lin Fei came back, he didn't show up. It is estimated that he is in the urgent need of cultivation Juncture.

As for the goblin, Lin Fei has not seen each other for a long time.

You know, Azi and the goblin, when they were still in the Yuan Wu realm, and Lin Fei had already travelled the world together with Lin Fei.

Having not seen them for so long, Lin Fei naturally missed them very much.

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