Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4085: The world within the cliff

"Well, I will take you to meet them."

One of the monsters said.

"Thank you senior."

Lin Fei said.

Then Lin Fei separated a clone and returned it to the boundless chaotic sea.

The main purpose is to monitor the actions of Dijiang.

"follow me."

It leads the way.

"Thank you senior!"

Lin Fei immediately followed.

Under the leadership of this beast, he walked into the palace.

Inside the palace, there is a thick gray fog of confusion, boundless, seemingly endless.

The beast strode forward, and Lin Fei followed behind, surrounded by turbulent gray fog.

What surprised Lin Fei was that the body of this beast was very mysterious.

It doesn't seem to be too slow or slow, but every step you take is through the distant time and space.

Time and space are constantly changing beside it.

Lin Fei tried his best to keep up with it.

"so amazing."

Lin Fei couldn't help but secretly marveled in his heart, knowing that Lin Fei's current body style was far more powerful than the average Lord God.

But before this monster, there is no sense of superiority! quickly.

An ancient altar appeared in front of it, exuding a strong mottled breath of time.

The evil beast stepped onto the altar, and Lin Fei followed.

A powerful force of time and space transmission, like a wave, flooded the entire altar.

Then, Lin Fei and the evil beast were both teleported away.

After a while.

"We have arrived."

The monster said to Lin Fei.

This is a dark void, very depressed and dull.

There is almost no light.

But for Lin Fei and the evil beast, whether there is light or not has no effect.

Because you can perceive the surrounding environment with God's consciousness, and see clearly.

"They are there."

Shamon pointed to a stone gate in front and said.

This stone gate is on a very tall stone wall.

This stone wall didn't know how big it was, it stretched out from top to bottom and left to right, and Lin Fei's divine consciousness could not perceive it.

"The inside of this stone wall is actually a supreme world, and all of your nine friends are in it."

Said the beast.

"The inside of a stone wall is actually a supreme world! Is it really like Buddhism said, a flower and a grass, a sand and a stone, all are the world."

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

The way of time and space is really wonderful.

"Yes, the way of time and space is indeed very wonderful.

Even if the cultivation level reaches the realm of the main god, he dare not say that he has a true understanding of the law of time and space.

Perhaps only by reaching the ultimate step can we truly see through the path of time and space. "

The monster also sighed.

"Go, let's go in."

The evil beast led the way, like the stone gate on the stone wall, and walked over.

Before walking to the stone gate, the beast spit out a spell, and the stone gate opened automatically.

Walking into Shimen is a winding passage.

There are white stone walls on both sides of the passage, engraved with mysterious lines.

Continue to walk along the passage, and I don’t know how long it took to finally reach the end of the passage.

Out of the passage, there is a chaotic void in front of him.

The vast void is filled with light blue mist, which covers hundreds of billions of miles around.

In the void, there are dazzling stars, densely packed, and the number is incalculable, forming a dazzling galaxy, like a silver ribbon floating in the boundless void.

"It really is a supreme world! And this supreme world, compared to the sword world, the overall strength seems to be much stronger!"

Lin Fei looked at the vast chaotic void in front of him and couldn't help but marvel.

"Yes, this supreme world is indeed stronger than those connected to the boundless chaotic sea."

The monster nodded and said.

"It's really incredible to open up a supreme world within a stone wall."

Lin Fei sighed.

"For our Lord God, such a method is of course unimaginable, but for the Chaos God, it is not worth mentioning."

The monster said with a smile.

"Senior, is the legend true?

Every supreme world is actually the place where Chaos God once practiced in retreat.

Most of the Supreme World was actually opened up by the Chaos God. "

Lin Fei asked in a loud voice when he heard the evil beast's words.

"Yes, this legend is indeed true."

The monster nodded.

"It turns out that it really is.

Every supreme world was created by Chaos God himself! "

Lin Fei felt a little shocked.

Lin Fei had heard Tianluo Jianzi say before, and now he is here with this beast and has been affirmed.

Lin Fei knew that this beast had an extraordinary origin, and the credibility of what he said was very high.

"Well, I will summon your nine friends now."

The monster said in a loud voice.

Then it sent out the Nine Paths of Divine Sense Transmission.

After a few breaths.

In the chaotic void in the distance, nine figures appeared, turning into nine light spots, coming here quickly.

Lin Fei took a closer look.

Sure enough, it is a goblin and eight stone saints.

"Lin Fei, it's you! You actually came here!"

The goblin was surprised and happy when he saw Lin Fei at a glance, and couldn't believe it.

"I read it right! It seems to be Brother Lin Fei!"

"How is it possible, isn't Lin Fei in the boundless sea of ​​chaos?

How can I find it here! "

"You can't go wrong, it is indeed Lin Fei, let's go over there!"

...The Eight Stone Saints were also very shocked, before they came, they shouted one by one.

Soon, both the goblin and the eight-stone saint rushed in front of Lin Fei.

"Brother Lin Fei, it really is you!"

After confirming that it was Lin Fei, he punched Lin Fei on the shoulder.

"Lin Fei, long time no see!"

The other seven stone saints also stepped forward, surrounded Lin Fei, very rough, either palms or punches, banging Lin Fei's body.

Fortunately, Lin Fei's body was already hard to the point of a kind of abnormality, letting the Eight Stone Saints beat them, there would be no pain at all.

"Not bad, all of you are true gods! And, all of you are high-level gods true gods! The progress is so great! All of you are big perverts!"

Lin Fei was shocked to find that the goblin and the Eight Stone Saints were actually the strength of the upper gods! "In just over a hundred years, how can you do it!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised.

"Lin Fei, you are underestimating us by saying that.

Look at yourself, you are already half-step master gods, we are the upper gods true gods.

What is surprising. "

The goblin curled his lips and said.

"Over the years, we have been able to have such achievements, mainly due to the cultivation of the two seniors."

The eight-stone saint looked at the evil beast, and looked very respectful.

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