Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4090: Mother tree

"Brother Lin Fei, honestly, what realm is your current strength equivalent to."

The saint asked.

"Hard to say.

So-so, even half the main god.

It's just that I have certain attainments in the laws of time and space. "

Lin Fei answered with a smile.

"Half the main god?

Impossible, in my opinion, it must be equivalent to the main **** level. "

Wu Shi Sheng shook his head and said.

"Don't worry about so much. Anyway, if these two races come to us again, don't take any action and let me deal with them."

Lin Fei said.

"How can this work, brother is in trouble, how can we stand by and watch.

If you want to fight, fight together. "

The Great Sage waved the stone stick in his hand.

The void in the distance.

"That young man is terrible.

A light wave will control us all, and another wave will throw us so far away.

It's incredible to have such a terrifying combat power at such a young age.

In short, this young man is not something we can handle.

Let's go back to the ancestral land and report to the ancestors in the clan. "

A dozen high-ranking gods of the face tribe, Zhenshen, discussed it.

"Go! Let's go back to the ancestral land!"

They took the army of this face clan, and headed back to the ancestral land.

"Brother Lin Fei, look at the wooden puppet clan's army also coming, it must be to trouble you."

At this time, the Great Sage said suddenly.

I saw an army coming aggressively in the void in the distance.

The densely packed wooden puppets, like tides, ran in the void, causing the entire void to shake like a violent earthquake.

Although the wooden puppet clan is very short and small, each one is naturally powerful.

With the arrival of the wooden puppet clan army, a kind of thick green fog is permeated in this void. These thick green fog is actually a special law, and this space must be sealed.

It can be seen that the strong men in the wooden puppet clan army released the law energy from a long distance to seal Lin Fei and the others.

"It's weird. The team of wooden puppets was caught by Brother Lin Fei all at once. There shouldn't be time to react and there is no way to send the information back in time.

How did this wooden puppet clan army receive the news? "

The Five Stone Saints are a bit strange.

"Don't forget, the wooden puppets are naturally good at mental strength.

Mental strength is invisible and colorless, and there is no way to perceive them. Even if I grab them, they can still transmit information back through their mental strength.

Mental strength is a very mysterious energy that cannot be guarded against. "

Lin Fei said with a smile.

While they were talking, the army of the wooden puppet clan had already arrived in front of him.

"I know you, Eight Stone Saints and Goblins, nine true gods.

Who the **** is this kid, and why should he take action against our wooden puppet clan! Say! Boy, where did you get our wooden puppet clan people? "

A wooden puppet clan exuding a powerful aura stepped forward and asked Lin Fei harshly.

This wooden puppet clan is an upper **** true god.

In this army of wooden puppet clan, there are also more than a dozen high-level gods.

"They are here."

Lin Fei teleported all the wooden puppets from the human world in his body.

Many of the wooden puppet clan's soul bodies have exploded, leaving only a lifeless body.

Those wooden puppets who were still alive were sealed by Lin Fei and could not move.

"Master Mu Qing, save us.

This kid killed many of us! Don't let him go! "

Immediately, those wooden puppets who were sealed by Lin Fei yelled.

"Boy, how dare you kill our wooden puppet clan, looking for death! Launch an attack!"

The leader of this wooden puppet clan army gave an order.


Immediately this army of wooden puppet clan launched a terrible charge.

The weapons used by every wooden puppet clan are heavy weapons, very large and scary in weight.

The tide-like wooden puppet clan, brandishing countless heavy weapons, rushed towards Lin Fei, shaking this space constantly and violently.

The scene is very vast.


There are many wooden puppet clan, in the process of charging, launched a mental attack.

A continuous stream of energy, Xiang Lin Fei, as well as the Eight Stone Saints, goblins, attacked.

Even Lin Fei could not resist the mental attack, nor could he dodge in advance.

A series of heart attacks, infiltrated into the body, causing the Eight Stone Saints and the goblins to grin in pain and pale.

Only Lin Fei didn't feel it. For Lin Fei, these mental attacks were like being bitten by a mosquito. It didn't make much difference.

The mental strength displayed by these wooden puppet tribe army is far inferior to Lin Fei's mental strength cultivation.

"You woods, roll over and eat me a stick!"

The great sage roared.

The stone rod in his hand was constantly enlarged, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a huge mountain range, swept towards the wooden puppet clan army.

Bang bang bang...The sound of dull stones and wood clashing constantly sounded, and countless wooden puppets were thrown far away.

The body was also torn apart.

It's just that the recovery ability of these wooden puppets is amazing. Even if the body is completely shattered, it can be directly reorganized with almost no loss.

The other stone sages were also enraged. They waved the stone sticks in their hands, rushed up, and ran rampantly. With every stick they hit, a large piece of wooden puppet clan flew away.

"Well, no need to fight with them, waste time."

Lin Fei was a little helpless.

The eight-stone saint's character is exactly the same as before, especially warlike.

For Lin Fei, the army of these wood ghost tribes was too weak.

"Send me!"

Lin Fei gave a soft drink.

Immediately, the law of time and space, the law of reincarnation, the law of cause and effect, the law of wood, the law of ice and snow, the law of gold, the law of water... all kinds of chaos laws are constantly being released from Lin Fei's body, permeating this space.

In an instant, this space completely became Lin Fei's territory.

All the laws and energy in this space belonged to Lin Fei, and all belonged to Lin Fei.

Every wooden puppet clan found that his body was unable to move.

Even those high-level gods and true gods are the same! "Well, don't move everything.

Now take me to find your mother tree. "

Lin Fei said.

Every wooden puppet clan grows from a big tree.

That big tree is called the mother tree.

Lin Fei felt that if he wanted to understand the mental talent of the wooden puppet clan, it might be best to start with that mother tree, because that mother tree was the source.

"What, do you want to see our mother tree! Don't think about it! Boy, die your heart.

Mother tree is sacred and inviolable! "

The wooden puppets all yelled.

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